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Huggins E.R. — Physics 2000 |
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Measuring short times using uncertainty principle 40—22
Measuring time constant from graph Cal-1—34
Mechanics, Classical H atom 35—3
Mechanics, Newton's second law 8—4
Mechanics, Newton's Third Law 11—6
Mechanics, Newtonian, Chapter on 8—1
Mechanics, Photon mechanics 34—12
Mechanics, relativistic int-12
Mechanics, The role of mass in 8—3
Medical imaging Optics 15
Megabit, fiber optics communication Optics 14
Meiners, Harry, electron scattering apparatus 36—1
Meniscus-concave lens Optics 27
Meniscus-convex lens Optics 27
Mercury barometer, pressure measurement 17—22
Meter, definition of int-2
Microscope int-1 0
Microscope, Atomic 17—1
Microscope, Ptics 50
Microscope, Scanning tunneling microscope Optics 51
Microwave polarizer 32—24
Microwave polarizer, Center of our galaxy Optics 47
Microwave polarizer, Milky Way int-2
Microwave polarizer, Photon energies 34—11
Microwaves, Electromagnetic spectrum int-7 32—20
Millikan oil drop experiment 26—17
Mirror images, General discussion Optics 6
Mirror images, Reversing front to back Optics 7
Mirror images, Right-hand rule Optics 6
Mirror, parabolic, Focusing properties of Optics 4 Optics
MKS units, Ampere, volt, watt 24—2
MKS units, Coulomb's law in 24—2
MOD command, computer 5—10
Model Atom 37—4
Model Atom, Energy levels in 37—4
Model showing equipotential and field lines 25—10
Modulus, bulk 15—8
Modulus, Definition of 15—8
Modulus, Young's 15—8
Molar heat capacity 17—26
Molar specific heat of helium gas 17—27
Mole, Avogadro's number 17—24
Mole, Volume of 17—25
Molecular forces int-6 14—20 17—12
Molecular forces, A classical analysis 19—18
Molecular forces, A classical analysis, The bon ding region 19—19
Molecular forces, A more quantitative look 19—18
Molecular forces, Binding energy 17—13
Molecular forces, Electric interaction 19—1
Molecular forces, Four basic interactions 19—2
Molecular forces, Introduction to 19—15
Molecular forces, Represented by springs 17—13
Molecular weight 17—24
Molecules 17—2
Molecules, Cholera 17—2
Molecules, Hydrogen molecule ion 19—16
Molecules, Hydrogen, electric forces in 19—16
Molecules, Myoglobin 17—3
Molecules, water 17—2
Moment, magnetic and angular momentum 31—24
Moment, magnetic, Calculating 12—8
Moment, magnetic, definition of 31—21
Moment, magnetic, Moment of inertia, Angular mass 12—7
Moment, magnetic, Of charge in circular orbit 31—24
Moment, magnetic, Rotational kinetic energy 12—22
Moment, magnetic, Summary of equations 31—24
Momentum of photon, Compton scattering. 34—15
Momentum of photon, Formula for 34—13
Momentum version of Newton's second law 11—8
Momentum, Uncertainty principle, position-momentum form 40—15
Mormon Tabernacle, ellipse Optics 3
Mormon Tabernacle, focusing of sound waves 8—26
Motion in radiation belts 28—32
Motion, Angular acceleration 12—3
Motion, Angular analogy 12—3
Motion, Angular velocity 12—2
Motion, Computer program for 14—30
Motion, Damped harmonic motion 14—21
Motion, Description of, chapter on 3—3
Motion, Differential equation for 14—21
Motion, Forced harmonic motion, Differential equation for 14—25 14—28
Motion, Harmonic motion 14—12
Motion, Motion of electrons in a magnetic field, Of light through a medium Optics 8
Motion, Of charged particles in magnetic fields 28—19
Motion, Oscillatory motion 14—2
Motion, Oscillatory motion of various kinds, Prediction of motion 5—12
Motion, Particles in magnetic field 28—20
Motion, Radian measure 12—2
Motion, Rotational motion 12—1
Motion, Tacoma Narrows bridge 14—24
Motion, Translation and rotation 12—24
Motion, Uniform circular motion 3—17 8—2
Motion, Wave motion, amplitude and phase 15—17
Movie, Angular momentum as a Vector 7—15
Movie, Brownian motion 17—7
Movie, Circular motion of particles in magnetic field 28—20
Movie, Diver 11—1
Movie, Magnetic deflection 28—9
Movie, Magnetic focusing 28—30
Movie, Muon Lifetime 1—21
Movie, Standing De Broglie like waves 35—11
Movie, Time reversed dive, second law of thermodynam, ics 18—1
Mt. Hopkins telescope Optics 43
Mt. Palomar telescope Optics 43
Mu () zero, definition of 31—19
Multi Electron Atoms 38—9
Multiple lens systems Optics 28
Multiple slit grating 16—33
Multiple slit interference patterns 33—12
Multiplication notation, computer 5—6
Multiplication of vectors, By a number 2—5
Multiplication of vectors, Scalar or dot product 2—12
Multiplication of vectors, Vector cross product 2—15 12—9
Muon and Mt. Washington, Lorentz contraction 1—29
Muon type neutrino int-21
Muon, Discovery of int-23
Muon, Half life used as clock 1—20
Muon, Lepton family int-22
Muon, Lifetime, exponential decay Cal-1—32
Muon, Movie on lifetime 1—21
Muon, Movie on lifetime, Cerenkov radiation Optics 10
Muscle injuries lifting weights 13—11
Muscle, ciliary in the eye Optics 31
Myoglobin molecule 17—3
Myopia, nearsightedness Optics 32
Nature’s speed limit int-12 6—11
Nearsightedness Optics-32
Nebula, Crab, neutron star 20—16
Nebula, Eagle 7—16 7—18
Nebula, Orion 7—17
Negative and positive charge 19—10
Negative focal length, diverging lenses Optics-26
Negative image distance Optics-26
Negative object distance Optics-27
negative slope Cal-1—31
Neon bulb oscillator 27—28
Neon bulb oscillator, Experimental setup 27—31
Neon, up to, periodic table 38—13
Nerve fibers, Cones Optics-31
Nerve fibers, human eye Optics-31
Nerve fibers, Rods Optics-31
Net area (Fourier analysis) 16—29
Neutrino astronomy 6—14 11—21
Neutrinos 6—13 11—20 1987
Neutrinos in nuclear structure 20—7
Neutrinos in stellar evolution 20—15
Neutrinos in supernova explosions 20—16
Neutrinos, 1987 Supernova 6—14
Neutrinos, Beta decay reactions 20—6
Neutrinos, cosmic background int-30
| Neutrinos, Created in the weak interaction 20—6
Neutrinos, Electron type int-21
Neutrinos, From the sun 6—13 11—21
Neutrinos, Muon type int-21
Neutrinos, Passing through matter int-22
Neutrinos, Pauli's prediction of int-21 20—6
Neutrinos, Rest mass 20—6
Neutrinos, Stability of 19—14
Neutrinos, Tau type int-21
Neutron in alpha particles 20—8
Neutron in isotopes int-17 19—6
Neutron in nuclear matter 20—1
Neutron star and black holes int-20 20—18
Neutron star in Crab nebula 20—17
Neutron star, Binary int-15
Neutron star, Pulsars 20—17
Neutron star, Stellar evolution int-19
Neutron, Decay, Beta decay reactions 20—7
Neutron, Decay, Charge conservation in int-21
Neutron, Decay, Energy problems int-21
Neutron, Decay, Weak interaction 20—6
Neutron, Formation of deuterium in early universe 34—30
Neutron, Neutron proton balance in early universe 34—30
Neutron, Neutron proton mass difference in early universe 34—30
Neutron, Nuclear binding energies 20—9
Neutron, Quark structure of int-24
Neutron, Rest mass energy int-22 20—9
Neutron, Role in nuclear structure 20—7
New functions, obtained from integration Cal-1—15
Newton, Particle nature of light 34—1 Optics-1
Newtonian mechanics 8—1
Newtonian mechanics, Classical H atom 35—3
Newtonian mechanics, Failure of in specific heats 17—31
Newtonian mechanics, Failure of in the classical hydrogen atom 35—3
Newtonian mechanics, The role of mass 8—3
Newton’s laws, Chapter on 8—1
Newton’s laws, Classical physics int-7
Newton’s laws, Gravity int-15 8—5
Newton’s laws, second law 8—4
Newton’s laws, Second law and Newton's law of gravity 8—5
Newton’s laws, Second law, Angular analogy 12—14
Newton’s laws, Second law, Applications of, chapter on 9—1
Newton’s laws, Second law, Atwood's machine 9—16
Newton’s laws, Second law, Inclined plane 9—10
Newton’s laws, Second law, Momentum version of 11—8
Newton’s laws, Second law, Satellite motion 8—8
Newton’s laws, Second law, String forces 9—15
Newton’s laws, Second law, Vector addition of forces 9—6
Newton’s laws, third law 11—6
Newton’s reflecting telescope Optics-22 Optics-42
NMR experiment, the hydrogen-deuterium molecule 39—12
Nonlinear restoring forces 14—19
Nonrelativistic wave equation int-12 15—2 34—16
Normal modes, Degrees of freedom 17—29
Normal modes, Fourier analysis of coupled air cart system 16—12
Normal modes, Modes of oscillation 16—4 (see Experiments I: —11— Normal modes of oscillation)
Nuclear, binding energy 20—9
Nuclear, Charge, effective in periodic table 38—12
Nuclear, Energy well, binding energies 20—10
Nuclear, fission int-18 20—3
Nuclear, Fission, Energy from 20—4
Nuclear, Force int-18 20—2
Nuclear, Force, Four basic interactions 19—2
Nuclear, Force, Meson, Yukawa theory int-22
Nuclear, Force, Range of 20—3
Nuclear, Force, Range vs. electric force int-18
Nuclear, fusion int-18 20—12
Nuclear, Fusion, Binding energies, stellar evolution 20—13
Nuclear, Nuclear interaction int-14
Nuclear, Nuclear interaction, Alpha particles 20—8
Nuclear, Nuclear interaction, Binding energy 20—9
Nuclear, Nuclear interaction, Neutron stars 20—17
Nuclear, Nuclear magnetic moment 39—6
Nuclear, Nuclear matter, chapter on 20—1
Nuclear, Nuclear reactions, element creation int-4
Nuclear, Nuclear stability, binding energy 20—10
Nuclear, Nuclear structure int-22 20—7
Nucleon int-17
Nucleus int-17
Nucleus, Discovery of, Rutherford 35—1
Nucleus, Hydrogen int-6
Nucleus, Isotopes of 19—6
Nucleus, Large int-22
Nucleus, Lithium int-6
Odd harmonics in a square wave 16—28
Odor of violets 17—6
Oersted, Hans Christian 28—12
Off axis rays, parabolic mirror Optics-4
Ohm’s Law 27—7
One cycle of a square wave 16—28
One dimensional wave motion 15—1
Optical properties, Parabolic reflectors Optics-4
Optical properties, Spherical surface Optics-19
Optics of a simple microscope Optics-50
Optics, fiber, Introduction to Optics-14
Optics, fiber, Medical imaging Optics-15
Optics, geometrical, Chapter on Optics-1
Optics, geometrical, Definition of Optics-2
Orbitals 19—15 (see also Hydrogen atom: Standing wave
Orbits, Allowed, Bohr theory int-8
Orbits, Bohr, radii of 35—7
Orbits, Classical hydrogen atom 35—2
Orbits, Orbit-1 Program 8—21
Orbits, Precession of, general relativity 8—30
Orbits, satellite (see Satellite motion)
Order and disorder, Direction of time 18—25
Order and disorder, Entropy and the second law of thermodynamics 18—4
Order and disorder, Formula for entropy 18—24
Orion Nebula 7—17
Oscillation 14—1
Oscillation, Critical damping 14—23
Oscillation, Damped, Computer approach 14—21
Oscillation, Damped, Differential equation for 14—21
Oscillation, LC circuit 31—10
Oscillation, LC circuit, Intuitive picture of 31—12
Oscillation, Mass on a spring, Analytic solution 14—7
Oscillation, Mass on a spring, Computer solution 14—30
Oscillation, Mass on a spring, Differential equation for 14—8
Oscillation, Non linear restoring forces 14—19
Oscillation, Normal modes 16—4 (see also Experiments I: —11— Normal modes of oscillation)
Oscillation, period of 14—4
Oscillation, phase of 14—6
Oscillation, Resonance, Analytic solution for 14—26 14—28
Oscillation, Resonance, Differential equation for 14—25
Oscillation, Resonance, Introduction to 14—24
Oscillation, Small oscillation, Molecular forces 14—20
Oscillation, Small oscillation, Simple pendulum 14—16
Oscillation, Torsion pendulum 14—12
Oscillation, Transients 14—27
Oscillator, harmonic oscillator 14—12
Oscillator, Harmonic oscillator, Differential equation for 14—14
Oscillator, Harmonic oscillator, Forced 14—28
Oscillator, Neon bulb oscillator 27—28
Oscillator, Neon bulb oscillator, Period of oscillation 27—30 (see also Experiments II: —4— The neon bulb oscillator)
Oscillatory motion 14—2 (see also Experiments I: —10— Oscillatory motion of various kinds)
Osmotic pressure 17—34
Overview of physics int-1
Parabola, How to make one Optics-4
Parabolic mirror, f number Optics-5
Parabolic mirror, Focusing properties of Optics-4 Optics-42
Parabolic mirror, Off axis rays Optics-4
Parallel currents attract 28—14
parallel plate capacitor 26—14
Parallel plate capacitor, Capacitance of 27—16
Parallel plate capacitor, Voltage in 26—15
Parallel resistors 27—12
Particle int-14
Particle accelerators 28—22
Particle decays and four basic interactions int-23
Particle nature of light 34—1
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