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Weinberg G.M. — Psychology of computer programming
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Íàçâàíèå: Psychology of computer programming
Àâòîð: Weinberg G.M.
Àííîòàöèÿ: This book has only one major purpose—to trigger the beginning of a new field of study: computer programming as a human activity, or, in short, the psychology of computer programming. All other goals are subservient to that one. For instance, I have tried to make the book interesting and nontechnical, insofar as is possible, so as to encourage the greatest number of people to read it: not just programmers, but programming managers and others connected with programming in the many ways we are connected with programming these days. What I am trying to accomplish is to have the reader say, upon finishing the book, "Yes, programming is not just a matter of hardware and software.
I shall have to look at things in a new way from now on."
Ðóáðèêà: Computer science /
Ñòàòóñ ïðåäìåòíîãî óêàçàòåëÿ: Ãîòîâ óêàçàòåëü ñ íîìåðàìè ñòðàíèö
ed2k: ed2k stats
Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1971
Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 288
Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 25.11.2005
Îïåðàöèè: Ïîëîæèòü íà ïîëêó |
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Abbreviations, and documentation 267
Abbreviations, arbitrary use of 224
Abbreviations, as compression 225—226
Ability, differences in 135—136
Acceptance testing 75—76
Access to machine room 110—111
accounting 253—254
Accounting, as observation tool 31—32
ACM Special Interest Group on Personal Research 37
Activity Vector Analysis 157
Adaptability 20—22 150
Adaptability, and egoless programming 59
Adaptability, and language 240
Adaptability, in debugging 166
Adaptability, of a democratic group 81—83
Adaptability, of a language 236—237
Adaptability, to operating environment 256—258
Administrative assistant, as status symbol 111
Administrative terminal system 264
Admission of weakness 189
Aggressiveness 53
Aily, in pressure situations 104—106
Allport, F.H. 93
Amateur programming 122—125
Amateur programming, language for 212
Ambiguity, psychological versus physical 222—223
Analytical mind 137
Anteroom, information exchange in 51
Anthropology 39
Anthropology, contrast with sociology 37
Anthropology, participant observation 31
Antisocial behavior 87—88
APL, success of 238
Appearance of work, reward for 109—110
Appley, M.H. 199
Appointed leader 80—82
Archeology on programs 12 39
Arithmetic reasoning, and programming aptitude 173—174
Aron, Joel 113 140
Arousal 248
Array operations, and linearity 232
Asch, S.E. 93 103—104 115
Assembly language, block structure in 244
Assembly language, influence on JCL 233—234
Assertiveness 150
Assumptions, in a psychological study 259
Assumptions, role in debugging 165—166
Attachment to a programming language 212
Attitude, about women 111—112
Attitude, professional versus amateur 125—126
Attributes, shown in documentation 267
Audition for programming 175—176
Auditory learning 193—194
Authoritarian 78—79 86—88
Authority, reactions to 147
Avoiding problems 164—166
awards see “Reward”
Background, for programming 69 184—185
Bad programming days 57
Bakunin, Mikhail 119
Baliachey, E.L. 93
Batch, and beginners 190
Batch, simulated on-line 32—33
Batch, social structures associated with 48—49
Batch, versus time-sharing 259—262
Bebugging 248
Benefits, and employee satisfaction 80
Berkeley, Edmund C 272
Biamonte A.J. 177
Bierce, Ambrose 39
Bit-picking 76
Blackboard, importance of 207
blanks 186—188 233—234
Block structure, and linearity 232
Block structure, shown in documentation 267
Block structure, with assembly language 244
Bonus, importance of 183—184
boredom 96
Bouvard, Jacques 14
Bower, G. 200
Branching 232
Broadcast transmission 207
Brown, J.A.C 41
Bruner, Jerome 208 215
Bucholz, Werner 14
Burton, N.G. 245
Buxton, J.N. 115
Call, reference versus value 221
Cannon, W.M. 154 159
Capacity, mentai 224—229 277
Capacity, system 237—238 277
Categories, covert 220 245
Chaiienge, and motivation 99
Chaiienge, and program design 126—128
Chaiienge, and satisfaction 79—80
Change in personality 143—145
Character set, effects of 221
Cheating, in school programming 199
Cheating, on personality tests 155
Chief programmer teams 94
chunking 225
Clarity of goals 76—78
Closed shop and status 110
COBOL, goals of 239—240
Coding 76
Coding, requirements for 132
Cofer, C.H. 199
Cognitive dissonance 54—56
Cognitive dissonance, and avoidance of extremes in reporting 103
Cognitive dissonance, and goal acceptance 76
Commands, batch versus on-line 33
Comments, arbitrary placement of 224
Comments, failure to close 260
Comments, in JCL 233—234
Comments, stripped from listing 266
Comments, study of 164
Commitment to goals 76
Common room, communication functions of 49
Communication, asymmetry of 208
Communication, of objectives 130—131
Communication, operators and programmers 141—143
Communication, versus adaptability 237
Compatability, and efficiency 23
Compatability, machine to machine 8 22
Competence of supervisors 80
Compile-time facilities and adaptability 237
Compiler, diagnostics 29
Compiler, performance measures 16 23
Complementary leaders 85
Complex tasks, motivation In 182—184
Compliance 53
Composition of programming teams 69 184—185
Compression 224—229
Compression, and testing 249—250
Compression, through positional parameters 252
Compression, versus locality and linearity 231
Compromise, false 82—84
Computer Personnel Research Conference 42 200
Computing center, informal structure of 48—49
Confidence, effect on testing 247—248
Conflict, and social climate 108
Conflict, between goals 77—78
Connotative function of language 208—210
Consensus, false 76
Conservatives, liking for 156
Constraints on subject behavior 32
Consulting service 49—50
Contextual declaration 227
Continuation cards 188—188
Conversion problems 73—76
Coordination, among teams 95
Coordination, amount required 69
Corbato, F.J. 66
Correcting errors 136
Correlation coefficient 172—173
Cost, decrease per unit of computation 25
Cost, of documentation 264
Cost, of not having program on time 19—20
Cost, of psychological studies 33—35
Covert categories 220 245
Creativity in design 166
Crisis, group reaction to 81—83
Crisis, the team in 85—91
Critical case, for learning 197
Cronbach, L.J. 42 159
Cross-cultural study 85—86
CRT in debugging 274
Crutchfield, R.S. 93
Culture 39
Data structure, and compression 226
Data structure, choice of 29
Data structure, in special purpose languages 240
Data, versus information 32
Dead-end techniques 190—191
Debugging, and accounting information 253
Debugging, aptitude for 169 174—175
Debugging, documentation for 264—267
Debugging, proper placement of aids 251—253
Debugging, role of set ln 162—164
Debugging, technique for consulting 165—166
Decision tables 244
Decision tables, in documentation 267
Declaration of data types, arbitrary 29 224
Declaration of data types, implicit and contextual 227
Declaration of data types, placement of 230—231
Default, compression by 227—228
Dehumanization 211—212
Delimiter, blank as 233
Delivery service and social structure 52
Democratic, leadership of group 81—85
Democratic, team 86—88
Demonstrations 111
Depth of documentation 263
Design features, of natural language 206—208
Design features, of programming language 30—31 210—214 218—245
Designated leader 80—82
Detachment 53
Detecting errors 136
Devil's advocate 105—106
Diagnostics 16
Diagnostics, more explicit 29
Diagnostics, value of 23—24
Diaiects 245
Dialogue, man-machine 208
Dialogue, terminal possibilities 223
Difficulty of a program 165
Dijkstra, E.W. 176
Dimensions, number of 30—31
Directional reception 207
Dishonesty, in a manager 82
Dissonance see “Cognitive dissonance”
Distance 162—163
Distance, of reference 249—250
Distortion of information 82
Dixon, Paul 244
Documentation 262—266
Documentation, abilities required for 132 169—170
Documentation, distaste for 183
Documentation, for modification 21
Documentation, prestige of 107—108
Drive 181
Dummy arguments 221
Duplex system, errors in 75—76
Early returns, effect on testing 250—251
Education 184—188
Effect on locality 232
Effectiveness, opposed to efficiency 25
Efficiency, and egoless programming 60
Efficiency, and subscript limitations 222
Efficiency, false 127
Efficiency, measures of 22—25
Egalitarian teams 72
Ego and programming 52—60
Egoless programming, and documentation 268
Egoless programming, and efficiency 60
Egoless programming, and personality requirements 146—147
Egoless programming, and team structure 72
Einstein, Albert 3
Elevators and informal structure 51
Elision of cases 227
Emotive function of language 208—209
Enforcement of rules 256
Enthusiasm for terminal systems 189—190
Environment, enrichment of 258
Environment, for learning 193—195
Environment, of a program 21—22
Error, and ego 52—60
Error, and turnaround 254—255
Error, automatic correction of 273
Error, extinction curve 259—260
Error, intentional introduction of 248
Error, location of 162—164
Esthetics of a program 209
Estimating, and egoless programming 59
Estimating, and operating system priority 256
Estimating, and team structure 68—69
Estimating, influenced by objectives 130—131
Estimating, of efficiency 24
Estimating, variance in 20
Ethical problems 31—32
Ethical problems, of using personality tests 153
Evaluation of programmers, through accounting 253
Evaluation of programmers, through introduced bugs 248
Exceptions, effect on memory 218—224
Executive appreciation courses 124—125
Experience, and team structure 68 70—72
Experience, as factor in subject selection 33—35
Experience, as training 185
Experienced programmers, selection of 175—176
Experienced programmers, temptation to hire 64
experiments 32—35
Extensibility, in languages 216
Extensibility, of techniques 190—191
Extremes, avoidance of 103
Fading of utterances 207
Failure, fear of 189
Failure, reasons for 113
False consensus 76
Familiarity with first programming language 212
Fano, R.M. 66
Father figure, as task specialist 85—86
Father figure, played by manager 84
Favored modes of perception 193—195
Feedback in reporting systems 102
Festinger, L.A. 54 66
Files, benefits of eliminating 238
Filtering of progress reports 100—104
First-level manager 109
Fisher, Ronald A. 21 26 240
Fixation on a programming language 104
Flexibility in debugging 166
Flow diagrams 264—265
Folk wisdom 36—37 183 262
Followership 78
Forgetting, importance of 171
Formal languages 210
Formal leader 81—62
Formal organization 47—50
Formation, of a group 63—64
Formation, of a team 68—72 89