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Huggins E.R. — Physics 2000 |
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Experiments II, —4— The neon bulb oscillator 27—28
Experiments II, —5a— Magnetic focusing, space physics 28—30
Experiments II, —5— Motion of electrons in a magnetic field 28—19
Experiments II, —6— Faraday's law air cart speed detector 30—5
Experiments II, —7— Magnetic field mapping using Faraday's law 30—24
Experiments II, —8— Measuring the speed of light with LC circuit 31
Experiments II, —9— LC circuit and Fourier analysis 31—31
Exponential decay Cal-1—32
Exponential decay in LR circuits 31—9
Exponential decay in RC circuits 27—23
Exponential decay, Cornea Optics 31
Exponential decay, Crystalline lens Optics 31
Exponential decay, Eye glasses experiment Optics36
Exponential decay, Eye, human, Ciliary muscle Optics 31
Exponential decay, Indefinite integral of Cal-1—29
Exponential decay, Integral of Cal-1—29
Exponential decay, Introduction to Cal-1—16
Exponential decay, Inverse of the logarithm Cal-1—16
Exponential decay, Series expansion Cal-1—28
Exponential decay, Y to the x power Cal-1—16
Exponential function, derivative of Cal-1—28
Eyepiece Optics 37
F = ma (see also Newton's second law)
F = ma for A twood’s machine 9—16
F = ma for in dined plane 9—10
F = ma for spring pendulum 9—7
F = ma for string forces 9—15
F = ma, Applied to Newton’s law of gravity 8—5
F = ma, Applied to satellite motion 8—8
F = ma, Introduction to 8—4
F = ma, Vector addition of forces 9—6
f number for camera Optics-33
f number for parabolic mirror Optics-5
F(t)=(1)sin(t)+(1/3)sin(3t)+ ..., Fourier analysis of square wave 16—28
Failure of classical physics 17—31
Faraday's law, AC voltage generator 30—21
Faraday's law, Applications of 30—15
Faraday's law, Chapter on 30—1
Faraday's law, Derivation of 30—11
Faraday's law, Field mapping experiment 30—24
Faraday's law, Gaussmeter 30—23
Faraday's law, Induced Voltage 31—4
Faraday's law, Line integral 30—15
Faraday's law, One form of 30—12
Faraday's law, Right hand rule for 30—15
Faraday's law, The betatron 30—16
Faraday's law, Velocity detector 30—25
Faraday's law, Voltage transformer 30—26 (see Experiments II: —6— Faraday's law air cart speed Experiments
Farsightedness Optics-32
Fermi Lab accelerator 28—23
Feynman, R. P. int-14
FFT Data button 16—32
Fiber optics, Introduction to Optics-14
Fiber optics, Medical imaging Optics-15
Field continued, Electromagnetic field 32—18
Field continued, Flux, introduction of concept 24—15
Field continued, Gauss'law 24—20
Field continued, Gravitational field, Definition of 23—3
Field continued, Gravitational field, Inside the earth 24—24
Field continued, Gravitational field, Of point-mass 24—23
Field continued, Gravitational field, Of spherical mass 24—24
Field continued, Magnetic field in coils 28—17
Field continued, Magnetic field in Helmholtz coils 28—18
Field continued, Magnetic field, Between capacitor plates 32—6
Field continued, Magnetic field, Detector, radio waves 32—26
Field continued, Magnetic field, Direction of, north pole 28—11
Field continued, Magnetic field, Gauss's law for (magnetic monopole) 32—2
Field continued, Magnetic field, Interaction with Spin 39—4
Field continued, Magnetic field, Introduction to 28—10
Field continued, Magnetic field, Of a solenoid 29—14
Field continued, Magnetic field, Of a toroid 29—17
Field continued, Magnetic field, Of straight wire 29—11
Field continued, Magnetic field, Surface integral 32—2
Field continued, Magnetic field, Thought experiment on radiated field 32—11
Field continued, Magnetic field, Uniform 28—16
Field continued, Magnetic field, Visualizing using compass needles 28—12
Field continued, Magnetic field, Visualizing using iron filings 28—12
Field continued, Plotting experiment 25—7
Field continued, Vector field, Definition of 23—3
Field continued, Vector field, Two kinds of 30—18
Field continued, Velocity field, Introduction to 23—2
Field continued, Velocity field, Of a line source 23—7
Field continued, Velocity field, Of a point-source 23—6
Field lines, Computer plots, programs for 25—12
Field lines, Electric, Definition of 24—12
Field lines, Electric, Drawing them 24—13
Field lines, Three dimensional model 25—10
Field mapping, Magnetic field of Helmholtz coils 30—24
Field mapping, Magnetic field of solenoid 30—24
Field plots and electric potential, chapter on 25—1
Field, Conserved lines, fluid and electric 24—17
Field, Electric, Circular, line integral for 30—13
Field, Electric, Computer plot of (-3, +5) 24—19
Field, Electric, Continuity equation for 24—14
Field, Electric, Created by changing magnetic flux 31—2
Field, Electric, Direction of circular or induced 31—3
Field, Electric, Inside a conductor 26—1
Field, Electric, Inside hollow metal sphere 26—4
Field, Electric, Integral of - E. dl meter 30—20
Field, Electric, Introduction to 24—10
Field, Electric, Line integral of 30—14
Field, Electric, Mapping convention 24—17
Field, Electric, Mapping with lines 24—12
Field, Electric, Of electromagnet (turned on or off) 30—15
Field, Electric, Of line charge 24—21
Field, Electric, Of static charges 30—2 30—16
Field, Electric, Radiation by line charge 32—28
Field, Electric, Radiation by point-charge 32—30
Field, Electric, Van de Graaff generator 26—6
field, mapping using Faraday's law)
Filament, electron gun 26—9
First maxima of two-slit pattern 33—8
Fission, nuclear 20—3
Fitch, Val, K mesons and the direction of time 18—27
Fluctuations, quantum in empty space 40—25
Fluid dynamics, chapter on 23—1
Fluid flow, viscous effects 23—19
Fluorescence and reflection 40—8
Flux, Calculations, introduction to 24—22
Flux, Definition of 24—15
Flux, magnetic in the betatron 30—16
Flux, magnetic, AC voltage generator 30—21
Flux, magnetic, Definition of 30—11
Flux, magnetic, Faraday's law, Line integral form 30—15
Flux, magnetic, Faraday's law, Voltage form 30—12
Flux, magnetic, Field mapping experiment 30—24
Flux, magnetic, Gaussmeter 30—23
Flux, magnetic, Integral E. dl meter 30—19
Flux, magnetic, Magnetic field detector 32—26
Flux, magnetic, Maxwell's equations 32—8
Flux, magnetic, Velocity detector 30—25
Flux, magnetic, Voltage transformer 30—26
Flux, Of magnetic field 30—11
Flux, Of velocity and electric fields 24—15
Flux, Of velocity field 23—8
Flux, Tubes of flux, definition of 24—17
Focal length for parabolic mirror Optics-5
Focal length, Negative, diverging lenses Optics-26
Focal length, Of a spherical surface 0
Focal length, Ptics 20
Focal length, Two lenses together Optics-29
Focus, Eye, human Optics-32
Focus, Of a parabolic mirror Optics-4
Focus, Of an ellipse 8—26 Optics-3
Focusing Optics 32
Focusing of sound waves 8—26 Optics-3
Focusing, Cones Optics 31
Focusing, Introduction Optics 31
Focusing, Iris Optics 31
Focusing, magnetic 28—29
| Focusing, Nearsightedness Optics 32
Focusing, Nerve fibers Optics 31
Focusing, Rods Optics 31
force 8—2
Force detector 11—10
Force, Color force 19—15
Force, Conservative and non-conservative 10—21
Force, Conservative forces 25—5
Force, Electric force, Classical hydrogen atom 35—2
Force, Electric force, Introduction to 19—7
Force, Electric force, Produced by a line charge 24—6
Force, Electric force, Strength of (garden peas) 28—2
Force, Four basic forces or interactions 19—1
Force, Introduction to force 8—2
Force, Lorentz force law 32—8
Force, Magnetic force law, Derivation of 28—10
Force, Magnetic force law, Vector form 28—14
Force, Magnetic force, Between currents 31—19
Force, Magnetic force, On a current 31—18
Force, Magnetic force, Origin of 28—10
Force, Molecular force, A classical analysis 19—19
Force, Molecular force, Analogous to spring force 14—20
Force, Molecular force, Introduction to 19—15
Force, Molecular force, Potential energy for 17—12
Force, Non linear restoring force 14—19
Force, Nuclear force int-18
Force, Nuclear force, Introduction to 20—2
Force, Nuclear force, Range of 20—3
Force, Particle nature of forces int-13
Force, Pressure force 17—16
Force, Spring force as molecular force 14—20 17—12
Force, Spring force, Hook's law 9—3
Force, String force, Atwood's machine 9—16
Force, String force, Tension 9—15
Forced harmonic motion, differential equation, for 14—25 14—28
Forces, addition of 9—2
Formation of planets 7—17
Four basic interactions int-25 19—1
Fourier analysis and repeated wave forms 16—11
Fourier analysis in the human ear 16—16
Fourier analysis, Amplitude and intensity 16—33
Fourier analysis, Amplitude and phase 16—31
Fourier analysis, Calculating Fourier coefficients 16—28
Fourier analysis, Energy-time form of the uncertainty principle 40—20
Fourier analysis, Formation of pulse from sine waves 40—27
Fourier analysis, Introduction to 16—6
Fourier analysis, Lecture on Fourier analysis 16—28
Fourier analysis, Normal modes and sound 16—1
Fourier analysis, Of a sine wave 16—7
Fourier analysis, Of a square wave 16—9 16—28
Fourier analysis, Of coupled air carts, normal modes 16—12
Fourier analysis, Of LC circuit 31—31
Fourier analysis, Of slits forming a diffraction pattern 16—33
Fourier analysis, Of sound waves (see Experiments I —12— Fourier analysis
Fourier analysis, Of violin, acoustic vs electric 16—19
Fourier, Jean Baptiste 16—2
Fractional charge int-24
Freezing out of degrees of freedom 17—32
Frequencies (Fourier analysis) 16—28
Frequency, angular 15—14
Frequency, Of oscillation of LC circuit 31—10
Frequency, period and wavelength 15—13
Frequency, Photon energy E=hf 34—7
Frequency, Spacial frequency 15—14
Friction, coefficient of 9—13
Friction, inclined plane 9—12
From nuclear fission 20—4
From sun int-18
Functions obtained from integration Cal-1—15
Functions obtained from integration, Logarithms Cal-1—15
Fusion, nuclear int-18 20—12
Galaxy, Andromeda int-2
Galaxy, Center of our galaxy Optics-47
Galaxy, Introduction to int-2
Galaxy, Most distant int-3
Galaxy, Sombrero int-2
Galaxy, Space travel 1—22
Galileo, Falling objects (Galileo Was Right!) 8—6
Galileo, Inclined plane 9—10
Galileo, Portrait of 9—11
Galileo’s inclined plane 9—11
GALILEO’S telescope Optics-41
Gallbladder operation, medical image Optics-15
Gamma = Cp/Cv, specific heats 18—7
Gamma rays 32—20 32—22
Gamma rays, Photon energies 34—11
Gamma rays, Wavelength of 32—20
Gamov, George, big bang theory int-4
Garden peas, Electric force between 19—12
Garden peas, electric forces between 28—2
Gas constant R 17—25
Gas law, ideal 17—18
Gas, expanding, work done by 18—5
Gaudsmit and Uhlenbeck, spin 39—1
Gauss' law for gravitational fields 24—23
Gauss' law for magnetic fields 32—2
Gauss' law, Electric field of line charge 24—21
Gauss' law, Introduction to 24—20
Gauss' law, Solving problems 24—26
Gauss' law, Surface integral 29—3
Gauss, tesla, magnetic field dimensions 28—16
Gaussmeter 30—23
Gell — Mann, Quarks int-24 19—14
General relativity int-15 8—29
General relativity, Modified gravity 8—29
Geometrical optics, Chapter on Optics-1
Geometrical optics, Definition of Optics-2
Glass prism Optics-13
Globular cluster 11—2
Gluons, strong nuclear force int-25
Graph paper for graphical analysis 3—33
Graph paper for projectile motion 3—29
Graphical analysis, Electron scattering 36—1
Graphical analysis, Of instantaneous velocity 3—26
Graphical analysis, Of projectile motion 3—17
Graphical analysis, Of projectile motion with air resistance 3—22
Graphical analysis, Structure of 36—8
Grating, diffraction 33—12
Grating, Multiple slit, Fourier analysis of 16—33
Grating, Multiple slit, Interference patterns for 33—12
Grating, Three slit 16—33
Gravitational field, An abstract concept 23—3
Gravitational field, Gauss'law for 24—23
Gravitational field, Inside the earth 24—24
Gravitational field, Of point-mass 24—23
Gravitational field, Of spherical mass 24—24
Gravitational force (see Gravity)
Gravitational lens, Einstein cross 34—20
Gravitational mass 6—5
Gravitational potential energy, Energy conservation int-11
Graviton int-15
Gravity int-15
Gravity and satellite motion 8—8
Gravity, acceleration due to 3—21
Gravity, Black hole int-20 10—29
Gravity, Cavendish experiment 8—7
Gravity, Deflection of photons 34—19
Gravity, Earth tides 8—12
Gravity, Einstein's general relativity int-15
Gravity, Four basic interactions 19—1
Gravity, Gravitational force acting at center of mass 13—4
Gravity, Gravitational potential energy in a room 10—25
Gravity, Gravitational potential energy in satellite motion 8—36
Gravity, Gravitational potential energy, Bernoulli's equation 23—10
Gravity, Gravitational potential energy, Black holes 10—29
Gravity, Gravitational potential energy, Conservation of Energy 8—35
Gravity, Gravitational potential energy, Energy conservation int-11
Gravity, Gravitational potential energy, Introduction to 10—8
Gravity, Gravitational potential energy, Modified 8—37
Gravity, Gravitational potential energy, On a large scale 10—22
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