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Huggins E.R. — Physics 2000 |
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, Uncertainty principle 40-19
, Uncertainty principle 40-15
zero, definition of 31-19
meson 40-23
10 dimensions, String theory int-16
100 billion to one, Matter over anti matter int-30
13.6 eV, hydrogen spectrum 35-4
1836 times, proton/electron mass ratio int-17
1987 supernova 6-14 20-14
2.74 degrees, cosmic background radiation int-29
2D or 3D? equipotential plotting experiment 25-8
4 dimensions int-16
Absolute zero 17—9 17—21
Abundance of the elements 34—24
AC voltage generator 30—21
AC voltage generator, Gaussmeter 30—23
Accelerating field in electron gun 26—10
Acceleration versus time graphs 4—7
Acceleration, angular 12—3
Acceleration, Angular analogy 12—3
Acceleration, Calculus definition of 4—5 Cal-1—7
Acceleration, Calculus definition of Component equations Cal-1—8
Acceleration, Calculus definition of Vector equation Cal-1—7
Acceleration, Constant acceleration formulas in three dimensions 4—11 Cal-1—22
Acceleration, Constant acceleration formulas, Calculus derivation 4—9 Cal-1—20
Acceleration, Definition of 3—13
Acceleration, due to gravity 3—21
Acceleration, From a strobe photograph 3—15
Acceleration, Intuitive discussion 3—20
Acceleration, On inclined plane 9—11
Acceleration, radial 12—5
Acceleration, tangential 12—4
Acceleration, Uniform circular motion, Direction of 3—18
Acceleration, Uniform circular motion, Magnitude of 3—18
Acceleration, Vector, definition of 3—15
Accelerators, particle int-1 28—22
Accurate values of Fourier coefficients 16—32
Adding sines and cosines in Fourier analysis 16—28
Addition 2—3
Addition of charge 19—10
Addition of forces 9—2
Adiabatic expansion in Carnot cycle 18—11
Adiabatic expansion, Calculation of work 18—26
Adiabatic expansion, Introduction to 18—9
Air cart in impulse experiments 11—9
Air cart in recoil experiments 6—2
Air cart, Analysis of coupled carts 16—12
Air cart, Construction of 6—2
Air cart, Oscillating cart 14—5
Air cart, Speed detector 30—5 (see also Experiments II: Faraday's law air cart speed detector)
Air Resistance, Calculus analysis for projectile motion 4—12
Air Resistance, Computer analysis for projectile motion 5—24 8—3
Air Resistance, Strobe analysis for projectile motion 3—22
Airplane wing 23—13
Airplane wing, Bernoulli's equation 23—13
Allowed orbits, Bohr theory int8 35—1
Allowed projections, spin 39—3
Allowed standing wave patterns 37—1
Alpha particles 20—8
Amount of sin(3t) present in a wave 16—28
Ampere's law, Applied to a solenoid 29—15
Ampere's law, Chapter on 29—1
Ampere's law, Derivation of line integral 29—7
Ampere's law, Field of straight wire 29—11
Ampere's law, Final result 29—11
Ampere's law, Maxwell's correction to 32—4
Ampere, Definition of 27—2
Ampere, MKS units 24—2
Amplitude and intensity, Fourier analysis lecture 16—33
Amplitude and phase, Fourier analysis lecture 16—31
Amplitude and phase, Wave motion 15—17
Amplitude of a sine wave Cal 1—37
Amplitude, Diffraction pattern by Fourier analysis 16—33
Amplitude, Fourier coefficients 16—32
Analysis, Fourier 16—6
Analysis, Of coupled air carts 16—12
Analysis, Of path 1 for electromagnetic pulse 32—14
Analysis, Of path 2 for electromagnetic pulse 32—16
Analytic solution, Of the RC circuit 27—22
Analytic solution, Oscillation of mass on spring 14—7
Analytic solution, Projectile motion with air resistance 4—12
Anderson, C., positrons int13
Andromeda galaxy int2 int-3 1—22
Angle of reflection (scattering of light) 36—3 Optics 1
Angles of incidence and reflection Optics3
Angular acceleration 12—3
Angular analogy 12—3
Angular analogy for Newton's second law 12—14
Angular analogy, Torque (angular force) 12—15
Angular frequency, Definition of 14—4
Angular frequency, Wave motion 15—14
Angular magnification of magnifier Optics39
Angular mass, Moment of inertia 12—7
Angular mass, Rotational kinetic energy 12—22
Angular momentum as a Vector 7—14 12—7
Angular momentum as a Vector, Movie 7—15
Angular momentum, Bohr model 35—1 35—8
Angular momentum, conservation of 7—9 12—16
Angular momentum, Conservation of, angular momentum, Definition of 7—10
Angular momentum, Definition of, cross product 12—11
Angular momentum, Definition of, more general 7—12
Angular momentum, Definition of, still more general 12—6
Angular momentum, Derivation from F = ma 12—16 (see also Experiments)
Angular momentum, Formation of planets 7—17
Angular momentum, Gyroscopes 12—18
Angular momentum, Kepler's second law 8—32
Angular momentum, Magnetic moment 31—24
Angular momentum, Movie on vector nature 7—15 12—6 12—17
Angular momentum, Of bicycle wheel 12—6
Angular momentum, Planck's constant 35—8
Angular momentum, Projections of classical 7—14
Angular momentum, Projections of electron spin 39—3
Angular momentum, Quantized int9
Angular momentum, Quantized projections 38—5
Angular momentum, Quantum number 38—7
Angular velocity as a vector 12—7
Angular velocity, Definition of 12—2
Angular velocity, Mass on spring 14—9
Angular velocity, Oscillating cart 14—5
Annihilation of 34—17
Annihilation of antimatter 34—17
Annihilation of Excess of matter over in early universe 34—17 34—29
Annihilation of Introduction to int12 34—16
Annihilation of Neutrino int22
Annihilation of Neutron int13
Annihilation of Positron int13
Annihilation of Positron electron pair 34—17
Annihilation of Proton int13
Annihilation of Wave equation for 15—2
Antielectron int13
Antielectron type neutrino int22
Antimatter 34—16
Antiparticle int-13
Antiparticle, Created by photon 34—17
Applications of Bernoulli’s equation 23—12
Applications of Faraday’s law 30—21
Applications of Newton’s Second Law 9—1
Applications of the second law of thermodynamics 18—17
Arbitrary wave, Fourier analysis 16—28
Area as a vector 24—22
Area, Negative or positive 16—29
Area, Related to integration Cal 1—11
Area, Under the curve Cal 1—12
Arecibo radio telescope int15
Arecibo radio telescope, Optics 48
Arithmetic of vectors (see also Vector)
Aspirator 23—16
Aspirator, Bernoulli's equation 23—16
Aspirator, Hydrostatics 23—12
| Aspirator, Leaky tank 23—12
Aspirator, Sailboat 23—14
Aspirator, Venturi meter 23—15
Associative law 2—4
Associative law, Commutative law 2—4
Associative law, Exercise 2—7
Associative law, Multiplication by number 2—5
Associative law, Negative of 2—5
Associative law, Scalar or dot product 2—12 10—13
Associative law, Subtraction of 2—5
Associative law, Vector cross product 2—15 12—9
Astigmatism Optics21
Astronomy, 1987 supernova int-19 6—14 20—14
Astronomy, Abundance of the elements 34—24
Astronomy, Big bang model of universe 33—25 34—26
Astronomy, Binary stars int-2
Astronomy, Black dwarf star int-19
Astronomy, Black holes 10—29
Astronomy, Black holes, Introduction to int-19
Astronomy, Blackbody radiation, color of stars 34—2
Astronomy, Copernicus 8—25
Astronomy, Crab nebula 20—16
Astronomy, Decoupling of light and matter 34—31
Astronomy, Doppler effect 33—23
Astronomy, Eagle nebula 7—18 Optics 44
Astronomy, Early universe int27 34—29
Astronomy, Escape velocity 10—28
Astronomy, Evolution of the universe 34—21
Astronomy, Excess of matter over antimatter 34—29
Astronomy, Expanding universe, Hubble int-3
Astronomy, Formation of planets 7—17
Astronomy, Galaxy, Andromeda int-2
Astronomy, Galaxy, Introduction to int-2
Astronomy, Galaxy, Most distant int-3
Astronomy, Galaxy, Sombrero int-2
Astronomy, General relativity 8—29
Astronomy, Globular cluster 11—2
Astronomy, Gravitational tensing 34—20
Astronomy, Helium abundance in universe 34—26
Astronomy, Helium core of massive star 20—15
Astronomy, Hubble rule for expanding universe int-3
Astronomy, Iron core of massive star 20—15
Astronomy, Kepler's laws 8—24
Astronomy, Light years int-2
Astronomy, Magnetic field of the earth 28—11
Astronomy, Models of the universe 34—23
Astronomy, Neutrino 6—14 11—21
Astronomy, Neutron star and black holes 20—18
Astronomy, Neutron star in Crab nebula 20—17
Astronomy, Neutron star, Introduction to int-19
Astronomy, Nuclear fusion and stellar evolution 20—12
Astronomy, Orion nebula 7—17
Astronomy, Penzias and Wilson, cosmic radiation 34—27
Astronomy, Powering the sun 34—23
Astronomy, Ptolemy, epicycle in Greek astronomy 8—25
Astronomy, Quantum fluctuations in space 40—25
Astronomy, Quasar, gravitational lens 34—20
Astronomy, Radio galaxy Optics 48
Astronomy, Radio images of variable star Optics 49
Astronomy, Radio telescope (see Radio telescope)
Astronomy, Radio telescope, three degree radiation int30 34—27
Astronomy, Radio telescopes Optics 48
Astronomy, Red shift and expanding universe int-3 33—24 34—21
Astronomy, Red supergiant star 20—15
Astronomy, Retrograde motion of Mars 8—24
Astronomy, Space travel and time dilation 1—22
Astronomy, Star, blackbody spectrum 34—3
Astronomy, Steady state model of the universe 34—25
Astronomy, Stellar evolution int19
Astronomy, Telescopes Optics 40
Astronomy, Telescopes, Arecibo radio telescope Optics 48
Astronomy, Telescopes, Galileo's Optics 41
Astronomy, Telescopes, Hubbel Space Telescope Optics 44
Astronomy, Telescopes, Issac Newton's Optics 42
Astronomy, Telescopes, Mt. Hopkins Optics 43
Astronomy, Telescopes, Mt. Palomar Optics 43
Astronomy, Telescopes, Very Large Array, radio telescopes Optics 48
Astronomy, Telescopes, Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA) Optics 49
Astronomy, Telescopes, William Hershel's Optics 43
Astronomy, Telescopes, World’s Largest Optical, Keck Optics 45
Astronomy, Telescopes, Yerkes Optics 41
Astronomy, Thermal equilibrium of the universe 34—28
Astronomy, Three degree cosmic radiation int-29 34—27
Astronomy, Tycho Brahe 8—25
Astronomy, Van Allen radiation belts 28—32
Astronomy, Visible universe int3
Astronomy, White dwarf star 20—15
Atmospheric pressure 17—23
Atomic and molecular forces, electric interaction 19—1
Atomic, Clocks 1—21
Atomic, Microscopes 17—1
Atomic, Processes 17—4
Atomic, Scanning Tunneling Microscope Optics 51
Atomic, Spectra 33—16
Atomic, Structure 19—3
Atomic, Units 19—22
Atoms, Angular momentum quantum number 38—7
Atoms, Atomic nucleus, chapter on 20—1
Atoms, Atomic processes 17—4
Atoms, Avogadro's law 17—24
Atoms, BASIC program, hydrogen molecule ion 19—24
Atoms, Beryllium in periodic table 38—13
Atoms, Bohr model int-8
Atoms, Boron in periodic table 38—13
Atoms, Brownian motion 17—7
Atoms, Chapter on 17—1 38—1
Atoms, Classical hydrogen atom 35—2
Atoms, Discovery of 11—19
Atoms, Effective nuclear charge 38—12
Atoms, Electron binding energy 19—20 38—11
Atoms, Electron energy in hydrogen molecule ion 19—21
Atoms, Electron spin 38—9
Atoms, Equipartition of energy 17—28
Atoms, Expanded energy level diagram 38—8
Atoms, Failure of classical physics 17—31
Atoms, Freezing out of degrees of freedom 17—32
Atoms, Heat capacity 17—26
Atoms, Hydrogen molecule 19—16
Atoms, Introductory view of int16
Atoms, Ionic bonding 38—15
Atoms, L=0 Patterns in hydrogen 38—4
Atoms, Lithium 38—12
Atoms, Model atom 37—4
Atoms, Molecular and atomic processes 17—1
Atoms, Molecular forces 19—15
Atoms, Multi electron 38—9
Atoms, Nuclear matter, chapter on 20—1
Atoms, nucleus (see also Nuclear)
Atoms, Particle-wave nature of matter int-10
Atoms, Pauli exclusion principle 38—9
Atoms, Periodic table 38—10
Atoms, Potassium to krypton 38—14
Atoms, Precession of in magnetic field 39—15
Atoms, Quantized projections of angular momentum 38—5
Atoms, Schroedinger's equation for hydrogen 38—2
Atoms, Silicon, surface (111 plane) of Optics 51
Atoms, Sodium to argon 38—13
Atoms, Standing wave patterns in hydrogen 38—3
Atoms, Table of 19—5
Atoms, Thermal motion of 17—6
Atoms, Up to neon 38—13
Atoms, Xenon, photograph of 17—1
Atwood’s machine 9—16
Avogadro's number, the mole 17—24
Avogadro’s law 17—24
Balancing weights, equilibrium 13—2
Ball Spring Pendulum (see Pendulum: Spring)
Balmer series, Energy level diagram for 35—6
Balmer series, Formula from Bohr theory 35—5
Balmer series, hydrogen spectrum 35—4
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