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On the location of spikes for the Schrödinger equation with electromagnetic field |
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On the location of concentration points for singularly perturbed elliptic equations |
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On the existence of many solutions for a class of superlinear elliptic systems |
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On the existence of fast-decay solutions for a quasilinear elliptic equation with a gradient term |
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On the existence of collisionless equivariant minimizers for the classical n-body problem |
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On the existence of blowing-up solutions for a mean field equation |
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On the existence and profile of nodal solutions for a two-dimensional elliptic problem with large exponent in nonlinearity |
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On the exact number of bifurcation branches in a square and in a cube |
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On the effect of critical points of distance function in superlinear elliptic problems |
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On the curvature of the level sets of solutions of some nonlinear elliptic equations |
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On the classification of N-point concentrating solutions for mean field equations and the critical set of the N-vortex singular Hamiltonian on the unit disk |
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On the blow-up threshold for weakly coupled nonlinear Schrödinger equations |
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38362 |
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On the best Holder exponent for two dimensional elliptic equations in divergence form |
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On the Yamabe problem and the scalar curvature problems under boundary conditions |
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On the Morse index of Lagrangian systems |
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On the Maz'ja inequalities existence and multiplicity results for an elliptic problem involving cylindrical weights |
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On the Dirichlet problem for H-systems with small boundary data blow up phenomena and nonexistence results |
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On subcriticality assumptions for the existence of ground states of quasilinear elliptic equations |
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On some nonlinear elliptic BVP almost critical manifolds and multiple solutions |
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On some conjectures proposed by Haim Brezis |
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On radially symmetric minima of nonconvex functionals |
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On planar selfdual electroweak vortices |
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On planar Beltrami equations and Holder regularity |
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On periodic elliptic equations with gradient dependence |
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On lower semicontinuity and relaxation |
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On closed boundary value problems for equations of mixed elliptic-hyperbolic type |
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On chern simons vortex theory |
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On asymptotic behavior of solutions to Schrodinger equations with singular dipole-type potentials |
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38346 |
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On an eigenvalue problem related to the critical exponent |
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38345 |
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On a sharp Sobolev-type inequality on two-dimensional compact manifolds |
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On a semilinear elliptic equation in H^n |
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Задачи по программированию |
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Начала информатики |
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Аналитические и численные методы в математике и механике, II |
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Аналитические и численные методы в математике и механике, I |
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Четырехзначные арифметические таблицы для средней школы |
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Задачи всесоюзных математических олимпиад |
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Задачи с параметрами |
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Функции и графики |
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38335 |
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Задачи повышенной трудности по алгебре и началам анализа |
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Путь в современную физику |
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Задачи по физике с техническим содержанием |
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Персональный компьютер в играх и задачах |
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Большие системы (ситуационные проблемы) |
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Математический тренинг. Арифметика, алгебра, тригонометрия и анализ |
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Современные исследования в математике и механике, I |
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Путь в современную математику |
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Квазичастицы в современной физике |
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Периодически решения системы n дифференциальных уравнений. Фортран |
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