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Schank R.C. — Dynamic Memory. A Theory of Reminding and Learning in Computers and People |
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"Commodity unavailable" 119 121
"Provide no opposition" 72 73
"Provide opposition" 73
"Utilize power" 73 111 118
A-goals 91
abandonment 136
Abbott, V. 148
Abelson, R. 3 4 6 24 27 29 30 32 37 40 52 65 80 81 91 92 99 104 120 144 173 223
Abstract scene types 145
Abstraction 4 8 81 149 154 161 220 221
Abstraction, high-level 11
Action units (AU) 198
Adams, N. 3
Alteration of a specific expectation 136
Alteration scripts 131 132
Alternative beliefs 51 53 54 56
artificial intelligence 2 22 149 225
Bargaining 187—189 193 194
Beliefs 79 206
Black, J. 10 82 148
Bower, G. 3 10 11 82 223
Buchanan, B. 22
Carbonell, J. 4 32
Charniak, E. 112 128
Children 80 129 225
Children, expectation 143
Children, goal 143
Coloring 13 16 86 88 95 105 108 170 171 179
Competition goal 116 119 160—162 164
Compromise solution 116 119 160 162 163 167
Conceptual Dependency 3 135
Conditional outcomes 72
Content frame-search 179
Crisis goal 121
Cross-contextual reminding 113
Cross-indexing 209
Crowder, R. 19
Cullingford, R. 2 3 6 40
Customer queueing 89
CyFr 217
Cyrus 207 215 217
Data base 217 218
Data structures 10
Davis, R. 22
DeJong, G. 2 7 128 217
Dictionary-based reminding 25—27
Discriminability 210
Dyer, M. 2
Dynamic memory 1 2 4 11 14 19 21 23 196 224 225
Dynamic memory structures 23
Episode 20—26 32 36 38—40 43 44 65 73 90 98 108 128 151 164 181 182 187 207 208 222
Episodic memory 19—21 23 25 27 39 47 64 65 177 190 197
Episodic Memory Organization Packets (E-MOP) 207—210 212—216 218 222
Episodic Memory Organization Packets (E-MOP), creation 213
Error explanations 54—56
Error-based failure 54
Evil intent 68 111 121
Expectation failure 14 28 32 45 46 48 51 52 61—63 89 103 108 127 131 133—136 139 140 142 146 147 155 158 163 170 171—176 186 187 189 191 192 195 224
Expectation modification 131 132
Expectation modification, scene-based 147
Expectational information 68
Expectations 24 26 27 29 32 33 40 52 68 76 80 102 128 129 139 146 147
Expert 22
Expert system 22 225
expertise 101 108
Explanation, goal-based 30
Explanation, theme-based 30
Failure-driven memory 37 46 60 75
Failure-driven memory, reminding 46 47 66 71 75
Failure-explanation 62
Feigenbaum, E. 22
Focus problem 128 130
Frame-based system 112
FRUMP 7 8 105 217 225
General knowledge structures 9
General structures 9
Generalization 2 4 8 10 23 31 32 36 42 44—46 60 62 63 81 101 105 106 120 127 128 134 140 145 148 149 152—154 171 194 197—199 201—206 214—216 218 219 222 223
Generalization, refinement 214
Generalized scenes 168—171
Generalized scenes, building 167
Goal 25 32 34 48 52 64 65 68 69 71 72 74 92 96 98 103 105 106 113 124 125 129 133 139 157—160 187 188
Goal, blockage 32
Goal, collection 147
Goal, competition 32
Goal, directed behavior 67
Goal, failure 32
Goal, pursuit 122
Goal, related 33
Goal, replacement 32
Goal, subsumption failures 30 31
Goal, tracking 31 32
Goal-based analysis 30
Goal-based analysis, expectation 147
Goal-based analysis, physical scene 147
Goal-based analysis, processing 30 65
Goal-based analysis, reminding 30—32
Gordon, S. 3
Graesser, A. 3
Granger, R. 7 46
Gruendel, K. 3 80
Hendrix, G. 182
High level context 68
High level context, goals 98
High level context, knowledge source 5
High level context, knowledge structures 6 8 43 48 51 52 104 128 129
High level context, memory structures 4 14 112 122
High level context, structures 4 5 16 33 43 67 80 81 84 85
Imperialism 111 112
Imperialism, definition 112
Index generations 178 179
Indexing 22 28 31 32 35 42 46 66 71 73 79 88 105 112 114 117 133 146 151 158 159 162 164 165 168 170 171 174—176 180 182 189 191 194 199 207—210 212 213 216 218
Indexing, expectation failures 131 132
Indexing, scripts 88
Initial generalization 214
Instrumental action 86
Instrumental action, goal 86
Integrated Partial Parsing (IPP) 197—199 201—206
Intentional planning aids 62
Intentional planning aids, reminding 63
Intentional reminding 34 35 116
Intermediate-term memory 12
Jebousek, S. 3
jokes 25 34 47
Knowledge packets 8
Knowledge-based self-organizing memory 207
Kolodner, J. 115 207 213 217
| Kowalski, D. 3
Language 2 3
Learning 4 22 36 46 53 60—62 75 110 119 128 134 153 157 171 222 224
Lebowitz, M. 115 197 198 201 205
Lehnert, W. 2 46
Long-term memory 12—14 206
MAP 182
McCartney, K. 3
Memory confusion 157
Memory confusion, levels of 12
Memory organization packets 83 199 201 203—206
Memory organization structures 15 16 25 36 51 56
Memory reconstructive 13
Memory reconstructive, search 36
Memory reconstructive, structures 10 11 14 19 20 25 26 28 30 81 83 87 88 90 102 106 135 140 143 148 161 176—179 181 191 192 197 198 209 223 224
Memory-based processing 2
Mental dictionaries 25
Meta-MOPs 99 100 103 104 107—109 128
Meta-MOPs, creation 132
Minsky, M. 128
Mop 83—87 90—93 95 97 99—102 104—110 113 128—130 132 135 142 144 147—149 151 155 159 166 167 176 177 179 187—190 194 197 209 212 216 223 225
MOP, creation 132
MOP-based expectation failure 135 136
MOP-based failure 136
Morals 34
Motivational explanations 54 56 58
Multiple indexing 122
Mutual goal 111
Mutual goal, pursuit 94
Mutual goal, pursuit against outside opposition 71
Named plans 92
Natural language processing 10
Nelson, K. 3 80
Newell, A. 177
Nilsson, N. 177
Non-initiated goal expectations 173
Non-initiated goal frustrations 173
Norman, D. 59 114 185
Outcome-driven reminding 67 69 73 75 111
Outcome-related failure 75
Outside opposition 111 165 167
PAM 4 5 225
Personal MOP 97 130 193—195
Personal MOP, scene 97 143 146 178
Personal MOP, scene definition 97
Personal MOP, script 80 128 131
Personal MOP, script-building 128 130 131
Physical MOP 86 97 98 109 130 193
Physical MOP, definition 95
Physical MOP, scene 95 96 138 143 144
Place-holders 87
Plan-based reminding 32
plans 6 25 32 33 48 52 64 67
Plans, application 5
Plans, failures 58
Possession goal 48 111 120 121
Prediction failures 56 60
Prediction failures, outcomes 63 75
Processing structures 67 81 83
Processing-based reminding 25 27 29
prototypes 101
Question-answering 46
Quillian, M. 182
Re-evaluation of expectation 140
Reconstructive memory 13 83 90 91 94
Relational information 68
Reminding 20—24 27 29 31—33 36 38 42 45 48 60 62 79 105 136 176 186 187 189 191 192 213
Reminding, types of 25
Reorganization 136
Replacement structure 136
Riesbeck, C. 8
Rosch, E. 148
S-MOP 198 199 201 202
Sacerdoti, E. 177
SAM 3 5—7 105 225
Satisfaction goal 121
Sawyer, J. 3
Scene 15 16 40 42 44 74 84 86 95 105 106 128 129 148 168 171 172 178—181 187 191 194 195 219
Scene-based expectations 147
Scene-script relationship 139
Schank, R. 3 4 6 24 27 29 30 32 35 37 40 52 59 65 78 80 81 85 91 92 99 104 114 115 120 144 165 173 182 185 207 213 223
Script 3 5—11 23—25 27 29 34 38 39 42 45 52 64 82 84 86 95 100 106 128 129 133 138 151 170 171 179 223
Script, application 3—5 40
Script, definition 7
Script, personal 6
Script, situational 6
Script-based explanations 49
Script-based explanations, memory 9
Script-based explanations, processing 6 23
Script-based explanations, reminding 39 45 46
Script-based explanations, theory 85
Search 15 158 177 181
Search, map 181 182
Search, reconstructive 180
Short-term memory 12
Simple memory organization packets 198 199 206
Sketchy scripts 8
Smith, D. 3
Smith, E. 3
Societal MOP 86 97 109 130 145 193
Societal scenes 96 138 143 146 178
Societal scenes, definition 96
Spec-MOP 199 201 202
Specific structures 9
Static information 68
Structure-exemplification 62
Sub-MOP 213—216 218
Subscene 42
Suckering 60 185 186 190 191
Suckering, experience 59
Thematic Organization Packet (TOP) 68 70—73 94 110—118 121 159 163 165 166 177 189 190 195 225
Thematic Organization Packet (TOP), indexing 159 166
Thematic organization points 111
Theme 48 65
TOP-based reminding 114
tracks 6 7 39 42 82
Turner, T. 10 82
Understanding, meaning of 24
Universal MOP 148 150—152 157 167—169 220
Universal scenes 148—152 154 157 167 221
Visually-based reminding 26 27
Wilensky, R. 2 4 30 32
Woll, S. 3
Yale University 2 5
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