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Accetta J.S., Shumaker D.L. — Electro-Optical Systems Handbook |
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Gimbals, control system 295
Gimbals, pointing commands 290—291
Glasses see also “Materials”
Glasses, fracture mechanics properties 132
Glasses, Gaussian strength properties 130
Glasses, Weibull strength properties 130
Ground vehicles 302 305
Gyro drift 292
Heat transfer 320 322—323
Hessian matrix 274
Histogram analysis 285—286
Histograms, intensity 256—257
Human visual system see “Vision”
Identity transfer function 272
Image blurring 65—66 69 70
Image contrast 68
Image distortion 65—66
Image intensifiers, performance measures 77
Image quality 38 100 200 235
Image reconstruction 47 104
image resolution 35
Image resolution, equivalent 38
Impulse response 36 40
Index of refraction 178 179
Inertial navigation system 252
Infrared imaging system testing 195—243
Infrared imaging system testing, contrast transfer function 232—236
Infrared imaging system testing, minimum resolvable temperature 235—241
Infrared imaging system testing, modulation transfer function 223—232
Infrared imaging system testing, overview 197—202
Infrared imaging system testing, radiometry and temperature difference 203—206
Infrared imaging system testing, signal transfer function 209—212
Infrared imaging system testing, slit response function 221—223
Infrared imaging system testing, symbols and nomenclature 197
Infrared imaging system testing, test configurations 206—209
Infrared imaging system testing, three-dimensional noise model 212—221
Instantaneous field of view 70 101
Interpolator 47—48
Invar 182
Irradiance, energy 14—15
Irradiance, photon 14—15
Isoplanatic patch 36
Jitter 69 228—229 252 292
Kirchhoff s Law 318 320
Lens barrels 150—156
Lens barrels, barrel sealing 155—156
Lens barrels, barrel sealing, pressurizing 156
Lens barrels, barrel sealing, semiflexible adhesive bonding 154—156
Lens barrels, design 151—155
Lens barrels, design, common bore assembly 151 154
Lens barrels, design, individual seat assembly 151 154
Lens barrels, design, subcell assembly 154—155
Lens barrels, materials 150—153
Lens barrels, materials, metallic 152
Lens barrels, materials, nonmetallic 153
Lens materials stress-optical coefficient (stress birefringence) 148
Lenses, bonded lens mounts 143—145 185—187
Lenses, bonded lens mounts, adhesives, properties of 143
Lenses, bonded lens mounts, design example 185—187
Lenses, bonded lens mounts, semiflexible bonding 144
Lenses, center of gravity/weight estimates 141—143
Lenses, lens centering 140—141
Lenses, mechanical stress 148—149
Lenses, mechanical stress, bending stress 148
Lenses, mechanical stress, contact stress 149
Lenses, mechanical stress, Hertz contact stress theory 149
Lenses, mechanical stress, optical path difference 148
Lenses, mechanical stress, stress-optical coefficient (stress birefringence) 148
Lenses, mounting 140—150 185—187
Lenses, seat and retainer mounts 146—148
Lenses, seat and retainer mounts, accuracy 146
Lenses, seat and retainer mounts, design example 187
Lenses, seat and retainer mounts, retainer design 147—148
Lenses, seat and retainer mounts, sharp corner contact 147
Lenses, seat and retainer mounts, spherical contact 147
Lenses, seat and retainer mounts, tangential contact 147
Lenses, shimmed mounts 145—146
Lenses, thermal stress 149—150
Lenses, thermal stress, minimum radial clearance 149
Lenses, thermal stress, radial stress 150
Likelihood ratio test 287
Line spread function 223 225—230
Line-of-sight, control 267
Line-of-sight, determination 247 251—252 253 289—290 292 294 295
Line-of-sight, stabilization 253—254
Loadline procedure 96—97
Localize 62
Lookup tables 256
Loss of lock 292—293 295 see
LOWTRAN 7 66 341
M* 21 31—32
Mach number 321 322
Mach number, and exhaust plumes 334—335
Materials, bimetallic compensators 181—182
Materials, lens barrels 150—153
Materials, metal mirrors 165—167
Materials, thermal coefficient of expansion 170—171
Materials, thermal diffusivity 169
Materials, thermal distortion parameter 169
Materials, thermo-optic coefficients 179—181
Maximum likelihood target location estimators 263—271 280
Maximum likelihood target location estimators, correlation trackers 271—276 278—280
Maximum likelihood target location estimators, correlation trackers, least-squares cost function 272 273 274
Maximum likelihood target location estimators, correlation trackers, on-line correlation algorithm 274—275
Maximum likelihood target location estimators, correlation trackers, performance 275—276
Maximum likelihood target location estimators, correlation trackers, quadratic loss function 273
Maximum likelihood target location estimators, likelihood function 263
Maximum likelihood target location estimators, maximum likelihood tracking 267—271 280
Maximum likelihood target location estimators, maximum likelihood tracking, conditional log-likelihood functions 268
Maximum likelihood target location estimators, maximum likelihood tracking, conditional probability function 267
Maximum likelihood target location estimators, maximum likelihood tracking, log-likelihood function 267—270
Maximum likelihood target location estimators, maximum likelihood tracking, performance 271
Maximum likelihood target location estimators, maximum likelihood tracking, predictor/corrector algorithm 268 270
Maximum likelihood target location estimators, multimode tracking 277—280
Maximum likelihood target location estimators, overlay model 263—267 272
Maximum likelihood target location estimators, overlay model, architecture 264
Metal matrix composites 167
Metal matrix composites, athermalizing structures 182
Minimum detectable contrast 77
Minimum detectable temperature difference (MDT) 80—81
Minimum resolvable contrast 77
Minimum resolvable temperature difference (MRT) 49 81—83 85 101—102 105 106 201 216 235—241
Minimum resolvable temperature difference (MRT), as a function of noise 237
Minimum resolvable temperature difference (MRT), for a staring array 239
Minimum resolvable temperature difference (MRT), geometric average of 238
Minimum resolvable temperature difference (MRT), phasing effects on 238
Minimum resolvable temperature difference (MRT), sampling effects on 238
Minimum resolvable temperature difference (MRT), specifications 241
Minimum resolvable temperature difference (MRT), test configuration 240
Minimum resolvable temperature difference (MRT), test procedure 240
Mirrors, bonded mounts 176—177
Mirrors, bonded mounts, mushroom mount 176—177
Mirrors, contoured back lightweight mirrors 160—161
Mirrors, contoured back lightweight mirrors, double concave 161
Mirrors, contoured back lightweight mirrors, double-arch 161
Mirrors, contoured back lightweight mirrors, single-arch 160
Mirrors, design example 187—188
Mirrors, flexural mounts 175—176
Mirrors, flexural rigidity, for open-back mirror 162—163
Mirrors, flexural rigidity, for sandwich mirror 162—164
Mirrors, kinematic mounts 172—174
Mirrors, lightweight mirrors 159—164 188—190
Mirrors, lightweight mirrors, design example 188—190
Mirrors, lightweight mirrors, weight estimation 159 162 163
Mirrors, materials 167
Mirrors, materials, thermal coefficient of expansion 170
Mirrors, metal mirrors 165—168
Mirrors, metal mirrors, advantages 165
Mirrors, metal mirrors, aluminum 167 170
Mirrors, metal mirrors, Andrade's beta law 166
| Mirrors, metal mirrors, athermalization 178'
Mirrors, metal mirrors, beryllium 167 170
Mirrors, metal mirrors, bimetallic bending effects in 171—172
Mirrors, metal mirrors, dimensional stability 165
Mirrors, metal mirrors, disadvantages 165
Mirrors, metal mirrors, materials for 165 167
Mirrors, metal mirrors, metal matrix composites 167
Mirrors, metal mirrors, metallurgical stability 165
Mirrors, metal mirrors, microyield 166
Mirrors, metal mirrors, microyield strength (precision elastic limit) 166
Mirrors, metal mirrors, residual stress release 166
Mirrors, metal mirrors, stabilizing heat treatments 167
Mirrors, mounting 172—177 187—188
Mirrors, optomechanical design 156—172
Mirrors, rib-reinforced lightweight mirrors 162—164
Mirrors, rib-reinforced lightweight mirrors, open-back mirror 162—163
Mirrors, rib-reinforced lightweight mirrors, sandwich mirror 162
Mirrors, self-weight deflection 156—159
Mirrors, self-weight deflection, axial self-weight deflection 157
Mirrors, self-weight deflection, number of support points 158
Mirrors, self-weight deflection, quilting 163—164
Mirrors, self-weight deflection, radial self-weight deflection 158—159
Mirrors, self-weight deflection, surface deflection equation 156
Mirrors, semikinematic mounts 174—175
Mirrors, solid-glass mirrors, weight estimation 159
Mirrors, thermal effects on 168—172 191—192
Mirrors, thermal effects on, bimetallic bending effects 171—172
Mirrors, thermal effects on, interior temperature 169
Mirrors, thermal effects on, temperature-induced distortion 168—169
Mirrors, thermal effects on, thermal coefficient of expansion 170—171
Mirrors, thermal effects on, thermal diffusivity 169
Mirrors, thermal effects on, thermal distortion parameter 169
Modulation 200
Modulation transfer function, contrast transfer function 232—236
Modulation transfer function, detector 70
Modulation transfer function, detector optics 69—70
Modulation transfer function, direct method determination 200
Modulation transfer function, effects on measurement, background removal 226—227
Modulation transfer function, effects on measurement, jitter 228—229
Modulation transfer function, effects on measurement, noise 229 230
Modulation transfer function, effects on measurement, normalization 230—231
Modulation transfer function, effects on measurement, sampling 225
Modulation transfer function, example calculations from square-wave response 235
Modulation transfer function, FLIR systems 68 100
Modulation transfer function, Fourier transform considerations 229
Modulation transfer function, human visual system 77
Modulation transfer function, indirect method determination 200
Modulation transfer function, line spread function 223 225—230
Modulation transfer function, methodology 223
Modulation transfer function, minimum resolvable temperature 235
Modulation transfer function, MTF variations 232
Modulation transfer function, sensor 272
Modulation transfer function, system 37—42
Modulation transfer function, system, measurement of 199—201 223—235
Modulation transfer function, test configuration 224
mounting see “Lenses mounting” “Mirrors mounting” “Prisms mounting” “Windows
Multimode tracking 277—280
Multiplexers 104
Multiplexing 67
Noise 7 10 12—14 199 252 257 276—277
Noise equivalent flux density 28
Noise equivalent irradiance 11 28—29
Noise equivalent power 11 20
Noise equivalent temperature difference (NET) 11 23—28 78—80 198—199 216—220 222
Noise foldover 46
Noise, 1/f 13 216 219 226
Noise, additive 272
Noise, and minimum resolvable temperature 235 237
Noise, background 82
Noise, clutter 32—35
Noise, detector 80
Noise, directional 106
Noise, display 83
Noise, effects on system MTF measurement 229
Noise, filtering 83
Noise, fixed pattern 13—14 103 216 218—220 222
Noise, generation 12—13
Noise, generation-recombination 13
Noise, high-frequency 216—218
Noise, Johnson 13
Noise, low-frequency 216—218
Noise, photon 12 22
Noise, pickup 13
Noise, pixel 258 266
Noise, power spectral density of 13
Noise, reduction 286
Noise, sensor 258 262 269 272
Noise, spatially independent and identically distributed 258 260 272
Noise, temperature 13
Noise, temporal 216 218
Noise, thermal 13
Noise, three-dimensional noise model 212—221
Noise, tunneling 13
Noise, white 259
Nonuniformity 216—217 219—220 222
nozzles 330 see
Nyquist criterion 46 208 229
Nyquist frequency 101 200 238
Obscuration factor 304
Observers determining minimum resolvable temperature 235—241
Optical aperture area 3—4
Optical depth 334—337
Optical energy collection 17
Optical path difference 124 148
Optical transfer function 37—41 68
Optical transmission, apparent 30
Optomechanical system design 121—194 see “Lens “Lens “Mirror “Prisms mounting” “Windows
Optomechanical system design, athermalization 177—183
Optomechanical system design, example problems 183—192
Optomechanical system design, lens barrels 150—156
Optomechanical system design, lens mounting 140—150
Optomechanical system design, mirror design/mounting 156—177
Optomechanical system design, prisms 136—140
Optomechanical system design, windows and domes 123—135
Paint 303
Parallel processing 274
Phase transfer function 37 41 68
Photoconductive detectors noise 13
Photodiode detectors noise 13
Photon collection time 290—291
Photon flux 14
Photons, number of 14
Pipeline processor 273
Pixel intensity 258 260
Pixel intensity map 266
Pixels, background 260 272 285
Pixels, resolvable 99—100 105
Pixels, target 260 272 285
Planck blackbody radiance function 302
Plumes see “Exhaust gases”
Point sources 18—19 29
Point sources, irradiance equations 18—19
Point spread function 68 70 261 266
Pointing accuracy 293—294
Pointing accuracy, small-signal analysis 293 295
Pointing accuracy, steady-state error 294
Pointing accuracy, tracking system pointing error 294
Pointing error variance 258—260
Poisson statistics 12 33
Postfiltering 46 48
Power spectral density 13 34
Prefiltering 46
Principle of uncertainty equivalence 251
Prisms, flexure mounting 137—139
Prisms, kinematic mounting 137—138
Prisms, large contact area mounts 138—140
Prisms, mounting 136—140 185
Prisms, prism bonding 136—137
Prisms, prism mounting example 185
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