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Поиск книг, содержащих: Bidirectional reflectance distribution function (BRDF)
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Pollock D.H. (ed.) — The infrared & electro-optical systems handbook. Countermeasure systems | 35—36, 115, 176—180 | Accetta J.S., Shumaker D.L. — Electro-Optical Systems Handbook | 318—320, 323—326 | Accetta J.S. (ed.), Shumaker D.L. (ed.), Robinson S.R. (ed.) — The Infrared & Electro-Optical Systems Handbook. Volume 8: Emerging Systems and Technologies | 426 | Accetta J.S. (ed.), Shumaker D.L. (ed.), Campana S.B. (ed.) — The Infrared & Electro-Optical Systems Handbook. Volume 5: Passive Electro-Optical Systems | 230—231 | Accetta J.S. (ed.), Shumaker D.L. (ed.), Zissis J. (ed.) — The Infrared & Electro-Optical Systems Handbook. Volume 1: Sources of Radiation | 26 | Accetta J.S. (ed.), Shumaker D.L. (ed.), Rogatto W.D. (ed.) — The Infrared & Electro-Optical Systems Handbook. Volume 3: Electro-Optical Components | 10 | Fernando R. (ed.) — GPU gems: programming techniques, tips, and tricks for real-time graphics | see "SBRDF (spatial bidirectional reflectance distribution function)" | Fernando R. — GPU Gems: Programming techniques, tips and tricks for real-time graphics | see "SBRDF (spatial bidirectional reflectance distribution function)" |