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Huggins E.R. — Physics 2000 |
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Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü |
Short rod, electric force exerted by 24—9
Silicon, surface (111 Plane) of Optics-51
Simple electric circuit 27—8
Simple pendulum, Simple and conical pendulums 14—17
Simple pendulum, Theory of 14—15
Simultaneity, lack of 1—32
Sine function, Amplitude of Cal-1—37
Sine function, Definition of Cal-1—35 Cal-1—36
Sine function, Derivative of, derivation Cal-1—38
Sine waves as solution of differential equation 14—9
Sine waves, AC voltage generator 30—22
Sine waves, Amplitude of 14—10
Sine waves, Definition of 14—3
Sine waves, Derivative of 14—8
Sine waves, Formation of pulse from 40—27
Sine waves, Fourier analysis lecture 16—28
Sine waves, Fourier analysis of 16—7
Sine waves, Harmonic series 16—3
Sine waves, Normal modes 16—4
Sine waves, Phase of 14—6
Sine waves, Pulse in air 15—3
Sine waves, Sinusoidal waves motion 15—12
Sine waves, Standing waves on a guitar string 15—20
Sine waves, Traveling wave 15—16
Sine waves, Traveling waves add to standing wave 15—20
Single slit diffraction 33—26
Single slit diffraction, Analysis of pattern 33—27
Single slit diffraction, Application to uncertainty principle 40—16
Single slit diffraction, Huygens principle 33—4
Single slit diffraction, Recording patterns 33—28
Slit pattern, Fourier transform of 16—33
Slope of a curve as derivative Cal-1—30
Slope of a curve, Formula for Cal-1—30
Slope of a curve, Negative slope Cal-1—31
Small angle approximation, Simple pendulum 14—16
Small angle approximation, Snell’s law Optics-19
Small oscillations for non linear restoring forces 14—19
Small oscillations, Molecular forces act like springs 14—20
Small oscillations, Of simple pendulum 14—16
Smallest scale of distance, physics at int-25
Snell’s law for small angles Optics-19
Snell’s law, Applied to spherical surfaces Optics-19
Snell’s law, Derivation of Optics-12
Snell’s law, Introduction to Optics-2 Optics-11
Sodium to argon, periodic table 38—13
Solar neutrinos 6—13 (see also Neutrinos)
Solenoid, Ampere's law applied to 29—15
Solenoid, magnetic field of 28—17 29—14
Solenoid, Right hand rule for 29—14
Solenoid, Toroidal, magnetic field of 29—17
Solving problems, Gauss'law problems 24—26
Solving problems, How to go about it 24—29
Solving problems, Projectile motion problems 4—16
Sombrero galaxy int-2
Sound waves in various materials 15—9
Sound waves, Formula for 15—9
Sound waves, speed of, Calculation of 15—8
Sound, Focusing by an ellipse 8—26 Optics-3
Sound, Fourier analysis and normal modes 16—1
Sound, Fourier analysis of violin notes 16—18
Sound, Intensity, Bells and decibels 16—24
Sound, Intensity, Definition of 16—24
Sound, Intensity, Speaker curves 16—27
Sound, Percussion instruments 16—22
Sound, Sound meters 16—26
Sound, Sound produced by guitar string 15—22
Sound, Stringed instruments 16—18
Sound, The human ear 16—16
Sound, Wind instruments 16—20
Space and time int-2 1—1
Spectrometer, mass 28—28
Spectrum, Electromagnetic, Photon energies 34—11
Spectrum, Electromagnetic, Visible spectrum 33—15
Spectrum, Electromagnetic, Wavelengths of 32—20
Spectrum, Hydrogen star 33—19 35—4
Spectrum, Hydrogen, Balmer series 33—19
Spectrum, Hydrogen, Bohr theory of 35—4
Spectrum, Hydrogen, Experiment to measure 33—17
Spectrum, Hydrogen, Lyman series, ultraviolet 35—6
Spectrum, Hydrogen, Paschen series, infrared 35—6
Speed and mass increase int-11
Speed detector, air cart 30—5
Speed limit, nature’s int-12 6—11
Speed of an electromagnetic pulse 32—14
Speed of light in a medium Optics-8
Speed of light, Absolute speed limit int-2 int-12
Speed of light, Calculation of speed of light, Analysis of path 2 32—16
Speed of light, Calculation of speed of light, Using Maxwell's Equations 32—14
Speed of light, Dimensional analysis 15—9
Speed of light, Experiment to measure 1—9 31—15
Speed of light, Same to all observers 1—12
Speed of sound, Formula for and values of 15—9
Speed of sound, Theory of 15—8
Speed of wave pulses, Dimensional analysis 15—6
Speed of wave pulses, On rope 15—4
Sphere, area of 23—6
Sphere, Electric field inside of 26—4
Spherical aberration Optics-21
Spherical aberration in Hubble telescope mirror Optics-22
Spherical lens surface Optics-19
Spherical lens surface, Formula for focal length 0
Spherical mass, gravitational field of 24—24
Spin flip energy, Dirac equation 39—15
Spin, Allowed projections 39—3
Spin, Chapter on 39—1
Spin, Concept of 39—3
Spin, Dirac equation 39—3
Spin, Electron Spin Resonance, Experiment 39—5 39—9
Spin, Electron, introduction to 38—1
Spin, Electron, periodic table 38—9
Spin, Gyroscope like 39—15
Spin, Interaction with magnetic field 39—4
Spin, Magnetic energy 39—1
Spin, Semi classical formula 39—14
Spin, Uhlenbeck and Gaudsmit 39—1
Spring potential energy int-11
Spring, Constant 9—3
Spring, Forces 9—3
Spring, Mass on a spring, Computer analysis of 14—30
Spring, Mass on a spring, Differential equation for 14—8
Spring, Mass on a spring, Theory 14—7
Spring, Oscillating cart 14—5
Spring, Spring model of molecular force 17—13
Spring, Spring pendulum, Ball spring program 9—20
Spring, Spring pendulum, Computer analysis of 9—8
Spring, Spring pendulum, F = ma 9—7
Spring, Spring pendulum, Introduction to 9—4
Square of amplitude, intensity 16—33
Square wave, Fourier analysis of 16—9 16—28
Stability of matter 19—14
Standard model of basic interactions int-25
Standing waves, Allowed standing waves in hydrogen 37—1
Standing waves, De Broglie waves, Movie 35—11
Standing waves, Formulas for 15—20
Standing waves, Frequency of 15—21
Standing waves, Hydrogen, L=0 patterns 38—4
Standing waves, Introduction to 15—18
Standing waves, Light waves in laser 37—2
Standing waves, Made from traveling waves 15—19
Standing waves, On a guitar string 15—20
Standing waves, On drums 16—22
Standing waves, On violin backplate 16—23
Standing waves, Particle wave nature int-13
Standing waves, Patterns in hydrogen 38—3
Standing waves, Photons in laser 37—3
Standing waves, The L=0 patterns in hydrogen 38—4
Standing waves, Two dimensional 37—8
Standing waves, Two dimensional, Electrons on copper crystal 37—9
Standing waves, Two dimensional, On drumhead 37—8
Star, binary int-2
| Star, Binary, Black hole 20—19
Star, Black dwarf int-19
Star, Black hole int-20 20—18
Star, Blackbody spectrum of 34—3
Star, Hydrogen spectrum of 33—19 35—4
Star, neutron int-20 20—17
Star, Red supergian t 20—15
Star, Stellar evolution 17—17
Star, white dwarf 20—15
Statamps, CGS units 24—2
Static charges, Electric field of 30—16
Static charges, Line integral for 30—2
Stationary source, moving observer, Doppler effect 33—21
Statvolts, CGS units of charge 24—2
Steady state model of the universe 34—25
Stellar evolution 17—17 20—13
Stellar evolution, General discussion int-19
Stellar evolution, Role of neutrinos 20—15
Stellar evolution, Role of the four basic interactions 20—13
Stellar evolution, Role of thermal energy 17—17
Step — By — Step Calculations 5—1
Stomach, medical image Optics-15
Strain, definition of 15—8
Strange quark int-24
Streamlines and electric field lines 24—14 24—17
Streamlines in blood flow experiment 23—23
Streamlines in superfluid helium venturi meter 23—17
Streamlines in venturi meter 23—15
Streamlines, Around airplane wing 23—13
Streamlines, Around sailboat sail 23—14
Streamlines, Bernoulli's equation 23—11
Streamlines, Bounding flux tubes 23—8
Streamlines, Definition of 23—4
Streamlines, Hele — Shaw cell 23—4
Strength of the electric interaction 19—8
Strength of the electric interaction and magnetic forces 28—6
Strength of the electric interaction in comparison to gravity int-6
Strength of the electric interaction in comparison to nuclear force int-18 20—2
Strength of the electric interaction, Two garden peas 28—2
Stress, definition of 15—8
String forces, Atwoods machine 9—16
String forces, Conical pendulum 9—18
String forces, Introduction to 9—15
String forces, Solving pulley problems 9—16
String forces, Working with rope 13—10
String theory int-16
Stringed instruments 16—18
Stringed instruments, Violin, acoustic vs electric 16—19
Strobe photographs and the uncertainty principle 4—2 Cal-1—4
Strobe photographs, Analyzing 3—8 3—11
Strobe photographs, Defining the acceleration vector 3—15
Strobe photographs, Defining the velocity vector 3—11
Strobe photographs, Taking 3—7
Structure, nuclear 20—7
Styrofoam projectile 5—28
Subtraction of vectors 2—7
Summation, Becoming an integral Cal-1—10
Summation, Of velocity vectors Cal-1—10
Sun and neutron stars 20—17
Sun dogs Optics-18
Sun, age of 34—23
Sun, Energy source int-18
Sun, Halos around Optics-18
Sun, Kepler's laws 8—24
Sun, Neutrinos from 6—13 11—21
Superconducting magnets 31—30
Superfluid helium venturi meter 23—15
Superfluids, Quantized vortices int-23—22
Supernova 1987
Supernova in stellar evolution 20—14
Supernova, Neutrino astronomy 6—14
Supernova, Neutrinos from 20—16
Supernova, Photograph of int-19 6—14
Supernova, Principle of 15—11
Supernova, Superposition of waves, Circular waves 33—2
Supernova, Two slit experiment 40—2
surface 111
Surface charges 26—2
Surface charges for magnetic fields 32—3
Surface charges in Maxwell's equations 32—8
Surface charges, Gauss’law 29—3
Surface charges, Two kinds of vector fields 30—19
Surface tension 17—14
Symmetry 19—15
Symmetry of Maxwell’s equations 32—9
Symmetry, Gell — Mann and Neuman int-24
Symmetry, SU3 19—15
Symmetry, SU3, Gell — Mann and Neuman int-24
Synchrotron 28—22
Systems of particles, chapter on 11—1
Table of elements 19—5
Tacoma Narrows bridge 14—24
Tangential distance, velocity and acceleration 12—4
Tau particle, lepton family int-22
Tau type neutrino int-22
Taylor, Joe, binary neutron stars int-15
Telescope, parabolic reflector Optics-4
Telescopes int-1
Telescopes, Infrared, IRAS satellite Optics-47
Telescopes, Infrared, Mt. Hopkins 2Mass Optics-46
Telescopes, radio Optics-48
Telescopes, Radio, Arecibo Optics-48
Telescopes, Radio, Arecibo, binary neutron stars int-15
Telescopes, Radio, Holmdel, three degree radiation int-30
Telescopes, Radio, Radio galaxy image Optics-48
Telescopes, Radio, Radio images of variable star Optics-49
Telescopes, Radio, Very Large Array Optics-48
Telescopes, Radio, Very Long Baseline Array Optics-49
Telescopes, reflecting Optics-42
Telescopes, Reflecting, Cassegrain design Optics-42
Telescopes, Reflecting, Diffraction limit Optics-45
Telescopes, Reflecting, Hubbel space telescope Optics-44
Telescopes, Reflecting, Image plane Optics-5
Telescopes, Reflecting, Keck, world’s largest optical Optics-45
Telescopes, Reflecting, Mt. Hopkins Optics-43
Telescopes, Reflecting, Mt. Palomar Optics-43
Telescopes, Reflecting, Newton's Optics-42
Telescopes, Reflecting, Secondary mirror Optics-42
Telescopes, Reflecting, William HersheTs Optics-43
Telescopes, refracting Optics-40
Telescopes, Refracting, Galileo's Optics-41
Telescopes, Refracting, Yerkes Optics-41
Television waves, Photon energies 34—11
Television waves, Wavelength of 32—20
Temperature and zero point-energy 37—8
Temperature, absolute zero 17—9
Temperature, Boltzman 's constant 17—11
Temperature, Heated hydrogen int-9
Temperature, Ideal gas thermometer 17—20
Temperature, Introduction to 17—9
Temperature, Temperature scales 17—10
Tesla and Gauss, magnetic field dimensions 28—16
Test charge, unit size 24—11
Text file for FFT data 16—32
Thermal equilibrium and temperature 17—9
Thermal equilibrium, Introduction to 17—8
Thermal equilibrium, Of the universe 34—28
Thermal expansion in stellar evolution 17—17 20—13
Thermal expansion, Adiabatic expansion 18—9
Thermal expansion, Adiabatic expansion, Derivation of formula 18—26
Thermal expansion, Adiabatic expansion, Formula for 18—10
Thermal expansion, Isothermal expansion 18—8
Thermal expansion, Isothermal expansion, Derivation of formula for 18—26
Thermal expansion, Molecular theory of 17—33
Thermal expansion, Of gas in balloon 17—16
Thermal expansion, Work done by an expanding gas 18—5
Thermal motion, Boltzman's constant 17—11
Thermal motion, Brownian motion 17—6
Thermal motion, Brownian motion, Movie 17—7
Thermal photons (see Three degree radiation)
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