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Accetta J.S., Shumaker D.L. — Electro-Optical Systems Handbook |
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spectral band 302
spectral band, aircraft surface blackbody radiant intensity 313
spectral band, background temperatures 205—206
spectral band, band selection 32
spectral band, earthshine 317—318 341
spectral band, exhaust plume emission 332—341
spectral band, skyshine 317—318 341
spectral band, solar irradiance 315 317—318
spectral band, solar reflections 341
spectral band, source radiant intensity 341
spectral band, surface radiance 327—328
spectral band, thermal emission 341
spectral band 9 32 302
spectral band, aircraft surface blackbody radiant intensity 313
spectral band, background temperatures 205—206
spectral band, band selection 32
spectral band, earthshine 317—318
spectral band, skyshine 317—318
spectral band, solar irradiance 315 317—318
spectral band, solar reflections 341
spectral band, source radiant intensity 341
spectral band, surface radiance 327—328
spectral band, thermal emission 341
92 97 98 99 100
Aberrations, optical chromatic 18
Absorption coefficients 332—333 339
Absorption, atmospheric 314 332—333
Adhesives, for lens barrels 154 156
Adhesives, for lens mounts 143—144
Adhesives, for mirror mounts 176—177
Adhesives, for prism mounts 136—137
Adhesives, for window mounts 134
Aircraft 250—251 302
Aircraft, engine hot parts 302
Aircraft, geometry 307—312
Aircraft, plumes 302 329—340
Aircraft, surface radiant intensity 312—313
Aircraft, thermal model 320—323
Algorithms, tracking, adaptive reference correlation 276—277 280
Algorithms, tracking, binary centroid 254—260 278—280
Algorithms, tracking, breaklock detection 287—288
Algorithms, tracking, circular 257
Algorithms, tracking, correlation 271—276 278—280 283
Algorithms, tracking, fixed reference correlation 280
Algorithms, tracking, gate construction 281—285
Algorithms, tracking, intensity centroid 260—263 280
Algorithms, tracking, maximum likelihood estimator 263—271 280
Algorithms, tracking, predictor/corrector algorithm 268
Algorithms, tracking, segmentation 258
Algorithms, tracking, target location estimation 254—280 292 294
Algorithms, tracking, thresholded intensity centroid 280
Aliasing 44—48 101 103 106
Aluminum 167 188—190 192
Aluminum, athermalization 178
Aluminum, thermal coefficient of expansion 170
Aluminum, thermal distortion parameter 169
Ancillary data 251 252
Apparent quantities 30—31
Arrays, detector 66—68
Arrays, scanning 103
Arrays, staring 103 106
Astigmatism 170—171
Athermalization 177—183
Athermalization, athermal compensators 179—183
Athermalization, athermal compensators, bimetallic compensators 181—183
Athermalization, athermal compensators, focus 180
Athermalization, athermal compensators, graphite epoxy composites 182—183
Athermalization, athermal compensators, lens power 179
Athermalization, athermal compensators, metering rods 182—183
Athermalization, athermal compensators, thermo-optic coefficients 179—180
Athermalization, same material athermalization 178
Athermalization, structural 177—178
Atmospheric attenuation 305 317
Atmospheric transmission, apparent 30
Autocorrelation function 33—34
automatic gain control 273
Automatic target recognition 286—287
Averaging aperture (unit cell) 7
Background parameters 266
Background radiance 305
Background-limited infrared photodetection (BLIP) 23
Background-limited infrared photodetection (BLIP), and detectivity 27
Background-limited infrared photodetection (BLIP), and NETD 27—28
Backgrounds modeling 64—65
Bandwidth, equivalent 38—39
Bar targets 42—43 81—83 91 94 200 232 235 238—240
Beer's law 332 334
Beryllium 167 188—190
Beryllium, athermalization 178
Beryllium, thermal coefficient of expansion 170
Bias 258—260
Bias error 292
Bidirectional reflectance distribution function (BRDF) 318—320 323—326
Blackbodies 302 328 334
Bose — Einstein equation 12
Breaklock detection 253 280 287—288 see
Breaklock flag 289
Breaklock test 288
Carbon dioxide 332—333
Carbon dioxide, absorption coefficient 333
Carbon monoxide 332—333
Central limit theorem 38—39
Central ordinate theorem 39
Centroid trackers 254—263
Centroid trackers, binary 254—260 262 278—280 281
Centroid trackers, binary, gate size 281
Centroid trackers, intensity 260—263 280
Centroid trackers, intensity, thresholded intensity centroid 261 280
Charge transfer devices 101 103—104
Charge transfer devices, modulation transfer function 41
Charge transfer devices, phase transfer function 41
Charge-coupled devices 103—104
Charge-coupled devices, modulation transfer function 103—104
Classification 258
Clutter 32—35 52 253 260 282 293
Clutter, and search detection probability 112
Clutter, diurnal variation of 34—35
Collimators 201 206—208
Collimators, clear aperture 207
Comb functions 45
Contrast apparent 9
Contrast irradiance 303 305
Contrast radiant intensity 305
Contrast transfer function 199 201 232—236
Contrast transfer function, phasing effects on 233
Contrast transfer function, relationship to MTF 232—233 236
Contrast transfer function, test configuration 233—234
Control theory 247 251
Convection 321—323
Convective heat transfer coefficient 322 323
Correlation trackers 271—276 278—280
Correlation trackers, gate size 282—283
Covariance 270 275
Covariance matrix 276
Cramer — Rao bound 270 275
Cross-correlation 273
Dark current 22 198
Data fusion 279
Degrees of freedom 10
Detection 7 62 84—91 see “Search” “Target
Detection, FLIR example 86—91
Detection, military detection 63
Detection, probability of 84
Detection, pure detection 62 84—91
Detectivity 70—71
Detectivity, D*(300) 25
Detectivity, D*(500) 24
Detectivity, specific 19 70
Detectivity, spectral 19
Detector electronics, modeling of 71
| Detector spectral response 4 7
Detectors, semiconductor spectral detectivity 21
Diffraction cutoff frequency 7
Dirac delta function 44—45
Discrete data transfer function 294
Discrete time transfer function 294
Discrimination 62 91—99 see “Target
Discrimination, 92 97 98
Discrimination, discrimination detection 62
Discrimination, FLIR example 94—96
Discrimination, higher order 91—99
Discrimination, Johnson methodology 91—92
Discrimination, loadline procedure 96—97
Discrimination, orientation 63
Discrimination, prediction methodology 93—94
Discrimination, target classification 63 99
Discrimination, target identification 97 99
Discrimination, target recognition 63 97
Discrimination, vs target critical dimensions 92
Displays MTF 71—72 100
Distortion of windows 124
Domes see “Windows and domes”
Drift error 292
Dynamic range 7 198
Earthshine 302 305 316—318 325 327 341
Electrical efficiency (pulse gain factor) 29
Electro-optical imaging chain 63—77
Electro-optical imaging chain, atmospheric effects 65—66
Electro-optical imaging chain, atmospheric effects, absorption 65
Electro-optical imaging chain, atmospheric effects, LOWTRAN 7 66
Electro-optical imaging chain, atmospheric effects, modeling 66
Electro-optical imaging chain, atmospheric effects, scattering 65
Electro-optical imaging chain, atmospheric effects, scintillation 66
Electro-optical imaging chain, FLIR systems 66—72
Electro-optical imaging chain, target and background 63—65
Electro-optical imaging system design 49—50
Electro-optical imaging system performance prediction 55—120
Electro-optical imaging system performance prediction, atmospheric effects 65—66
Electro-optical imaging system performance prediction, detection 84—91 97—99
Electro-optical imaging system performance prediction, FLIR performance measures 77—83 101—106
Electro-optical imaging system performance prediction, FLIR systems 66—72
Electro-optical imaging system performance prediction, higher order discrimination 91—99
Electro-optical imaging system performance prediction, search performance modeling 106—115
Electro-optical imaging system performance prediction, static performance prediction 83—106
Electro-optical imaging system performance prediction, symbols, nomenclature, and units 58—59
Electro-optical imaging system performance prediction, target acquisition 60—63
Electro-optical imaging system performance prediction, targets and backgrounds 63—65
Electro-optical imaging system performance prediction, vision (observer) 72—77
Electro-optical imaging systems analysis 1—53
Electro-optical imaging systems analysis, apparent quantities 30—31
Electro-optical imaging systems analysis, clutter noise 32—35
Electro-optical imaging systems analysis, definitions 3—7
Electro-optical imaging systems analysis, extended source focal plane flux equation 16—18
Electro-optical imaging systems analysis, extended source SNR 19—22
Electro-optical imaging systems analysis, imaging characteristics 7—9
Electro-optical imaging systems analysis, impediments to source detection 9—10
Electro-optical imaging systems analysis, noise equivalent irradiance 28—29
Electro-optical imaging systems analysis, noise equivalent temperature difference 23—28
Electro-optical imaging systems analysis, optical transfer functions 37—41
Electro-optical imaging systems analysis, photon collection 11—32
Electro-optical imaging systems analysis, point source irradiance equations 18—19
Electro-optical imaging systems analysis, point source SNR 22—23
Electro-optical imaging systems analysis, radiant energy transfer 14—15
Electro-optical imaging systems analysis, sampling and aliasing 44—48
Electro-optical imaging systems analysis, sensitivity 23—29
Electro-optical imaging systems analysis, signal-to-noise ratio 11—32 19
Electro-optical imaging systems analysis, spatial frequency response 35—44
Electro-optical imaging systems analysis, spectral band selection 31—32
Electro-optical imaging systems analysis, symbols, nomenclature, and units 5—7
Electro-optical imaging systems analysis, system design 49—50
Electro-optical imaging systems analysis, visual detection of noisy signals 48—49
Electronic boosting 39 71
Emissivity/emittance 318—320 322
Emissivity/emittance, atmospheric 313 314
Emissivity/emittance, environmental 322
Environmental radiation model 313—318 325—326
Equivalent line number 38
Ergodic systems 218
Estimation theory 247 251 see
Exhaust plumes 305 329—340
Exhaust plumes, flow properties 331
Exhaust plumes, gas absorption 332—333
Exhaust plumes, geometry 337—339
Exhaust plumes, inviscid core 334—335 337—339
Exhaust plumes, missiles 321—322 329
Exhaust plumes, MWIR plume radiation 332—340
Exhaust plumes, optical depth 334—337
Exhaust plumes, projected area 337—339
Exhaust plumes, radiance/transmittance 305 331—332 336—337 339—340
Exhaust plumes, radiant intensity 336—337 339
Exhaust plumes, radiative transport equation 331
Exhaust plumes, temperature 321
Exitance, photon 14
Exitance, radiant 14
Extended sources 16—18
Extended sources, signal-to-noise ratio 19—22
Extended sources, spectral flux equation 17—18
eye see “Vision”
f/# 4
Fading 273
False alarms 257
Fast Fourier transforms 229 230
Fast Fourier transforms, processor 274
Field of regard 3—4 107
Field of view 3—4
Filters, finite impulse response 276—277
Filters, high-pass 216—218 227
Filters, infinite impulse response 276
Filters, Kalman 252 285 289
Filters, matched 273
Filters, single-pole 217
Filters, spectral 32
Fisher information matrix 270 275
Flows, exhaust 329—340
Focal length, effective 4
Focus 180
Forward-looking infrared (FLIR) systems 66—72
Forward-looking infrared (FLIR) systems, aliasing 101 103
Forward-looking infrared (FLIR) systems, charge transfer devices 103—104
Forward-looking infrared (FLIR) systems, FLIR90 performance model 105—106
Forward-looking infrared (FLIR) systems, FLIR92 performance model 105—106
Forward-looking infrared (FLIR) systems, higher order discrimination 91—99
Forward-looking infrared (FLIR) systems, higher order discrimination, discrimination performance example 94—96
Forward-looking infrared (FLIR) systems, image processing 104
Forward-looking infrared (FLIR) systems, image reconstruction 104
Forward-looking infrared (FLIR) systems, modeling 68—72
Forward-looking infrared (FLIR) systems, modeling, detector detectivity 70—71
Forward-looking infrared (FLIR) systems, modeling, display MTF 71—72
Forward-looking infrared (FLIR) systems, modeling, electronics 71
Forward-looking infrared (FLIR) systems, modeling, line-of-sight jitter 69
Forward-looking infrared (FLIR) systems, modeling, optics MTF 69—70
Forward-looking infrared (FLIR) systems, NETD calculation 26
Forward-looking infrared (FLIR) systems, nonuniformity 103
Forward-looking infrared (FLIR) systems, performance measures 77—83
Forward-looking infrared (FLIR) systems, performance measures, minimum detectable temperature difference 80—81
Forward-looking infrared (FLIR) systems, performance measures, minimum resolvable temperature difference 81—83
Forward-looking infrared (FLIR) systems, performance measures, noise equivalent temperature difference 78—80
Forward-looking infrared (FLIR) systems, resolution 104—106
Forward-looking infrared (FLIR) systems, sampling 101—103
Forward-looking infrared (FLIR) systems, scanning systems 66—67
Forward-looking infrared (FLIR) systems, staring systems 68
Forward-looking infrared (FLIR) systems, static performance prediction 83—91
Forward-looking infrared (FLIR) systems, static performance prediction, pure detection 84—91
Forward-looking infrared (FLIR) systems, static performance prediction, target acquisition performance example 86—91
Fourier analysis 37 68
Fourier transforms 229—230
Frame grabbers 208 217 225
Gamma spikes 273
Gaussian statistics 12 33—34
Gimbals 247 250 253 254 294
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