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Weinberg G.M. — Psychology of computer programming
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Íàçâàíèå: Psychology of computer programming
Àâòîð: Weinberg G.M.
Àííîòàöèÿ: This book has only one major purpose—to trigger the beginning of a new field of study: computer programming as a human activity, or, in short, the psychology of computer programming. All other goals are subservient to that one. For instance, I have tried to make the book interesting and nontechnical, insofar as is possible, so as to encourage the greatest number of people to read it: not just programmers, but programming managers and others connected with programming in the many ways we are connected with programming these days. What I am trying to accomplish is to have the reader say, upon finishing the book, "Yes, programming is not just a matter of hardware and software.
I shall have to look at things in a new way from now on."
Ðóáðèêà: Computer science /
Ñòàòóñ ïðåäìåòíîãî óêàçàòåëÿ: Ãîòîâ óêàçàòåëü ñ íîìåðàìè ñòðàíèö
ed2k: ed2k stats
Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1971
Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 288
Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 25.11.2005
Îïåðàöèè: Ïîëîæèòü íà ïîëêó |
Ñêîïèðîâàòü ññûëêó äëÿ ôîðóìà | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ID
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Former programmer, as manager 76 80
Freud, Sigmund 28 41
Friedan, Betty 115
Functions, for compactness 226
Fundamental theorem of natural selection 21 240
Gagne, Robert 115
General Electric Co. 31
Generality of program function 168
Generic functions, effect on coding 9
Generic functions, lack of capability 228
Generic functions, need in subsetting 228
Genius, language designers 211
Genius, programmers 58 62—63
Geometric figures, on aptitude tests 173
Gerard, H.B. 93
Gestalt 169
Ghiselin, Brewster 178
Gleser, Goldine C 159
Global variables, placement of 230
GO TO, elimination of 232
Goals, effect on estimates 130—131
Goals, establishment of 72—78
Goals, imposition by management 81—82
Goals, multiple 69—70
Goals, of education 197—198
Goffman, Erving 66
Golde, Peggy 41
Good programming days 134
Gotterer, M. 177
Graphic skills 170
Greenberg, Joseph H. 215
Gresset, G.L. 273
Group, cost of studying 35
Group, effect on learning 189
Growth stages in team life 89—90
Gruenberger, Fred 14
Gypsy programmers 58 81
Habits, for better programming 163—164
Habits, working 194
Haire, Mason 66
Hall, C.S. 159
Hall, Douglas T. 200
Hall, Edward T. 66
Hammond, K.R. 42
Hammond, Phillip, E. 42
Hands-off management 90—91
Hardness 85
Hardware see “Machine”
Hardware group 106
Hash table 22
Hawthorne Effect 31
Headship 83
Heterogeneity, of programming group 184—185
Hexadecimal, as chunking 225
Hierarchical organization 106—109
Hierarchical organization, in teams 72
Higman, Brian 216 222
Hilgard, E.R. 200
Hiring, ethics of 153
Hiring, policies 53
Historical traces in code 11—12
Hoare, C.P.R. 113
Hockett, Charles 206 215
Homographs, as mnemonics 164
Hot-box technique 84—85
Householder, J.E. 42
Human factors 42
Humility 150
Hunt, J.M. 178
Hyman, H.H. 42
IBM, and Programmer's Aptitude Test 171
IBM, Vienna Laboratory 241
Ideal programmer personality 146
Idiosyncracies, language provision for 237
IF statement and linearity 232
Image, of a programming group 66
Image, of the programming profession 52—53
Implementation, effect on coding 9
Implicit declaration 227
Incompetence, detection of 87
Incompetence, effects of 77
Indispensible man 99—100
Individual, as unit for study 259
Individual, differences 261—262
Individual, in programming 35
Individual, learning 194—195
Individual, psychology of 39
Individualistic school of programming 63—64
Indoctrination 63—64
Industrial psychology 31
Influence 80
Informal organization 47—50
Information content 218
Information, making full use of 195—197
Information, processing capacity of human beings 225
Information, versus data 32
Inhibition, retroactive and proactive 236
Innovation in a programming language 207 232—237
Insecurity, as source of contempt 204
Insubordination 79
Intelligence, stability of 149
Interaction effects 261
Interchangeability, language 207—208
Interchangeability, of people 108
Interest, and satisfaction 79—80
Interest, measurement of 156—158
Interfaces and team structure 71—72
Intermediate storage, effects on coding 8
interviewing 157
Intimidation by systems programmers 77
introspection 30
Invariants of personality 145—148
Involvement in planning 183
IQ tests 170—171
Irons, E.T. 273
Isolation, of a program 122
Isolation, of programmers 52
Iteration for compactness 225
Iverson, Ken 223
James, William 28 41
Job control language, learning 34 186—188
Job control language, syntax problems 233—234
Jones, E.E. 93
Junker, Buford H. 41
Kantowitz, Lee 115
Keats, John 209
Key people 96—100
Keying errors 224
Keyword, as variable names 223—224
Keyword, parameters 252
Keyword, setting off 266
Klerer, M. 223 244 266 274
Knuckling under 81
Kohn, Hans 94
Krech, D. 93 181
Kropotkin, Peter 45
Kuder Preference Test 157
La France, Jacques 273
Labels, as mark of poor programming 232
Language, confused with operating system 261
Language, dimensions of 206—210
Late delivery, cost of 19—20
Laver, Murray 14
Law of effect 256—258
Lawler, Edward E. 200
leadership 76—85
Learning, professional versus amateur 125
Learning, rate of 102
Learning, through varied assignments 135
Learning, transfer of 235—236
Lecht, Charles P. 139
Lecturing, effectiveness of 186—187
Leeds, H.D. 274
Left-to-right rule 223
Length of program, physical versus psychological 225
Letter series, on programmer aptitude tests 174
Levels of parentheses 29—31
Library, group 106
Library, private 124
Licklider, J.C.R. 245
Lifespan of a program 20—21 126
Limitations, language versus programmer 213—214
Limitations, of mental capacity 224—229
Lindzey, G. 93 159
Linearity 229—232
Lines of control versus lines of information 106
Linguistics 215 244—245
Literals, and locality 230
Literals, stripped from listing 266
Load adjustment, to lessen variation 24
Local variables, placement of 230
Locality 229—232
Locality, and testing 249—250
localization 169
Locating errors 136
Lock-in, in social structures 61—64
Lock-in, in testing 251
Lock-step programming 134
Logging of data 32
London, Ralph L. 273
Long-term group behavior 91—92
Long-term memory 171
Looping and linearity 232
Looseness in a language 234—235
Lovelace, Lady 206 226
Low-level operations with high-level results 227
Loyalty, to project and team 107—108
Luria, A.R. 178
Lynch, Kevin 65
Machine language, prestige of 213—214
Machine language, problems with 22
Machine language, versus assembly language 204
Machine time, adaptation to limits 79
Machine time, demands on 134
Machine time, variation in use 129
Machine, effect on coding 7—8
Machine, importance of experience on 185—186
Machine, reaction to trouble 135
Maintenance-oriented activity 85
Man-machine communication, asymmetry of 208
Management Information Systems 102
Manager, appreciation of programming 124—125
Manager, awareness of 124
Manager, change of 78—79
Manager, competence of 80
Manager, former programmer 76 80
Manager, goals of 83—85
Manager, image of egoless programming 61—64
Manager, remoteness of 109—111
Manager, rewards of 82—85
Manager, second-level 95
Manager, status symbols of 110—111
Manager, woman as 111—112
Manipulative management 82
Manuals, non-use of 213
Material culture 39
Material rewards, and satisfaction 79—80
Maxwell, J.C. 36
May, J. 223 244 266 274
Mayer, David B. 156—158 159 173 176 177
Measurements, choice of 35—38
Measurements, of programming performance 100—106
Memory 167—170
Memory, and information content 218 225
Memory, short-term versus long—term 171
Memory, synesthetic versus sequential 229
Mendelssohn, Kurt 94
Messages, from operating system 207—208
Messages, motivational qualities of 213—214
Metalanguage 208—210
Metalanguage, and adaptability 237
Metzger, Phillip W. 139
Meyer, Marshall W. 115
Miller, George A. 216 245
Mills, Harlan D. 94 274
Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory 153
Minsky, M. 245
MMPI 153
Mnemonic symbols 163—164 224
Mnemonic symbols, and locality 230
modifications 133
Modifications, design for 20—22
Modifications, of amateur programs 123—124
Modifications, temporary 11—12
Modifications, to documentation 264
Money, as a substitute 97—98
Money, as a symbol 184
Monitoring of execution 16 23—24
Moral problems 31—32 145
Morgenstern, Oskar 42
Morrison, Phillip 215
Mother figure as maintenance specialist 85—86
Motivation 181—184
Motivation, by messages 213—214
Motivation, for documentation 267—268
Motivation, to conceal information 103
Multi-use symbols 266
Multiprogramming, efficiency estimates in 24
Multipurpose language 237—241
Myths, in programming 39
Names, automatic changing of 267
Names, choice, of 223—224
Names, detection of pattern in 250
Natural language and sense of rightness 232—233
Naturalness of right—to—left rule 223
Naur, Peter 115
Neatness 150
Night people 194
Noise and performance 194
Note-taking and learning 194
Nuclear family 85—66
Number series on programmer aptitude tests 173—174
Objectives, ambiguous 128—131
Observation 30—32
Obsolescence, of a manager 109—110
Octal as chunking 225
Official leader 81—82
Okimoto, G.H. 164 178
On-line systems, and beginners 190
On-line systems, design of 152
On-line systems, used to simulate batch 32—33
ON-unit, non-iocal action of 231
Operating statistics, publication of 255
Operating System 251—258
Operating system, and social structure 52
Operating system, confused with language 261
Operators, redefinition of 237
Opinion survey, problems of 183
Opinions and social pressure 76 103—106
Optimism in testing 247—248
Organization, formal versus informal 47—50
Organization, system and team 73—76
OS/360, training for 186—188
Outgrowing a language 238—240
Output, full use of 195—196
Overdesign 126—128
Overlay, for compression 227
Overlay, non-local action of 231
Overmotivation 182
Overparenthesizing 223