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The Neumann problem for the Henon equation, trace inequalities and Steklov eigenvalues |
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The Lagrange inversion formula on non-archimedean fields and the Siegel center problem |
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The Henon—Heiles Hamiltonian near the critical energy level-some rigorous results |
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The Fermi-Pasta-Ulam model Periodic solutions |
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Теорема искажения для однолистных лакунарных рядов |
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Stochastic Convergence of Weighted Sums of Random Elements in Linear Spaces |
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Stochastic Spatial Processes |
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Применение метода Люпанова—Шмидта в задаче ответвления цикла от семейства равновесий системы с мультисимметрией |
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38612 |
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Symmetry results for solutions of semilinear elliptic equations with convex nonlinearities |
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Symmetry results for solutions of a semilinear nonhomogeneous problem |
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Symmetry results for perturbed problems and related questions |
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Symmetry of solutions to semilinear elliptic equations via Morse index |
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Symmetry of solutions of a semilinear elliptic problem in an annulus |
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Symmetry of positive solutions of an almost-critical problem in an annulus |
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Symmetry of extremal functions in Moser—Trudinger inequalities and a Henon type problem in dimension two |
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Symmetry of C^1 solutions of p-Laplace equations in R^N |
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Symmetry groups of the planar 3-body problem and action minimizing trajectories |
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38603 |
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Symmetry breaking results for problems with exponential growth in the unit disk |
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38602 |
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Symmetric trajectories for the 2n-body problem with equal masses |
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Symbolic dynamics for the Henon-Heiles Hamiltonian on the critical level |
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Свойство малого индекса для алгебр |
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Свойства уравнений быстрой диффузии и его многомерные точные решения |
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Свободная ассоциативная алгебра как свободный модуль над подалгеброй Шпехта |
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Предел последовательностей отображений с ограниченным искажением на группе Гейзенберга и теорема о локальном гомеоморфизме |
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Строение алгебраических систем с полной теорией бесконечных подсистем |
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Steady periodic water waves under nonlinear elastic membranes |
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Стабилизируемость в асимптотически конечномерных полугруппах |
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Stability results for mountain pass and linking type solutions of semilinear problems involving Dirichlet forms |
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Stability of solutions for some classes of nonlinear damped wave equations |
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38584 |
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Stability of nearly-integrable, degenerate hamiltonian systems with two degrees of freedom |
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38583 |
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Спонтанная хирургия на зацеплении Боромеевы кольца |
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Сплетения и универсальная эквивалентность |
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Спектральная теория полутопологических решеток |
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Сопряженно плотные подгруппы локально конечных групп Шевалле лиева ранга 1 |
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