Результат поиска |
Поиск книг, содержащих: Long-term memory
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Hutchins M., Schlager N. — Grzimek's animal life encyclopedia (Vol. 17. Cumulative index) | 12:152, 12:153—154; See also Cognition | Gabbay D.M. (Ed), Woods J. (Ed) — Logic and the Modalities in the Twentieth Century, Vol. 7 | 167 | Burke E.K., Kendall G. — Search Methodologies: Introductory Tutorials in Optimization and Decision Support Techniques | 175 | Weinberg G.M. — Psychology of computer programming | 171 | Carlson N.R. — Physiology of Behavior | 469—470 | Lerner K.L., Lerner B.W. — The gale encyclopedia of science (Vol. 6) | 4:2488—2489 | Purves D. (ed.), Augustine G.J. (ed.), Fitzpatrick D. (ed.) — Neuroscience | 736, 746—748, 749 | Luger G.F., Stubblefield W.A. — Artificial Intelligence: Structures and Strategies for Complex Problem Solving | 173 | Ballard D.H., Brown C.M. — Computer vision | 400 | West B.J., Bologna M., Grigolini P. — Physics of Fractal Operators | 323 | Schank R.C. — Dynamic Memory. A Theory of Reminding and Learning in Computers and People | 12—14, 206 | Pokojski J. — IPA - concepts and applications in engineering | 43, 98 | Giarratano J.C., Riley G.D. — Expert Systems: Principles and Programming | 12 | von der Malsburg C., von Seelen W. — Artificial Neural Networks - ICANN 96: 6th International Conference, Bochum, Germany, July 16 - 19, 1996, Proceedings | 887 |