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Ïî íàçâàíèþ:
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z À Á Â Ã Ä Å ¨ Æ Ç È É Ê Ë Ì Í Î Ï Ð Ñ Ò Ó Ô Õ Ö × Ø Ù Û Ý Þ ß
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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
38674 Urbanik K. Lectures On Prediction Theory 1967
38673 Urabe M. (ed.) Japan-United States Seminar On Ordinary Differential And Functional Equations 1971
38672 Bessi U., Chierchia L., Valdinoci E. Upper bounds on Arnold diffusion times via Mather theory n/a
38671 Unterberger A. Quantization and Non-Holomorphic Modular Forms 2000
38670 Bartolucci D., Lin C.-S. Uniqueness results for mean field equations with singular data 2000
38669 Grossi M. Uniqueness of the least-energy solution for a semilinear Neumann problem n/a
38668 Pacella F. Uniqueness of positive solutions of semilinear elliptic equations and related eigenvalue problems n/a
38667 Pucci P., Serrin J. Uniqueness of ground states for quasilinear elliptic operators n/a
38666 Pucci P., Serrin J. Uniqueness of ground states for quasilinear elliptic equations in the exponential case n/a
38665 Aftalion A., Pacella F. Uniqueness and nondegeneracy for some nonlinear elliptic problems in a ball n/a
38664 Esposito P. Uniqueness and multiplicity for perturbations of the Yamabe problem on S^n n/a
38663 Bartolucci D., Orsina L. Uniformly elliptic Liouville type equations part II pointwise estimates and location of blow up points 2000
38662 Bartolucci D., Orsina L. Uniformly elliptic Liouville type equations concentration compactness and a priori estimates n/a
38661 Bartolucci D., Leoni F., Orsina L. Uniform estimates and blow-up analysis for the Emden exponential equation in any dimension 2005
38660 Âîäîïüÿíîâ Ñ.Ê. Òîïîëîãè÷åñêèå è ãåîìåòðè÷åñêèå ñâîéñòâà îòîáðàæåíèé êëàññà Ñîáîëåâà ñ ñóììèðóåìûì ÿêîáèàíîì. I 2000
38659 Pellacci B., Squassina M. Unbounded critical points for a class of lower semicontinuous functionals 2002
38658 Ulrich H. Fixed Point Theory Of Parametrized Equivariant Maps 1987
38657 Mahmoudi F., Malchiodi A., Wei J. Transition layer for the heterogeneous Allen—Cahn equation n/a
38656 del Pino M., Esposito P., Musso M. Two-dimensional Euler flows with concentrated vorticities 2008
38655 Turner P.R. Topics in Numerical Analysis: Proceedings of the S.E.R.C. Summer School 1982
38654 Turner P.R. Numerical Analysis And Parallel Processing 1989
38653 Turner P.R. Numerical Analysis, Lancaster 1984: Proceedings of the Serc Summer School Held in Lancaster 1985
38652 Tuan H.F. Group Theory: Beijing 1984. Proceedings of an International Symposium 1986
38651 Tsokos C.P., Padgett W.J. Random Integral Equations With Applications To Stochastic Systems 1972
38650 Truman A. (Ed), Williams D. (Ed) Stochastic Analysis and Applications: Proceedings of the International Conference Held in Swansea 1984
38649 Truman A. (Ed) Stochastic Mechanics And Stochastic Processes 1988
38648 Trebels W. Multipliers for (C,alpha)-Bounded Fourier Expansions in Banach Spaces and Approximation Theory 1973
38647 McQuistan R.B. Scalar and Vector Fields: a Physical Interpretation 1965
38646 Topsoe F. Topology and Measure 1970
38645 Shiffer M.M., Bowden L. Role of Mathematics in Science 1984
38644 Tondeur Ph. Introduction to Lie Groups and Transformation Groups 1969
38643 Toledo S.A. Tableau Systems For First Order Number Theory And Certain Higher Order Theories 1975
38642 Tits J. Tabellen zu den einfachen Lie Gruppen und ihren Darstellungen 1967
38641 Tits J. Buildings of Spherical Type and Finite BN-Pairs 1974
38640 Áðîíøòåéí Å.Ì. Òèïè÷íûå âûïóêëûå ìíîæåñòâà 2000
38639 Tierney M. Categorical Constructions in Stable Homotopy Theory 1969
38638 Badiale M., Benci V., Rolando S. Three dimensional vortices in the nonlinear wave equation n/a
38637 Thomson B.S. Real Functions 1985
38636 Øêàðóïà Å.Â. Îöåíêà ïîãðåøíîñòè è îïòèìèçàöèÿ ôóíêöèîíàëüíûõ àëãîðèòìîâ áëóæäàíèÿ ïî ðåøåòêå, ïðèìåíÿåìûõ ïðè ðåøåíèè çàäà÷è Äèðèõëå äëÿ óðàâíåíèÿ Ãåëüìãîëüöà 2003
38635 Akin E. The Metric Theory of Banach Manifolds 1978
38634 Messing W. The Crystals Associated to Barsotti-Tate Groups 1972
38633 Packel E. The Mathematics of Games and Gambling 1981
38632 Temam R. Navier-Stokes Equations and Nonlinear Functional Analysis 1983
38631 Pucci P., Serrin J. The strong maximum principle revisited 1991
38630 Gazzola F. The sharp exponent for a Liouville-type theorem for an elliptic inequality n/a
38629 Malchiodi A. The scalar curvature problem on Ssp n an approach via Morse theory n/a
38628 Musina R. The role of the spectrum of the Laplace operator on S2 in the h-bubble problem 2002
38627 Pucci P., Serrin J. The harnack inequality in R^2 for quasilinear elliptic equations n/a
38626 Novaga M., Valdinoci E. The geometry of mesoscopic phase transition interfaces n/a
38625 Lupo D., Payne K.R. The dual variational method in nonlocal semilinear Tricomi problems n/a

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