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Huggins E.R. — Physics 2000 |
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Gravity, Gravitational potential energy, Zero of 10—22
Gravity, Inertial and gravitational mass 8—8
Gravity, Interaction with photons 34—18
Gravity, Introduction to 10—8
Gravity, Modified, general relativity 8—29
Gravity, Newton's universal law int-15 8—5
Gravity, On a Large Scale 10—22
Gravity, Potential energy (see also Potential energy: Gravitational)
Gravity, Quantum theory of int-16
Gravity, Strength, comparison to electricity int-6 19—8
Gravity, Weakness&strength int-20
Gravity, Weight 8—11
Gravity, “Weighing” the Earth 8—8
Green flash Optics-17
Grounding, electrical circuits 26—8
Guitar string, Sound produced by 15—22
Guitar string, Waves 15—20
Guitar string, Waves, frequency of 15—21
Gun, Electron (see Electron gun)
Gyromagnetic ratio for electron spin 39—14
Gyroscopes, Atomic scale 39—15
Gyroscopes, Movie 12—18
Gyroscopes, Precession formula 12—21
Gyroscopes, Precession of 12—19
Gyroscopes, Theory of 12—18
h bar, Planck's constant 35—9
Hair, strand of, diffraction pattern of 36—14
Half-life in exponential decay Cal-1—33
Half-life in RC circuit 27—25
Half-life, Of muons (as clock) 1—20
Half-life, Of muons, exponential decay Cal-1—33
Halos around sun Optics 18
Harmonic motion, Computer program 14—30
Harmonic motion, Damped, Computer program 14—34
Harmonic motion, Damped, Critical damping 14—23
Harmonic motion, Damped, Differential equation for 14—21
Harmonic motion, Forced, Analytic solution 14—28
Harmonic motion, Forced, Differential equation for 14—25 14—28
harmonic oscillator 14—12
Harmonic oscillator, Differential equation for 14—14
Harmonic series 16—3
Harmonics and Fourier coefficients 16—28
Hays, Tobias, Dive Movie, center of mass 11—1
Hays, Tobias, Dive movie, time reversed 18—1
heat capacity 17—26
Heat capacity, molar 17—26
Heat pump, efficiency of 18—19
Heat, specific (see Specific heat)
Heisenberg, Werner 4—1 Cal-1—3
Hele — Shaw cell, streamlines 23—4
Helium and electron spin 38—9
Helium and the Pauli exclusion principle 38—9
Helium in periodic table 38—11
Helium, Abundance in early universe 34—26
Helium, Binding energy of last electron 38—12
Helium, Creation of in universe int-4
Helium, Energy to ionize 38—9
Helium, Isotopes helium 3 and 4 int-17
Helmholtz coils 28—17 28—18
Helmholtz coils, 100 Turn search coil 39—12
Helmholtz coils, Electron spin resonance apparatus 39—11
Helmholtz coils, Field mapping experiment 30—24 (see also Experiments II: —7— Magnetic field mapping using Faraday's
Helmholtz coils, Motion of electrons in 28—20 28—29
Helmholtz coils, Uniform magnetic field inside 28—17
Hertz, Heinrich, radio waves 34—1
Hexagonal array, Graphite crystal and diffraction pattern 36—9
Homework exercises, finding them (see X—X—Ch (chapter number): Exercise number)
Hooke’s law 9—4
Hooke’s law in dimensional analysis 15—7
Horsehead nebula in visible & infrared light Optics 46
Hot early universe int-4
Hubbel space telescope Optics 44
Hubble photograph of most distant galaxies int-3
Hubble rule for expanding universe int-3 33—24
Hubble telescope mirror Optics 44
Hubble telescope mirror, Spherical aberration in Optics 22
Hubble, Edwin, expanding universe int-3
Human ear, Description of 16—15
Human ear, Inside of cochlea 16—34
Human eye Optics 31
Huygens' principle 33—4
Huygens' principle, Preliminary discussion of 15—2
Huygens, Wave nature of light 34—1 Optics 1
Hydrodynamic voltage, Bernoulli's equation 23—17
Hydrodynamic voltage, Resistance 27—7
Hydrodynamic voltage, Town water supply 23—18
Hydrogen atom, Angular momentum quantum number 38—7
Hydrogen atom, Big bang theory int-4
Hydrogen atom, Binding energy of electron 38—12
Hydrogen atom, Bohr theory 35—1
Hydrogen atom, Classi Cal-35—2
Hydrogen atom, classical, Failure of Newtonian mechanics 35—3
Hydrogen atom, Coulomb's law 24—4
Hydrogen atom, Expanded energy level diagram 38—8
Hydrogen atom, Quantized projections of angular momentum 38—5
Hydrogen atom, Solution of Schrodinger’s equation 38—2
Hydrogen atom, Standing wave patterns in 38—3
Hydrogen atom, The L=0 Patterns 38—5
Hydrogen bomb int-18 20—13
Hydrogen molecule ion, Binding energy and electron clouds 19—23
Hydrogen molecule ion, Computer program for 19—24
Hydrogen molecule ion, Formation of 19—16
Hydrogen molecule, Formation of 19—16
Hydrogen nucleus int-6 19—3
Hydrogen nucleus, Isotopes of 19—6
Hydrogen spectrum, Baimer series 33—19 35—4
Hydrogen spectrum, Bohr model int-8
Hydrogen spectrum, Experiment on 33—17
Hydrogen spectrum, Lyman series 35—6
Hydrogen spectrum, Of star 35—4
Hydrogen spectrum, Paschen series 35—6
Hydrogen wave patterns, Intensity at the origin 38—5
Hydrogen wave patterns, Schroedinger’s Equation 38—2
Hydrogen — Deuterium molecule, NMR experiment 39—12
Hydrostatics, from Bernoulli's equation 23—12
IBM Labs, atomic microscopes 17—1
Ice crystal 17—4
Ideal gas law 17—18
Ideal gas law, Chemist's form 17—25
Ideal gas thermometer 17—20
Ideal gas thermometer, Absolute zero 17—21
Image in focal plane of telescope mirror Optics 5
Image, Image distance, Lens equation Optics 24
Image, Image distance, Negative Optics 26
Image, Medical Optics 15
Image, Medical, Gallbladder operation Optics 15
Image, Medical, Of duodenum Optics 15
Impulse, Change in momentum 11—12
Impulse, Experiment on 11—9
Impulse, Measuremen t 11—11
Inclined plane 9—10
Inclined plane, Galileo’s inclined plane, photo of 9—11
Inclined plane, Objects rolling down 12—25
Inclined plane, with friction 9—12
Indefinite integral, Definition of Cal-1—14
Indefinite integral, Of exponential function Cal-1—29
Index of refraction, Definition of Optics 9
Index of refraction, Glass prism and rainbow of colors Optics 15
Index of refraction, Introduction to Optics 2
Index of refraction, Of gas of supercooled sodium atoms Optics 9
Index of refraction, Table of some values Optics 9
Induced voltage in moving loop of wire 30—4
Induced voltage, Line integral for 31—4
Inductance, Chapter on 31—1
Inductance, Derivation of formulas 31—5
Inductor as a circuit element 31—7
Inductor, Definition of 31—2
Inductor, iron core 31—29
Inductor, LC Circuit 31—10
Inductor, LR circuit 31—8
| Inductor, Toroidal coil 31—6
Inertia, Inertial mass 6—5
Inertia, Moment of (Angular mass) 12—7
Inertia, Of a massive object 31—12
Inertia, Of an electric current 31—12
Infrared light in the electromagnetic spectrum int-7
Infrared light, Ability to penetrate interstellar dust Optics 46
Infrared light, Center of our galaxy Optics 4 7
Infrared light, Horsehead nebula in visible & infrared Optics 46
Infrared light, Paschen series, hydrogen spectra 35—6
Infrared light, Wavelength of 32—20
Infrared telescopes Optics 46
Infrared Telescopes, Infrared camera Optics 46
Infrared Telescopes, IRAS satellite Optics 47
Infrared Telescopes, IRAS satellite, Map of the entire sky Optics 47
Infrared Telescopes, Mt. Hopkins 2Mass telescope Optics 46
Infrared Telescopes, Mt. Hopkins 2Mass telescope, Viewing center of our galaxy Optics 47
Initial conditions in a computer program 5—14
Initial slope in RC circuit 27—25
Inside the cochlea 16—34
Instantaneous velocity and the uncertainty principle 4—2 Cal-1—4
Instantaneous velocity, Calculus definition of 4—3 Cal-1—5
Instantaneous velocity, Definition of 3—24
Instantaneous velocity, From strobe photograph 3—26
Instruments, Percussion 16—22
Instruments, Stringed 16—18
Instruments, Violin, acoustic vs electric 16—19
Instruments, Wind 16—20
Integral as a sum Cal-1—10
Integral for magnetic fields 32—2
Integral in Maxwell's equations 32—8
Integral of E.dl meter 30—18 30—20
Integral sign Cal-1—10
Integral, Calculating them Cal-1—11
Integral, Definite, introduction to Cal-1—11
Integral, Formal introduction 29—2
Integral, Formula for integrating x to n'th power Cal-1—14 Cal-1—27
Integral, Gauss’law 29—3
Integral, Indefinite, definition of Cal-1—14
Integral, line for circular electric field 30—13
Integral, line for static charges 30—2
Integral, line in Maxwell's equations 32—8
Integral, line, Ampere’s law 29—7
Integral, line, Conservative force 29—6
Integral, line, Evaluation for solenoid 29—15
Integral, line, Evaluation for toroid 29—17
Integral, line, Faraday's law 30—15
Integral, line, Introduction to 29—5
Integral, line, Two kinds of fields 30—18
Integral, Of 1/x, the logarithm Cal-1—15
Integral, Of a constant Cal-1—13
Integral, Of a curve that increases linearly Cal-1—13
Integral, Of a velocity curve Cal-1—12
Integral, Of exponential function e to the ax Cal-1—29
Integral, Of the velocity vector Cal-1—10
Integral, Of the velocity vector as area under curve Cal-1—12
Integral, Of x to n'th power, Indefinite integral Cal-1—27
Integral, surface 29—2
Integral, Two kinds of fields 30—18
Integration and differentiation as inverse operations Cal-1—18
Integration and differentiation as inverse operations, Velocity and position Cal-1—19
Integration and differentiation, Fast way to go back and forth Cal-1—20
Integration and differentiation, Position as integral of velocity Cal-1—20
Integration and differentiation, Velocity as derivative of position Cal-1—20
Integration formulas Cal-1—27
Integration, Equivalent to finding area Cal-1—11
Integration, Introduction to Cal-1—8
Integration, Introduction to finding areas under curves Cal-1—13
Integration, Why computers do it so well Cal-1—12
Intensity and amplitude, Fourier analysis lecture 16—33
Intensity, Of diffraction pattern 16—33
Intensity, Of harmonics in Fourier analysis of light pulse 40—22
Intensity, Of probability wave 40—22
Intensity, Sound intensity, bells and decibels 16—24
Intensity, Sound intensity, speaker curves 16—27
interactions (see also The individual forces)
Interactions, Electric int-14
Interactions, Four basic 19—1
Interactions, gravitational int-15
Interactions, Nuclear int-14
Interactions, Photons and gravity 34—18
Interactions, weak int-14
Interference patterns, A closer look at 33—26
Interference patterns, Introduction to 33—3
Interference patterns, Two-slit, Lightwaves 33—10
Interference patterns, Two-slit, Probability waves 40—9
Interference patterns, Two-slit, Water waves 33—6
Internal combustion engine 18—21
Internal reflection Optics 13
Interval, evaluating variables over Cal-1—10
Ionic bonding 38—15
Iris Optics 31
Iron 56, most tightly bound nucleus int-18 20—11
Iron core inductor 31—29
Iron core of massive star 20—15
Iron fillings, direction of magnetic field 28—12
Iron magnets 31—26
Isothermal expansion, Calculation of work 18—26
Isothermal expansion, PV Diagrams 18—8
Isotopes of nuclei int-17 19—6
Isotopes of nuclei, Stability of int-22
Jeweler using magnifier Optics 38
Joules and Ergs 10—4
K meson and direction of time int-23 40—23
Karman vortex street 14—25
Kepler's laws, Conservation of angular momentum 8—32
Kepler's laws, first law 8—26
Kepler's laws, Introduction to 8—24
Kepler's laws, second law 8—27
Kepler's laws, third law 8—28
Kilobaud, fiber optics communication Optics 14
Kinetic energy in collisions 11—14
Kinetic energy in model atom 37—5
Kinetic energy in terms of momentum 37—5
Kinetic energy, Always positive 8—35
Kinetic energy, Bohr model of hydrogen 35—3
Kinetic energy, Classical hydrogen atom 35—3
Kinetic energy, Electron diffraction apparatus 36—9
Kinetic energy, Equipartition of energy 17—28
Kinetic energy, Escape velocity 10—28
Kinetic energy, Hydrogen molecule ion 19—21
Kinetic energy, Ideal gas law 17—18
Kinetic energy, Nonrelativistic 10—6
Kinetic energy, Nuclear fusion 20—12
Kinetic energy, Origin of 10—5
Kinetic energy, Oscillating mass 14—11
Kinetic energy, Overview int-8
Kinetic energy, Pendulum 10—10
Kinetic energy, Relativistic definition of 10—5
Kinetic energy, rotational 12—22
Kinetic energy, Satellite motion 8—36 10—26
Kinetic energy, Slowly moving particles 10—6 10—29
Kinetic energy, Temperature scale 17—11
Kinetic energy, Theorem on center of mass 12—26
Kinetic energy, Thermal motion 17—6
Kinetic energy, Translation and rotation 12—24
Kinetic energy, Work energy theorem 10—18
Kirchoff’s law, Applications of 27—11
Kirchoff’s law, Introduction to 27—10
L=0 Patterns, hydrogen standing waves 38—4
Lack of simultaneity 1—32
Lambda max (see Blackbody radiation: Wein's displacement
Lambda(1520), Short lived elementary particle 40—23
Lande g factor 39—14
Largest scale of distance int-25
Laser, Chapter on 37—1
Laser, Diffraction patterns, Fourier analysis 16—33
Laser, Pulse in gas of supercooled sodium atoms Optics 9
Laser, Standing light waves 37—2
LC circuit, Experiment on 31—13
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