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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
38172 Chierchia L., You J. KAM tori for 1D nonlinear wave equations with periodic boundary conditions 1999
38171 Chierchia L. KAM theory and celestial mechanics 2005
38170 Celletti A., Chierchia L. KAM stability for a three-body problem of the solar system 2000
38169 Celletti A., Chierchia L. KAM stability and celestial mechanics 2003
38168 Horn R.A. Matrix Analysis 1990
38167 Euler L. Introduction to Analysis of the Infinite, Vol. 1 1988
38166 Euler L. Introduction to Analysis of the Infinite, Vol. 2 1989
38165 Nolasco M., Tarantello G. Double vortex condensates in the Chern-Simons-Higgs theory n/a
38164 Pomponio A., Secchi S. Interior spikes of a singularly perturbed Neumann problem with potentials n/a
38163 Esposito P. Interior estimates for some semilinear elliptic problem with critical nonlinearity n/a
38162 Kaloshin V., Mather J.N., Valdinoci E. Instability of resonant totally elliptic points of symplectic maps in dimension 4 n/a
38161 Gazzola F., Secchi P. Inflow-outflow problems for Euler equations in a rectangular cylinder n/a
38160 Conti M., Terracini S., Verzini G. Infinitely many solutions to fourth order superlinear periodic problems n/a
38159 Badiale M. Infinitely many solutions for a semilinear elliptic equation in R^ N via a perturbation method 2000
38158 Maia L.A., Montefusco E., Pellacci B. Infinitely many nodal solutions for a weakly coupled nonlinear Schrödinger system n/a
38157 Perfetti P. Infinite dimensional quasi-periodic solutions 2000
38156 Abbondandolo A., Molina J.E. Index estimates for strongly indefinite functionals, periodic orbits and homoclinic solutions of first order Hamiltonian systems 1998
38155 Hastie T.J., Tibshirani R.J. Generalized Additive Models 1990
38154 Berti M., Bolle P. Homoclinics and chaotic behaviour for perturbed second order systems n/a
38153 Calanchi M., Serra E. Homoclinic solutions to periodic motions in a class of reversible equations n/a
38152 Zelati V.C., Macri M. Homoclinic solutions to invariant tori in a center manifold n/a
38151 Gomes D.A., Valdinoci E. Entropy penalization methods for Hamilton—Jacobi equations n/a
38150 Caldiroli P. H-bubbles with prescribed large mean curvature 2002
38149 Cotizelati V., Rabinowitz P.H. Heteroclinic solutions between stationary points at different energy levels n/a
38148 Bonheure D., Sanchez L., Tarallo M. Heteroclinic connections between nonconsecutive equilibria of a fourth order differential equation 2000
38147 Alessio F., Caldiroli P., Montechiarri P. Genericity of the existence of infinitely many solutions for a class of semilinear elliptic equations in R^N n/a
38146 Gazzini M., Musina R. Hardy—Sobolev—Mazya inequalities symmetry and breaking symmetry of extremal functions n/a
38145 Castorina D., Fabbri I., Mancini G. Hardy—Sobolev inequalities, hyperbolic symmetry and the Webster scalar curvature problem n/a
38144 Gazzola F., Grunau H.-C., Mitidieri E. Hardy inequalities with optimal constants and remainder terms 2000
38143 Bosetto E., Serra E., Terracini S. Generic-type results for chaotic dynamics in equations with periodic forcing terms n/a
38142 Caldiroli P., Musina R. H-bubbles in a perturbative setting the finite-dimensional reductions method 2002
38141 Ambrosetti A., Felli V., Malchiodi A. Ground states of nonlinear Schrodinger equations with potentials vanishing at infinity n/a
38140 de la Llave R., Valdinoci E. Ground states and critical points for generalized frenkel-kontorova models in Z^d 2000
38139 de la Llave R., Valdinoci E. Ground states and critical points for aubry-mather theory in statistical mechanics 2007
38138 Vitillaro E. Global existence for the wave equation with nonlinear boundary damping and source terms 2002
38137 Vitillaro E. Global nonexistence theorems for a class of evolution equations with dissipation and applications n/a
38136 Vitillaro E. Global existence for the heat equation with nonlinear dynamical boundary conditions n/a
38135 Farina A., Valdinoci E. Geometry of quasiminimal phase transitions n/a
38134 Secchi S., Stuart C.A. Global bifurcation of homoclinic solutions of Hamiltonian systems 1991
38133 Felli V., Hebey E., Robert F. Fourth order equations of critical Sobolev growth. Energy function and solutions of bounded energy in the conformally flat case 2002
38132 Gomez D.A., Valdinoci E. Generalized Mather problem and homogenization of Hamilton—Jacobi equations n/a
38131 Mugnai D. Four nontrivial solutions for subcritical exponential equations 2000
38130 Felli V., Terracini S. Fountain-like solutions for nonlinear elliptic equations with critical growth and hardy potential n/a
38129 Berti M., Biasco L. Forced vibrations of wave equations with non-monotone nonlinearities n/a
38128 Baldi P., Berti M. Forced vibrations of a nonhomogeneous string 2000
38127 De Coster C., Tarallo M. Foliations, associated reductions and lower and upper solutions n/a
38126 Valdinoci E. Flatness of Bernoulli jets 2005
38125 Valdinoci E., Sciunzi B., Savin V.O. Flat level set regularity of p-Laplace phase transition n/a
38124 Berti M., Bolle P. Fast Arnold diffusion in systems with three time scales n/a
38123 Valdinoci E. Families of whiskered tori for a-priori stableunstable hamiltonian systems and construction of unstable orbits 1999

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