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Huggins E.R. — Physics 2000 |
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PV diagrams, Reversible engines 18—13
PV diagrams, The Carnot cycle 18—11 18—26 18—28
PV diagrams, Work dome by pressure, Bernoulli's equation 23—10
Quantization of electric charge 19—14
Quantized angular momentum int-9
Quantized angular momentum in Bohr theory 35—9
Quantized angular momentum in de Broglie's hypothesis 35—10
Quantized angular momentum in hydrogen wave patterns 38—3
Quantized angular momentum, Angular momentum quantum number 38—7
Quantized angular momentum, Electron spin 38—9
Quantized angular momentum, Electron spin, Chapter on 39—1
Quantized angular momentum, Electron spin, Concept of spin 39—3
Quantized angular momentum, Quantized projections 38—5
Quantized vortices in superfluids 23—22
Quantum electrodynamics int-14
Quantum fluctuations in empty space 40—25
quantum mechanics (see also Particle-wave nature;
Quantum mechanics, Bohr theory of hydrogen 35—1
Quantum mechanics, Chapter on 40—1
Quantum mechanics, Concept of velocity 4—2 Cal-1—4
Quantum mechanics, Electron and nuclear spin 39—1
Quantum mechanics, Model atom 37—4
Quantum mechanics, Schroedinger's equation applied to atoms 38—1
Quantum mechanics, Uncertainty Principle 40—14
Quantum mechanics, Zero point-energy 37—7
Quantum number, angular momentum 38—7
Quantum theory of gravity int-16 int-20
Quark confinement 19—15
Quarks int-24
Quarks, Quantization of electric charge 19—14
Quasars, Gravitational lens, Einstein cross 34—20
Quasars, Size of 34—19
R, gas constant 17—25
Radar waves, Photon energies in 34—11
Radar waves, Wavelength of 32—20
Radial acceleration 12—5
Radian measure 12—2 Cal—1—35
Radiated electromagnetic pulse 32—10
Radiated magnetic field thought experiment 32—11
Radiation belts, Van Allen 28—32
Radiation pressure in red supergiant stars 20—15
Radiation pressure, Of light 34—14
Radiation, blackbody 32—22
Radiation, Blackbody, Photon picture of 34—22
Radiation, Blackbody, Theory of 34—2
Radiation, Blackbody, Wein's displacement law 34—2
Radiation, Cerenkov Optics-10
Radiation, Electromagnetic field, Analysis of path 2 32—16
Radiation, Electromagnetic field, Calculation of speed 32—14
Radiation, Electromagnetic field, Spectrum of 32—20
Radiation, Radiated electric fields 32—28
Radiation, Radiated energy and the classical H atom 35—3
Radiation, Radiated field of point-charge 32—30
Radiation, Three degree cosmic radiation int-30 34—27
Radiation, UV, X Rays and Gamma Rays 32—22
Radio galaxy Optics-48
Radio images of variable star Optics-49
Radio telescope int-15
Radio telescope, Arecibo int-15
Radio telescope, Three degree radiation 34—27
Radio telescopes Optics-48
Radio telescopes, Arecibo Optics-48
Radio telescopes, Radio galaxy image Optics-48
Radio telescopes, Radio images of variable star Optics-49
Radio telescopes, Very Large Array Optics-48
Radio telescopes, Very Long Baseline Array Optics-49
Radio waves in the electromagnetic spectrum int-7 32—20
Radio waves, Hertz, Heinrich 34—1
Radio waves, Photon energies 34—11
Radio waves, Predicted from the classical hydrogen atom 35—2
Radio waves, Wavelength of 32—20
Radius of electron 39—3
Rainbow, Glass prism Optics-15
Rainbow, Photograph of Optics-16
Range of nuclear force 20—3
RC circuit 27—22
RC circuit, Exponential decay 27—23
RC circuit, Exponential rise 27—26
RC circuit, Half-lives 27—25
RC circuit, Initial slope 27—25
RC circuit, Measuring time constant 27—25
RC circuit, The RC Circuit, Reactive metal, lithium int-6 38—9
Recoil experiments, definition of mass 6—2
Red shift and the expanding universe, Doppler effect 34—21
Red shift and the expanding universe, Evolution of universe 34—21
Red shift and the expanding universe, Uniform expansion 33—24
Red supergiant star 20—15
Reflecting telescope Optics-42
Reflecting telescope, Cassegrain design Optics-42
Reflecting telescope, Diffraction limit Optics-45
Reflecting telescope, Hubbel space telescope Optics-44
Reflecting telescope, Keck, world’s largest optical Optics-45
Reflecting telescope, Mt. Hopkins Optics-43
Reflecting telescope, Mt. Palomar Optics-43
Reflecting telescope, Newton's Optics-22
Reflecting telescope, Newton’s Optics-42
Reflecting telescope, Secondary mirror Optics-42
Reflecting telescope, William Hershel’s Optics-43
Reflection and fluorescence, probability interpretation 40—8
Reflection, Bragg reflection 36—4
Reflection, From curved surfaces Optics-3
Reflection, internal Optics-13
Reflection, of light 36—3 Optics—1
Refracting Galileo's Optics-41
Refracting telescopes Optics—40
Refracting Yerkes Optics-41
Refraction, index of, Definition of Optics-9
Refraction, index of, Glass prism and rainbow of colors Optics-15
Refraction, index of, Introduction to Optics-2
Refraction, index of, Of gas of supercooled sodium atoms Optics-9
Refraction, index of, Table of some values Optics-9
Relativistic mass (see Relativistic physics: Relativistic mass)
Relativistic physics (see also Principle of Relativity)
Relativistic physics, A consistent theory 1—32
Relativistic physics, Antimatter int-12 34—16
Relativistic physics, Black holes 10—29
Relativistic physics, Blackbody radiation 34—22
Relativistic physics, Causality 1—36
Relativistic physics, Chapter on 1—1
Relativistic physics, Clock, Light pulse 1—14
Relativistic physics, Clock, Moving 1—13
Relativistic physics, Clock, Muon 1—20
Relativistic physics, Clock, Muon lifetime movie 1—21
Relativistic physics, Clock, Other kinds 1—18
Relativistic physics, Clock, Real ones 1—20
Relativistic physics, Creation of positron-electron pair 34—17
Relativistic physics, Definition of mass 6—2
Relativistic physics, Doppler effect for light 33—22
Relativistic physics, Einstein mass formula 6—10
Relativistic physics, Electric or magnetic field: depends on viewpoint 30—
Relativistic physics, Electromagnetic radiation, structure of 32—19
Relativistic physics, Electron mass in beta decay 6—7
Relativistic physics, Gravitational lensing 34—20
Relativistic physics, ID, Electric or magnetic force: depends on view, point 28—10
Relativistic physics, Interaction of photons and gravity 34—18
Relativistic physics, Kinetic energy 10—5
Relativistic physics, Kinetic energy, Slowly moving particles 10—6
Relativistic physics, Lack of simultaneity 1 32
Relativistic physics, Longer seconds 1—16
Relativistic physics, Lorentz contraction 1—24
Relativistic physics, Lorentz contraction, Origin of magnetic forces 28—8
Relativistic physics, Lorentz contraction, Thought experiment on currents 28—4
Relativistic physics, Lorentz force law 28—15
Relativistic physics, Mass energy 10—3
Relativistic physics, Mass-energy relationship int-11
Relativistic physics, Maxwell’s equations 32—8
Relativistic physics, Motion of charged particles in magnetic fields 28—19
Relativistic physics, Muon lifetime movie 1—21
Relativistic physics, Nature's speed limit int-2 int—12 6—11
Relativistic physics, Neutrino astronomy 6—14
| Relativistic physics, Neutrinos 6—13
Relativistic physics, Origin of magnetic forces 28—8
Relativistic physics, Particle accelerators 28—22
Relativistic physics, Photon mass 34—12
Relativistic physics, Photon mass, Photon rest mass 6—12
Relativistic physics, Photon momentum 34—13
Relativistic physics, Photon momentum, Compton scattering 34—15
Relativistic physics, Principle of relativity 1—2
Relativistic physics, Principle of relativity as a basic law 1—4
Relativistic physics, Radiated electric fields 32—28
Relativistic physics, Red shift and the expansion of the universe 34—21
Relativistic physics, Relativistic calculations 1—28
Relativistic physics, Relativistic calculations, Approximation formulas 1—30
Relativistic physics, Relativistic calculations, Muons and Mt. Washington 1—29
Relativistic physics, Relativistic calculations, Slow speeds 1—29
Relativistic physics, Relativistic energy and momenta 28—24
Relativistic physics, Relativistic mass 6—6
Relativistic physics, Relativistic mass in beta decay 6—6
Relativistic physics, Relativistic mass, Formula for 6—10
Relativistic physics, Relativistic mechanics int-12
Relativistic physics, Relativistic speed limit 6—11
Relativistic physics, Relativistic wave equation int-12
Relativistic physics, Relativity experiment for Faraday's law 30—9
Relativistic physics, Short lived elementary particles 40—23
Relativistic physics, Space travel 1—22
Relativistic physics, Special theory of relativity 1—13
Relativistic physics, Speed of light wave 32—17
Relativistic physics, Speed of light, measurement of 1—9
Relativistic physics, Spiraling electron in bubble chamber 28—27
Relativistic physics, The betatron 30—16
Relativistic physics, The early universe 34—29
Relativistic physics, Thought experiment on expanding magnetic, field 32—11
Relativistic physics, Time dilation 1—22
Relativistic physics, Time-energy form of the uncertainty principle 40—19 40—23
Relativistic physics, Zero rest mass int-12
Relativistic physics, Zero rest mass particles 6—11
Relativity, general int-15 8—29
Renormalization int-14 int-17
Repeated wave forms in Fourier analysis 16—11
Resistors in parallel 27—12
Resistors in series 27—11
Resistors, Introduction to 27—6
Resistors, LR circuit 31—8
Resistors, Ohm's law 27—7
Resonance, Electron spin, Classical picture of 39—14
Resonance, Electron spin, Experiment 39—9
Resonance, Electron spin, Introduction to 39—5
Resonance, Introduction to 14—24
Resonance, phenomena 14—26
Resonance, Tacoma Narrows bridge 14—24
Resonance, Tacoma Narrows bridge, Vortex street 14—25
Resonance, transients 14—27
Rest energy of proton and electron in eV 26—12
Rest mass int-11
Rest mass and kinetic energy 10—5
Rest mass, Einstein formula 6—10
Restoring forces, Linear 14—7
Restoring forces, Nonlinear 14—19
Retrograde motion of Mars 8—24
Reversible engines as thought experiment 18—13
Reversible engines, Carnot cycle 18—17
Reversible engines, Efficiency of 18—18
Rifle and Bullet, recoil 7—7
Right handed coordinate system 2—18
Right-hand rule for cross products 12—10
Right-hand rule for Faraday's law 30—15
Right-hand rule for magnetic field of a current 28—13
Right-hand rule for magnetic field of a solenoid 29—14
Right-hand rule for surfaces 29—16
Right-hand rule, Mirror images of Optics-6
Rods, nerve fibers in eye Optics-31
Rope, working with 13—10
Rotational motion, Angular acceleration 12—3
Rotational motion, Angular analogy 12—3
Rotational motion, Angular velocity 12—2
Rotational motion, Bicycle wheel as a collection of masses 12—5
Rotational motion, Chapter on 12—1
Rotational motion, Radian measure 12—2
Rotational motion, Rolling down inclined plane 12—25
Rotational motion, Rotational kinetic energy 12—22
Rotational motion, Rotational kinetic energy, Proof of theorem 12—26
Rotational motion, Translation and rotation 12—24
Rubber, elasticity of 17—35
Rutherford and the nucleus 35—1
Rydberg constant in Bohr theory 35—9
Sailboats, Bernoulli's equation 23—14
Salt, Dissolving 17—6
Salt, Ionic bonding 38—15
Satellite motion 8—8
Satellite motion, Calculational loop for 8—19
Satellite motion, Classical hydrogen atom 35—2
Satellite motion, Compare with projectile, Newton's sketch 8—10
Satellite motion, Computer lab 8—23
Satellite motion, Computer prediction of 8—16
Satellite motion, Conservation of angular momentum 8—32
Satellite motion, Conservation of energy 8—35
Satellite motion, Earth tides 8—12
Satellite motion, Gravitational potential energy 10—22
Satellite motion, Kepler's first law 8—26
Satellite motion, Kepler's laws 8—24
Satellite motion, Kepler's second law 8—27
Satellite motion, Kepler's third law 8—28
Satellite motion, Modified gravity 8—29
Satellite motion, Moon 8—8
Satellite motion, Orbit, circular 10—27
Satellite motion, Orbit, elliptical 10—27
Satellite motion, Orbit, hyperbolic 10—27
Satellite motion, Orbit, parabolic 10—27
Satellite motion, Planetary units for 8—14
Satellite motion, Total energy 10—26
Scalar dot product 2—12
Scalar dot product, Definition of work 10—13
Scanning tunneling microscope Optics-51
Scanning tunneling microscope, Surface (111 plane) of a silicon Optics-51
Scattering of waves, By graphite crystal, electron waves 36—8
Scattering of waves, By myoglobin molecule 36—5
Scattering of waves, By small object 36—2
Scattering of waves, By thin crystals 36—6
Scattering of waves, Chapter on 36—1
Scattering of waves, Davisson — Germer experiment 35—12
Scattering of waves, Reflection of light 36—3
Scattering of waves, Two slit thought experiment 40—10
Scattering of waves, X ray diffraction 36—4
Schmidt, Maarten, quasars 34—19
Schroedinger wave equation, Felix Block story on 37—1
Schroedinger wave equation, Introduction to wave motion 15—1
Schroedinger wave equation, Particle-wave nature of matter int-10
Schroedinger wave equation, Solution for hydrogen atom 38—2
Schroedinger wave equation, Standing waves in fuzzy walled box 38—1
Schroedinger, Erwin int-10 37—1
Schwinger, J., quantum electrodynamics int-14
Search coil for magnetic field mapping experiment 30—24
Search coil, Inside Helmholtz coils 39—12
Second law of thermodynamics (see also Carnot cycle Thermal
Second law of thermodynamics, Applications of 18—17
Second law of thermodynamics, Chapter on 18—1
Second law of thermodynamics, statement of 18—4
Second law of thermodynamics, Time reversed movie 18—1
Second law, Newton's (see Newton’s laws: Second law)
Second, unit of time, definition of int-2
Secondary mirror in telescope Optics-42
Semi major axis, Kepler's laws 8—28
Series expansions Cal-1—23
Series expansions, Binomial Cal-1—23
Series expansions, Exponential function e to the x Cal-1—28
Series wiring, Capacitors 27—21
Series wiring, Resistors 27—11
Series, harmonic 16—3
Set Window, BASIC computer command 5—7
Short circuit 27—9
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