Результат поиска |
Поиск книг, содержащих: Reduced variables
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Cardy J. — Scaling and renormalization in statistical physics | | Bird R.B., Lightfoot E.N., Stewart W.E. — Transport Phenomena | 21, 272, 521 | Fletcher R. — Practical methods of optimization. Volume 2: constrained optimization | 82 | Adkins C.J. — Equilibrium Thermodynamics | 167—168, 267 | Bird R.B., Armstrong R.C., Hassager O. — Dynamics of polymeric liquids (Vol. 1. Fluid mechanics) | (1)108, 139, (2)163 | Callen H. — Thermodynamics and an Introduction to Thermostatistics | 301 | W. Burnside — Theory of Groups of Finite Order | 205 | Reichl L.E. — Modern Course in Statistical Physics | 111, 116 | Bird R.B., Curtiss C.F., Armstrong R.C. — Dynamics of Polymeric Liquids. Vol. 2. Kinetic Theory | (1)108, 139, (2) 163 |