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Weinberg G.M. — Psychology of computer programming
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Íàçâàíèå: Psychology of computer programming
Àâòîð: Weinberg G.M.
Àííîòàöèÿ: This book has only one major purpose—to trigger the beginning of a new field of study: computer programming as a human activity, or, in short, the psychology of computer programming. All other goals are subservient to that one. For instance, I have tried to make the book interesting and nontechnical, insofar as is possible, so as to encourage the greatest number of people to read it: not just programmers, but programming managers and others connected with programming in the many ways we are connected with programming these days. What I am trying to accomplish is to have the reader say, upon finishing the book, "Yes, programming is not just a matter of hardware and software.
I shall have to look at things in a new way from now on."
Ðóáðèêà: Computer science /
Ñòàòóñ ïðåäìåòíîãî óêàçàòåëÿ: Ãîòîâ óêàçàòåëü ñ íîìåðàìè ñòðàíèö
ed2k: ed2k stats
Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1971
Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 288
Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 25.11.2005
Îïåðàöèè: Ïîëîæèòü íà ïîëêó |
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Paging, avoiding excess 24
Palindromic programs 174
Paradox of leadership 85
Parentheses, differentiating levels 266
Parentheses, matching of 29—30
parentheses, redundant 220—221
Parkinson, C. Northcote 68 93 132
Parsons, Henry M. 42
Participant observation 31
Participation and understanding 76
Parzen, Emanuel 272
PAT 171
Pathological programs 19
Patience in documentation 170
Pattern, detection of in code 250
Perception 164
Perception, favored modes of 193—195
Performance, affected by equivalent language forms 235
Performance, and arousal 248
Performance, and motivation 182—184
Performance, and sharing of goals 73—75
Performance, effect of group on 189
Performance, failure of tests to predict 156 172—173
Performance, measurement of 100—106
Perry, D.K. 154—157 159
Persistence in debugging 136—137
Personality, distortions in 212
Personality, traits 53
Phases of program, and team structure 71—72
Phases of work, and team structure 89—90
Phases of work, effect on success 168—170
Phatic function of language 208—209
physical environment 50—52
Pietrasante, Al 139
PL/C Compiler 273
PL/I Language Log 14
Poetic function of language 208—209
Point of view, ability to change 169
Point of view, tools for changing 266—267
Polya, George 178
positional parameters 252
Pre-selection of programmers 148—149
Precision, in arithmetic 8—9
Precision, in goals 76—78
Precision, in psychological studies 37—38
Precision, rules for 29
Prerequisites for using documentation 263
Pressure and learning 196
Prestige, importance of 183
Prestige, in a team 72
Prestige, of a language 213—214
Prestige, of programming tasks 107
Prima donnas 61—82
Principles, acquisition of 187—188 212
Priority, as status symbol 111
Priority, granting of 255
Private life 145
Proactive inhibition 236
Probability, and testing 248—249
Problem avoiding 164—166
Problem solving 164—166
Problem solving, application of research in 38
Proceedings of PL/I Seminars 243
Production, and learning 196—197
Production, reliability and group structure 81—83
Productivity, and egoless programming 136
Productivity, and working conditions 31
Productivity, language feature 208
Productivity, reduced by conflict 89—90
Productivity, versus training 69—70
Professional programming 122—125
Professional programming, language for 212
Profile, personality 154—158
Programmer's Aptitude Test 171—176
Programmer's National Anthem 152
Programming language 205—216
Programming language, dead-end 191—192
Programming language, design 210—214 216—245
Programming language, effect on coding 9—10
Programming language, fixation on 60
Programming language, learning versus use 190—192
progress reporting 100—106
Progress reporting, and project structure 133
Progressives, liking for 156
Project design, staggered 134—135
Promotion, importance of 183
Promotion, leading to dissatisfaction 97—98
Promotion, of maintenance specialist 85
Prompting of amateur programmers 123
Proofreading 162
Property-oriented programming 53—56
Psychological studies, exaggeration in 135—136
Psychological testing, scaling effects 103
Public relations group 106
Quality, importance of 183
Raise, importance of 183—184
Raise, leading to dissatisfaction 97—98
Randell, Brian 115
Reading programs 5—14
Reading programs, and egoless programming 60
Recoding of information units 225
Redundancy, and syntax checking 228—229
Redundancy, measure of 245
Reference table in documentation 267
Referential function of language 208—210
Reinstedt, R.N. 172 177
Relationship rules on aptitude tests 173
Reliability of compiled code 16
Remote job entry, and social structure 52
Remote job entry, introduction of 257—258
Remoteness of leadership 109—111
Reorganization and team loyalties 106—107
Replacement, of a team member 86—87
Replacement, of non-cooperating managers 83—85
Reruns, cost of 23—24
Resolution level of timing information 32
Resolution of conflict 78
Responsibility, unwanted 97—98
Restrictions in a language, effects of 213—214
Retroactive inhibition 236
Reward, for accurate reporting 103
Reward, for appearance of work 109—110
Reward, misapplied 165
Reward, of a manager 82—85
Right-to-left rule 223
Rigid personality 153
Rigidity of programming language 211
Rorschach Ink Blot Test 153
Rosen, S. 139
Rosenthal, Robert 272
Rosin, Robert F. 272
Rubey, Raymond J. 243
Russell, Bertrand 39 203
Sackman, Harold 32 34 37 42 178 199. 259 261 272
Salary, and programming mystique 3—4
Salary, importance of 183—184
Salsbury, R.G. 272
Sam met, Jean E. 139 216 239 241 244
Satisfaction with a special-purpose language 238—239
Saving face 77
Schedule 19—20
Schedule, and egoless programming 59
Schedule, and team structure 68—69
Schooling 184—188
Scope, of application of a program 126—128
Scope, of work 183
Scope, shown in documentation 267
Scoring, of Strong test 157
Second language, learning of 212—213
Second-level manager 95 109
Secretary, as status symbol 111
Selection of programmers, as experimental subjects 33—35
Selection of programmers, by self-selection 52—53
Selection of programmers, for various tasks 107
Selection of programmers, mistakes in 148—149
Selection of programmers, with experience 175—176
Selective memory 171
Selectivity, in design 168
Self-describing documentation 263—265
Self-fulfilling prophecy 100 154—155
Self-image, damage to 54
Self-selection 52—53 149
Selling of goals 81
Semantics, and syntactic looseness 235
Semantics, exploration 221
Sense of humor 152
Sequential memory 229
Service group, goal problems 77
Set 162—164
Set, tools for overcoming 266—267
Sex, and status 111—112
Shannon, C.E. 245
Sharing of group goals 73
Shaw, C.J. 244
Sheltering programmers 124
Short-term group behavior 91—92
Short-term memory 171
Shortage of programmers, effect of 79—80
Shortcuts, temptation of 68—69
Similarity of language and inhibition effects 236
Simplification, in amateur programming 122—124
Simulation of batch by on-line 32—33
Size, of program 122
Size, of programming teams 69
Size, of statements 29
Skills, acqisition of 187—188
Slack 106
Slippage in documentation 265
Small group behavior 91
Smith, B. 245
Smooth operation, and smooth reporting 103
Social activity in programming 35
Social contact and operating systems 257—258
Social environment, restructuring of 56—60
Social organization, and physical environment 50—52
Social pressure, and opinions 76
Social pressure, effects on reporting 103—106
Social psychology 39
Social psychology, experiments in 91—93
Social role, reaction to 148
Social structure 39
Socialization of new team members 61—64 86—89
Sociology, contrast with anthropology 37
Softness 85
Software forms, social organization of 58
Sorting mentality 240
Special-purpose language 237—241
Special-purpose language, compression in 226
Specifications 12 17—19
Specifications, and egoless programming 59
Specifications, relaxation of 23
Speed as a factor in test scores 170
Spelling errors 234
Stability through change 96—100
Stages of programming 132—137
Staggered shift 79
Stainaker, A.W. 159 177
Standards, and amateur programs 122
standards, group 106
Standards, in procedures 258
Standards, in programming language design 211—214
Stange, G.H. 256 272
Statistics, role in studies 32—33
Status of team members 72
Steel, T.B.Jr. 216
Stockham, Thomas G.Jr. 274
Storage capacity and coding 8
Stress, tolerance of 149—150
Strings, failure to close 260
Strong leadership 89—90
Strong Vocational Interest Blank 153—158
Structure, of a data-processing section 116
Structure, of a project 106—109
Subjects, sources of 33—35
Subroutines, and team structure 70—72
Subroutines, non-local effects of 231
Subscript rules 218—219
Subset language, and efficiency 23
Subset language, psychological effects of 219—220
Subset language, through defaults 228
Success, effect on testing 250—251
Supplies, control of 79
Support group, goal problems 77
Suspicion, and problem test 146
Symbol table, in documentation 267
Symbols, choice of 163—164
Symbols, of status 110—111
Symmetry of program structure 168
Symposium on Extendible Languages 216
Synesthetic memory 229
Syntax, checking and redundancy 228—229
Syntax, directing documentation 274
Syntax, of JCL 186—188 233—234
Syntax, specifications for checking 260
Synthetic mind 137
System test group 106—108
Systems design, awareness of 124
Systems design, requirements for 132
Systems programming, background for 184—185
Systems programming, goal problems 77
Systems programming, group 106
Target dates, importance 183
Task forces 106
Task-oriented activity 85
TAT 153
Teaching, by operating system 188
Teaching, effectiveness of 185—186
Team 67—94
Team, cost of studying 35
Team, mother 85—86
Technocratic organization 90
Teitelman, W. 273
Temporary modifications 11—12
Terminal, and amateur programmers 122—124
Terminal, and social structure 52
Terminal, as status symbol 111
Terminal, benefits of limiting to 238
Terminal, built for two 259
Terminal, effect on error 255—256
Terminal, in a documentation system 264 267
Terminal, resolving ambiguity at 223
Terminal, role in learning 189—190
Terminal, users behavior at 31—32
test cases 251
Testing see “Also debugging”
Testing, for aptitude 170—176
Testing, personality 153—158
Thematic Apperception Test 153
Theory, application of 38
Thought, shaped by language 238—240
Thurstone Temperament Schedule 157
Tight coding 22
Time, for quality work 183
Time, for reviewing reports 101
Time, in motivation studies 183
Time-clocks, enforcement of 79
Time-sharing versus batch 32 259—262
Timing information, effects on coding 8
Timing information, resolution level of 32
Title, importance of 183