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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
37971 Esposito P., Mancini G., Santra S. Asymptotic behavior of radial solutions for a semilinear elliptic problem on an annulus through Morse index n/a
37970 Ben Ayed M., El Mehdi K., Grossi M. Asymptotic behavior of least energy solutions of a biharmonic equation in dimension four n/a
37969 Gazzola F., Serrin J. Asymptotic behavior of ground states of quasilinear elliptic problems with two vanishing parameters n/a
37968 Gazzola F., Peletier B., Pucci P. Asymptotic behavior of ground states of quasilinear elliptic problems with two vanishing parameters, Part II n/a
37967 Ferrero A., Gazzola F. Asymptotic behavior of ground states of quasilinear elliptic problems with two vanishing parameters, Part III 2002
37966 Ambrosetti A Applications of critical point theory to variational problems on R^n n/a
37965 Tarantello G. Analytical aspects of Liouville-type equations with singular sources 2003
37964 Conti M., Terracini S., Verzini G. An optimal partition problem related to nonlinear eigenvalues n/a
37963 Bessi U. An analytic counterexample to the KAM theorem n/a
37962 Schafer R.D. An Introduction to Nonassociative Algebras 1961
37961 Tarantello G. An Harnak inequality for Liouville-type equations with singular sources 2003
37960 Lehmer D.N. An Elementary Course in Synthetic Projective Geometry 2005
37959 Mugnai D. Almost uniqueness result for reversed variational inequalities 1991
37958 Ortega R., Tarallo M. Almost periodic equations and conditions of Ambrosetti-Prodi type n/a
37957 Malchiodi A. Adiabatic limits of closed orbits for some Newtonian systems in R^n n/a
37956 Barutello V., Terracini S. Action minimizing orbits in the n-body problem with simple choreography constraint 2004
37955 Braides A., Fonseca I., Leoni G. A-quasiconvexity relaxation and homogenization n/a
37954 Conti M., Terracini S., Verzini G. A variational problem for the spatial segregation of reaction-diffusion systems 2003
37953 Bosetto E., Serra E. A variational approach to chaotic dynamics in periodically forced nonlinear oscillators n/a
37952 Grossi M., Lin C.-S., Prashanth S. A uniqueness result for a Neumann problem involving the critical Sobolev exponent n/a
37951 Bartolucci D. A "sup+ c inf" inequality for the equation -delta u = [ V(x2a)]eu 2000
37950 Bartolucci D. A "sup+ c inf" inequality for Liouville-type equations with singular potentials 2000
37949 Damascelli L., Pacela F., Ramaswamy M. A strong maximum principle for a class of non-positone singular elliptic problems 1991
37948 Magrone P., Servadei R. A stability result for mountain pass type solutions of semilinear elliptic variational inequalities n/a
37947 Ricciardi T. A sharp weighted Wirtinger inequality n/a
37946 Ricciardi T. A sharp Hölder estimate for elliptic equations in two variables n/a
37945 Li Y.Y., Ricciardi T. A sharp Sobolev inequality on Riemannian manifolds 2002
37944 Macri M., Nolasco M., Ricciardi T. A shadowing lemma for abelian Higgs vortices n/a
37943 Arioli G., Gazzola F. A semilinear fourth order elliptic problem with exponential nonlinearity 2002
37942 Arioli G., Szulkin A. A semilinear Schrödinger equation in the presence of a magnetic field n/a
37941 Tarantello G. A quantization property for blow up solutions of singular Liouville-type equations 2003
37940 Vitillaro E. A potential well theory for the wave equation with nonlinear source and boundary damping terms n/a
37939 Alessio F., Montecchiari P. A note on the multiplicity of entire solutions in R2 for a class of almost periodic Allen-Cahn type equations n/a
37938 Felli V. A note on the existence of H-bubbles via perturbation methods n/a
37937 Felli V., Schneider S. A note on regularity of solutions to degenerate elliptic equations of Caffarelli-Kohn-Nirenberg type 2003
37936 Badiale M., Rolando S. A note on nonlinear elliptic problems with singular potentials n/a
37935 Secchi S. A note on closed geodesics for a class of non-compact Riemannian manifolds n/a
37934 Badiale M. A note on bifurcation from the essential spectrum 2003
37933 Mugnai D. A note on an exponential semilinear equation of the fourth order 2003
37932 Gazzola F., Radulescu V. A nonsmooth critical point theory approach to some nonlinear elliptic equations in R^n n/a
37931 Badiale M., Benci V., Rolando S. A nonlinear elliptic equation with singular potential and applications to nonlinear field equations n/a
37930 Grossi M. A nondegeneracy result for a nonlinear elliptic equation n/a
37929 Ambrosetti A., Malchiodi A. A multiplicity result for the Yamabe problem on S_n 1999
37928 Servadei R., Valdinoci E. A multiplicity result for a class of nonlinear variational inequalities n/a
37927 Matzeu M., Servadei R. A linking type method to solve a class of semilinear elliptic variational inequalities n/a
37926 Almeida L., Damascelli L., Ge Y. A few symmetry results for nonlinear elliptic PDE on noncompact manifolds n/a
37925 Lupo D., Payne K.R. A dual variational approach to a class of nonlocal semilinear Tricomi problems n/a
37924 Lucia M., Magtone R., Zhou H.-S. A dirichlet problem with asymptotically linear and changing sign nonlinearity 2000
37923 Badiale M., Tarantello G. A Sobolev-Hardy inequality with applications to a nonlinear elliptic equation arising in astrophysics 2003
37922 Bambusi D., Berti M. A Birkhoff-Lewis-type theorem for some Hamiltonian PDEs 2003

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