38574 |
Felli V., Uguzzoni F. |
Some existence results for the Webster scalar curvature problem in presence of symmetry |
n/a | •• |
38573 |
Malchiodi A., Ndiaye C.B. |
Some existence results for the Toda system on closed surfaces |
n/a | •• |
38572 |
Crasta G., Gazzola F. |
Some estimates of the minimizing properties of web functions |
n/a | •• |
38571 |
Junginger-Gestrich H., Valdinoci E. |
Some connections between results and problems of De Giorgi, Moser and Bangert |
2007 | •• |
38570 |
Ambrosetti A., Malchiodi A., Ni W.-M. |
Solutions, concentrating on spheres, to symmetric singularly perturbed problems |
n/a | •• |
38569 |
Mahmoudi F., Malchiodi A. |
Solutions to the nonlinear Schrodinger equation carrying momentum along a curve. Part II: proof of the existence result |
n/a | •• |
38568 |
Mahmoudi F., Malchiodi A., Montenegro M. |
Solutions to the nonlinear Schrodinger equation carrying momentum along a curve. Part I study of the limit set and approximate solutions |
n/a | •• |
38567 |
Terracini S., Verzini G. |
Solutions of prescribed number of zeroes to a class of superlinear ODEs systems |
n/a | •• |
38566 |
Girardi M., Matzeu M. |
Solutions of a class of superlinear indefinite elliptic equations |
n/a | •• |
38565 |
Badiale M., Benci V., Rolando S. |
Solitary waves physical aspects and mathematical results |
2001 | •• |
38564 |
D'Aprile T., Mugnai D. |
Solitary waves for nonlinear Klein-Gordon-Maxwell and Schrödinger-Maxwell equations |
n/a | •• |
38563 |
Berti M., Bolle P. |
Sobolev periodic solutions of nonlinear wave equations in higher spatial dimensions |
n/a | •• |
38562 |
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38561 |
Snyder V., Sisam C.H. |
Analytic Geometry of Space |
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38560 |
Áîðèñîâ È.Ñ., Ìèðîíîâ Ä.Â. |
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2003 | •• |
38559 |
Ambrosetti A., Malchiodi A., Ni W.-M. |
Singularly perturbed elliptic equations with symmetry existence of solutions concentrating on spheres |
2002 | •• |
38558 |
Ambrosetti A., Malchiodi A., Ni W.-M. |
Singularly perturbed elliptic equations with symmetry Existence of solutions concentrating on spheres, Part II |
n/a | •• |
38557 |
Pomponio A. |
Singularly perturbed Neumann problems with potentials |
n/a | •• |
38556 |
Payne K.R. |
Singular metrics and associated conformal groups underlying differential operators of mixed and degenerate types |
n/a | •• |
38555 |
Gladiali F., Grossi M. |
Singular limit of radial solutions in an annulus |
n/a | •• |
38554 |
Conti M., Pata V., Squassina M. |
Singular limit of differential systems with memory |
2000 | •• |
38553 |
Caldiroli P., Malchiodi A. |
Singular elliptic problems with critical growth |
1999 | •• |
38552 |
Barile S., Cingolani S., Secchi S. |
Single-peaks for a magnetic Schrödinger equation with critical growth |
2006 | •• |
38551 |
Mataloni S., Matzeu M. |
Semilinear integrodifferential problems with non-symmetric kernels via mountain-pass techniques |
2004 | •• |
38550 |
Bartolucci D., Leoni G., Orsina L. |
Semilinear equations with exponential nonlinearity and measure data |
2000 | •• |
38549 |
De Figueiredo D., Girardi M., Matzeu M. |
Semilinear elliptic equations with dependence on the gradient via mountain pass techniques, accettato per la pubblicazione su differential and integral equations |
n/a | •• |
38548 |
Montefusco E., Pellacci B., Squassina M. |
Semiclassical states for weakly coupled nonlinear Schrodinger systems |
2000 | •• |
38547 |
Badiale M., Benci V., D'Aprile T. |
Semiclassical limit for a quasilinear elliptic field equation one-peak and multipeak solutions |
1999 | •• |
38546 |
Chae D., Tarantello G. |
Selfgravitating electroweak strings |
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38545 |
Ricciardi T., Tarantello G. |
Selfdual vortices in the Maxwell—Chern—Simons—Higgs theory |
1999 | •• |
38544 |
Pomponio A. |
Schrödinger equation with critical Sobolev exponent |
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38543 |
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A Course in Combinatorial Optimization |
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38542 |
Rosenbach J.B., Whitman E.A. |
Plane trigonometry |
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38541 |
Alessio F., Calamai A., Montechiarri P. |
Saddle type solutions for a class of semilinear elliptic equations |
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38540 |
Lucia M., Nolasco M. |
SU(3) Chern—Simons vortex theory and Toda systems |
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38539 |
Caldiroli P., Musina R. |
S2-type parametric surfaces with prescribed mean curvature and minimal energy |
2002 | •• |
38538 |
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The Algebra of Mohammed Ben Musa |
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38537 |
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Elements of the Method of Least Squares |
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38536 |
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Computational Solution to Nonlinear Operator Equations |
1969 | •• |
38535 |
Gardner M. |
Riddles of the Sphinx and Other Mathematical Puzzle Tales |
1988 | •• |
38534 |
Conti M., Merizzi L., Terracini S. |
Remarks on variational methods and lower-upper solutions |
n/a | •• |
38533 |
Gazzola F., Pisani L. |
Remarks on quasilinear elliptic equations as models for elementary particles |
2002 | •• |
38532 |
Secchi S., Smets D., Willem M. |
Remarks on a Hardy-Sobolev inequality |
n/a | •• |
38531 |
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2002 | •• |
38530 |
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Êîìïàêòíîñòü îãðàíè÷åííûõ êâàçèýíòðîïèéíûõ ðåøåíèé äëÿ ñèñòåìû óðàâíåíèé èçîòåðìè÷åñêîãî ãàçà |
2003 | •• |
38529 |
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Ïîäìíîãîîáðàçèÿ Lpq èìåþò êîíå÷íûé áàçèñ òîæäåñòâ |
2003 | •• |
38528 |
Terracini S., Verzini G. |
Oscillating solutions for a class of indefinite superlinear equations |
n/a | •• |
38527 |
Conti M., Terracini S. |
Radial solutions of superlinear equations on R^N. II. The forced case |
n/a | •• |
38526 |
Conti M., Merizzi L., Terracini S. |
Radial solutions of superlinear equations on R^N. I. A global variational approach |
n/a | •• |
38525 |
Grossi M. |
Radial solutions for the Brezis-Nirenberg problem involving large nonlinearities |
2008 | •• |