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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
38826 Engineering Design Guides (Helical Springs) 08 1974
38825 Costantino F., Thurston D. 3-manifolds efficiently bound 4-manifolds 2008
38824 Baker M., Cooper D. A combination theorem for convex hyperbolic manifolds, with applications to surfaces in 3-manifolds 2008
38823 Bridgman P.W. Dimensional Analysis 1931
38822 de Cornulier Y. Dimension of asymptotic cones of Lie groups 2008
38821 Ehrenberg W. Electric Conduction in Semiconductors and Metals 1958
38820 Yamaguchi E. Basic Theory of Plates and Elastic Stability 1999
38819 Igusa K. Axioms for higher torsion invariants of smooth bundles 2007
38818 Simons J., Sullivan D. Axiomatic characterization of ordinary differential cohomology 2007
38817 Looijenga E. Artin groups and the fundamental groups of some moduli spaces 2007
38816 Akhmedov A. Constructing infinitely many smooth structures on small 4-manifolds 2008
38815 Kotschick D. Chern numbers and diffeomorphism types of projective varieties 2008
38814 Volkov E. Characterization of intrinsically harmonic forms 2008
38813 Agol I. Criteria for virtual fibering 2008
38812 Burghelea D., Haller S. Dynamics, Laplace transform and spectral geometry 2007
38811 Goldsmid J., Drabble H. Thermal Conduction in Semiconductors 1961
38810 Patrick D.R. Energy Conservation Guidebook 2006
38809 World Energy Outlook 2006 2006
38808 Turaev V. Cobordism of knots on surfaces 2008
38807 Albeverio S.A., Combe Ph., Sirugue-Collin M. Stochastic Processes in Quantum Theory and Statistical Physics: Proceedings 1982
38806 Bates L.F. Modern Magnetism 1948
38805 Born M. The constitution of matter, modern atomic and electron theories 1923
38804 Smith Q. (Ed) Einstein, Relativity and Absolute Simultaneity 2007
38803 Brillouin L. Wave propagation and group velocity 1960
38802 Coles P. Stephen Hawking and the Mind of God 2000
38801 Coles P. Einstein and the Birth of Big Science 2001
38800 Auerbach F. Modern magnetics 1925
38799 Brillouin L. Wave Propagation in Periodic Structures 1946
38798 Boardman J., Sauser B. Systems Thinking: Coping with 21st Century Problems 2008
38797 Born M. Problems of Atomic Dynamics 2004
38796 Born M. The Restless Universe 1951
38795 Berendsen H. Simulating the Physical World: Hierarchical Modeling from Quantum Mechanics to Fluid Dynamics 2007
38794 Born M. Restless Universe 1951
38793 de Boer R. The Engineer and the Scandal: A Piece of Science History 2005
38792 Prandtl L. Gesammelte Abhandlungen (Teil 2) 1961
38791 Prandtl L. Gesammelte Abhandlungen (Teil 1) 1961
38790 Grammel R., Henning F., Konen H. Handbuch der Physik: Mechanik der Elastischen Korper (Band VI) 1928
38789 Sone Y. Molecular Gas Dynamics Theory, Techniques, and Applications 2007
38788 Grammel R., Henning F., Konen H. Handbuch der Physik: Mechanik der Flussigen und Gasformigen Korper (Band VII) 1927
38787 Bhagavantam S., Venkatarayudu T. Theory of Groups and Its Application to Physical Problems 1969
38786 Bauer G., Borstel G. Solid-State Physics 1974
38785 Aktas G. (Ed), Ehlers J. (Ed) Strings and Symmetries: Proceedings of the Gursey Memorial Conference I 1995
38784 Balmforth N.J., Provenzale A. Geomorphological Fluid Mechanics 2002
38783 Albrechts L. (Ed), Mandelbaum S.J. (Ed) Network Society: A New Context for Planning 2005
38782 Altmann S.L. Band Theory of Solids: An Introduction from the Point of View of Symmetry 1991
38781 Balakrishnan N., Kannan N. Advances in Ranking and Selection, Multiple Comparisons, and Reliability 2004
38780 Bailin D., Love A. Introduction to Gauge Field Theory 1993
38779 Swartz C.E. Back-of-the-Envelope Physics 2003
38778 Borden B. Radar Imaging of Airborne Targets: A Primer for Applied Mathematicians and Physicists 1999
38777 National Academy Engineering Frontiers of Engineering: Reports on Leading Edge Engineering from the 1999 NAE Symposium on Frontiers of Engineering 2000

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