Ãëàâíàÿ    Ex Libris    Êíèãè    Æóðíàëû    Ñòàòüè    Ñåðèè    Êàòàëîã    Wanted    Çàãðóçêà    ÕóäËèò    Ñïðàâêà    Ïîèñê ïî èíäåêñàì    Ïîèñê    Ôîðóì   

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Huggins E.R. — Physics 2000
Huggins E.R. — Physics 2000

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Íàçâàíèå: Physics 2000

Àâòîð: Huggins E.R.


Physics2000 is a calculus based, college level introductory physics course that is designed to include twentieth century physics throughout. This is made possible by introducing Einstein's special theory of relativity in the first chapter. This way, students start off with a modem picture of how space and lime behave, and are prepared to approach topics such as mass and energy from a modern point of view.

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Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 2000

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 1123

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 23.10.2012

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Balmer series, Introduction to, hydrogen star      33—19
Barometer, mercury, pressure measurement      17—22
Basic electric circuits      27—1
BASIC program      (see also Computer)
BASIC program for dra wing circle      5—11
BASIC program for hydrogen molecule ion      19—24
BASIC program for oscillating cart      14—32
BASIC program for oscillatory motion      14—21 14—30
BASIC program for projectile motion      5—18 5—19 5—21 8—21
BASIC program for projectile motion with air resistance      5—22
BASIC program for satellite motion      8—21
BASIC program for spring pendulum      9—20
BASIC program, Calculating circle      5—6
BASIC program, Calculational loop for satellite motion      8—19
BASIC program, Comment lines in      5—7
BASIC program, Computer time step      5—14
BASIC program, Conservation of angular momentum      8—32
BASIC program, Conservation of energy      8—35
BASIC program, DO LOOP      5—4
BASIC program, Kepler's first law      8—26
BASIC program, Kepler's second law      8—27
BASIC program, Kepler's third law      8—28
BASIC program, LET Statement      5—5
BASIC program, Modified gravity      8—29
BASIC program, Multiplication      5—6
BASIC program, New calculational loop      8—17
BASIC program, Orbit-1 program      8—21
BASIC program, Perihelion, precession of      8—30
BASIC program, Plotting a point      5—6
BASIC program, Plotting window      5—7
BASIC program, Prediction of satellite orbits      8—16
BASIC program, Satellite motion laboratory      8—23
BASIC program, Selected printing (MOD command)      5—10
BASIC program, Sine wave products      16—29
BASIC program, Unit vectors      8—18
BASIC program, Variable names      5—6
Bathtub vortex      23—2
Baud rate for fiber optics      Optics 14
Bell Telephone Lab, electron waves      35—12
Berkeley synchrotron      28—22
Bernoulli’s equation, Applications of, Airplane Wing      23—13
Bernoulli’s equation, Applications of, Aspirator      23—16
Bernoulli’s equation, Applications of, Leaky tank      23—12
Bernoulli’s equation, Applications of, Sailboat      23—14
Bernoulli’s equation, Applications of, Venturi meter      23—15
Bernoulli’s equation, Applies along a streamline      23—11
Bernoulli’s equation, Care in applying      23—16
Bernoulli’s equation, Derivation of      23—9
Bernoulli’s equation, Formula for      23—11
Bernoulli’s equation, Hydrodynamic voltage      23—17
Beryllium in periodic table      38—13
Beryllium, Binding energy of last electron      38—12
Beta decay and energy conservation      int21
Beta decay, Neutrinos      20—6
Beta decay, Neutrons      20—7
Beta decay, Protons      20—7
Beta decay, Recoil experiment      6—6
Beta ray      int-21
Beta, Hans, proton cycle, energy from sun      34—23
Betatron      30—16
Bi-concave lens      Optics27
Bi-convex lens      Optics27
Bicycle wheel as a collection of masses      12—5
Bicycle wheel as a gyroscope      12—18
Bicycle wheel, Right hand rule for rotation      12—11
Bicycle wheel, Vector nature of angular momentum      7—14 12—6 12—17
Big Bang model of universe      int4 33—25 34—26
Binary stars      int2
Binding energy, Hydrogen molecule ion      19—23
Binding energy, Molecular forces      17—13
Binding energy, nuclear      20—9
Binding energy, Nuclear stability      20—10
Binding energy, Of inner electrons      38—12
Binomial expansion      1—31 Cal-1—23
Black dwarf star      int19
Black holes and neutron stars      20—18
Black holes, Critical radius for sun mass      10—30
Black holes, Introduction to      int-19
Black holes, Stellar evolution      int-20
Black holes, Theory of      10—29
Blackbody radiation, Electromagnetic spectrum      32—22
Blackbody radiation, Photon picture of      34—22
Blackbody radiation, Planck's formula      34—4
Blackbody radiation, Theory of      34—2
Blackbody radiation, Wein's displacement law      34—2
Blood flow, fluid dynamics      23—23
Bohr magneton, Dirac wave equation      39—5
Bohr magneton, Unit of magnetic moment      39—4
Bohr model      int-8
Bohr model, Allowed orbits      35—1
Bohr model, Angular momentum      35—1 35—8
Bohr model, Chapter on      35—1
Bohr model, De Broglie explanation      35—1
Bohr model, Derivation of      35—8
Bohr model, Energy levels      35—4
Bohr model, Introduction to      int-8
Bohr model, Planck's constant      35—1 35—8
Bohr model, Quantum mechanics      35—1
Bohr model, Rydberg constant      35—9
Bohr orbits, radii of      35—7
Boltzman, Constant      17—11
Boltzman, Formula for entropy      18—24
Bonding, covalent      19—15
Bonding, ionic      38—15
Born interpretation of particle waves      40—6
Boron in periodic table      38—13
Boron, Binding energy of last electron      38—12
Bottom quark      int24
Bragg reflection      36—4
Brahe, Tycho      8—25
Brownian motion, Discussion      17—7
Brownian motion, Movie      17—7
Bubble chambers      28—26
bulk modulus      15—8
Button labeled $\varnothing$ on MacScope      16—32
c (speed of light)      int-2 1—12 light)
Calculating Fourier coefficients      16—28
Calculational loop      5—17
Calculational loop for projectile motion      5—19 8—17
Calculational loop for projectile motion with air resistance      5—24
Calculational loop, Satellite Motion      8—19
Calculations, Computer, step-by-step      5—1
Calculations, Of flux      24—22
Calculations, Of integrals      Cal-1—11
Calculus and the uncertainty principle      4—1 Cal-1—3
Calculus in Physics      4—1
Calculus, Calculating integrals      Cal-1—11
Calculus, Calculus in physics      4—1 Cal-1—3
Calculus, Chain rule      Cal-1—25
Calculus, Definition of acceleration      4—5 Cal-1—7
Calculus, Definition of acceleration, Component equations      Cal-1—8
Calculus, Definition of acceleration, Vector equation      Cal-1—7
Calculus, Definition of velocity      4—3 Cal-1—5
Calculus, Definition of velocity, Component equations      Cal-1—8
Calculus, Definition of velocity, Vector equation      Cal-1—6
Calculus, Derivation of constant acceleration formulas      4—9 Cal-1—20
Calculus, Derivation of constant acceleration formulas in three dimensions      4—11 Cal-1—22
Calculus, Derivation, electric force of charged rod      24—6
Calculus, Limiting process      4—1 Cal-1—3
Calculus, Limiting process, Vector equation for      Cal-1—5
Calculus, Line integral      29—5
Calculus, Special chapter on      Cal-1—3
Calculus, Surface integral      29—2
Calibration of force detector      11—10
Camera, Depth of field      Optics 34
Camera, pinhole      Optics 35
Camera, single lens reflex      Optics 33
Capacitance, Electri      Cal-27—16
Capacitance, Introduction to      27—14
Capacitor in circuits      (see also Circuits)
Capacitor in circuits as circuit elements      27—20
Capacitor in circuits, Hydrodynamic analogy      27—14
Capacitor in circuits, LC circuit      31—10
Capacitor in circuits, Parallel connection      27—20
Capacitor in circuits, RC circuit      27—22
Capacitor in circuits, Series connection      27—21
Capacitor, Electrolytic      27—17
Capacitor, Energy storage in      27—18
Capacitor, Examples of      27—17
Capacitor, Introduction to      27—14
Capacitor, Magnetic field in      32—6
Capacitor, Parallel plate, Capacitance of      27—16
Capacitor, Parallel plate, Deflection plates      26—16
Capacitor, Parallel plate, Introduction to      26—14
Capacitor, Parallel plate, Voltage in      26—15
Carbon, Burning in oxygen      17—5
Carbon, Graphite crystal, electron diffraction      36—8
Carnot cycle as thought experiment      18—4
Carnot cycle, Efficiency of, Calculation of      18—28
Carnot cycle, Efficiency of, Discussion      18—12
Carnot cycle, Efficiency of, Formula for      18—13 18—29
Carnot cycle, Efficiency of, Reversible engines      18—18
Carnot cycle, Energy flow diagrams      18—15
Carnot cycle, Entropy      18—22
Carnot cycle, Introduction to      18—11
Carnot cycle, Maximally efficient engines      18—15
Carnot cycle, Refrigerator, energy flow diagrams      18—15
Carnot cycle, Reversible engines      18—13
Carnot cycle, Reversiblility      18—17
Carnot cycle, Second law of thermodynamics      18—4
Cassegrain telescope      Optics 42
Cavendish experiment      8—7
Center of mass, Diver movie      11—1
Center of mass, Dynamics of      11—4
Center of mass, Formula for      11—3
Center of mass, Gravitational force acting on      13—4
Center of mass, Introduction to      11—2
Center of our galaxy      Optics 47
Cerenkov radiation      Optics 10
CERN, Electroweak theory      int-26
CERN, Proton synchrotron at      28—24
cgs units      Back cover-1
CGS units, Classical hydrogen atom      35—2
CGS units, Coulomb's law      24—2
CGS units, Definition of electric charge      19—8
Chain rule      Cal-1—25
Chain rule, Proving it (almost)      Cal-1—26
Chain rule, Remembering it      Cal-1—25
Chaos      23—1
Charge, Addition of      19—10
Charge, conservation of      int-21
Charge, Density, created by Lorentz contraction      28—6
Charge, Discussion of      int-6
Charge, Electric, definition of (CGS units)      19—8
Charge, Fractional (quarks)      int-24 19—15
Charge, Magnetic moment for circular orbit      31—24
Charge, On electron, Millikan oil drop experiment      26—17
Charge, Positive and negative      int-6 19—10
Charge, Quantization of electric      19—14
Charge, surface      26—2
Charge, Unit test      24—11
Charges, static, line integral for      30—2
Charm quark      int-24
Chemistry      (see Atoms: Angular momentum quantum number)
Cholera molecule      17—2
chromatic aberration      Optics 21
Chromatic aberration, Newton's reflecting telescope      Optics 22
Ciliary muscle, eye      Optics 31
Circuits, Basic      27—1
Circuits, Grounding      26—8
Circuits, Inductor as a circuit element      31—7
Circuits, Kirchoff’s law      27—10
Circuits, LC circuit, Experiment      31—13
Circuits, LC circuit, Fourier analysis of      31—31
Circuits, LC circuit, Introduction to      31—10
Circuits, LC circuit, Ringing like a bell      31—36
Circuits, LR circuit, Exponential decay      31—9
Circuits, LR circuit, Introduction to      31—8
Circuits, Neon oscillator circuit      27—29
Circuits, Power in      27—9
Circuits, RC circuit, Exponential decay      27—23
Circuits, RC circuit, Exponential rise      27—26
Circuits, RC circuit, Initial slope      27—25
Circuits, RC circuit, Introduction to      27—22
Circuits, RC circuit, Measuring time constant      27—25
Circuits, RC circuit, Time constant      27—24
Circuits, RC circuit, X      (see Experiments II: -3- The RC Circuit)
Circuits, Short      27—9
Circuits, Simple      27—8
Circuits, The voltage divider      27—13
Circular electric field      30—13
Circular electric field, Line integral for      30—13
Circular motion, Force causing      8—2
Circular motion, Particles in magnetic field      28—20
Circular motion, Uniform, Introduction to      3—17
Circular motion, Uniform, Magnitude of acceleration      3—18
Circular orbit, classical hydrogen atom      35—2
Circular wave patterns, superposition of      33—2
Classical hydrogen atom      35—2
Classical physics      int-7
Clock, Atomic clocks      1—21
Clock, Lack of simultaneity      1—32
Clock, Light pulse clock      1—14
Clock, Muon clock      1—20
Clock, Time dilation      1—22
Cluster, globular      11—2
Cochlea (inside of the ear)      16—34
Coefficient of friction      9—13
Coefficients, Fourier (Fourier analysis lecture)      16—28
Coil as a circuit element      31—7
Coil, Field of a solenoid      28—17 29—14
Coil, Inductance of      31—5
Coil, Magnetic field of Helmholtz coils      28—19
Coil, Primary      30—26
Coil, Toroidal      31—6
Coil, Toroidal in LC circuit      31—11
Coil, Torroidal      29—17
Collisions, Color force      19—15
Collisions, Discovery of the atomic nucleus      11—19
Collisions, Energy loss      11—14
Collisions, Experiments on momentum conservation      7—4
Collisions, Force detector      11—10
Collisions, Impulse      11—9
Collisions, Introduction to      11—9
Collisions, Momentum conservation during      11—13
Collisions, Subatomic      7—7
Collisions, That conserve momentum and energy (elastic)      11 16
Colors and Fourier analysis      16—28
Colors, Blackbody radiation      32—22
Colors, Blackbody radiation, Color of stars      34—2
Colors, Electromagnetic Spectrum      32—20
Colors, Glass prism and rainbow of colors      Optics 15
Comment lines, computer      5—7
Commutative law, exercise on      2—7
Compass needles, direction of magnetic field      28—12
Component sine wave, Fourier analysis      16—28
Components, Formula for cross product      2—17
Components, Introduction to      2—8
Components, vector      Cal-1—7
Compton scattering, photon momentum      34—15
Computer      (see also BASIC program)
Computer analysis of satellite motion      (see Experiments I: —5— Computer analysis of satellite motion)
Computer prediction of projectile motion      (see Experiments projectile
Computer, BASIC      (see also BASIC program)
Computer, Calculations, Introduction to      5—2
Computer, Calculations, Step-by-step      5—1
Computer, Commands, Comment lines      5—7
Computer, Commands, DO LOOP      5—4
Computer, Commands, LET Statement      5—5
Computer, Commands, Multiplication notation      5—6
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
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