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Accetta J.S., Shumaker D.L. — Electro-Optical Systems Handbook |
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Windows and domes, dome stress due to pressure differentials 126—128
Windows and domes, dome stress due to pressure differentials, aerodynamic loading stresses 127—128
Windows and domes, dome stress due to pressure differentials, elastic buckling 127
Windows and domes, dome stress due to pressure differentials, Lame pressure vessel equations 126
Windows and domes, fundamental frequency 133
Windows and domes, fundamental frequency, for a circular window 133
Windows and domes, fundamental frequency, for a rectangular window 133
Windows and domes, mounting 134—135 137
Windows and domes, mounting, adhesive bonds 134 137
Windows and domes, mounting, bezel 134
Windows and domes, mounting, mechanical contact 134—135
Windows and domes, mounting, mount-induced deformations, effects of 134
Windows and domes, mounting, O-ring seals 135
Windows and domes, mounting, tolerance 124
Windows and domes, pressure-induced window deformation 124—125
Windows and domes, thermal effects on 123—124
Windows and domes, thermal effects on, axial temperature gradients 123—124
Windows and domes, thermal effects on, radial temperature gradients 124
| Windows and domes, window design example 183—184
Windows and domes, window strength 128—133
Windows and domes, window strength, amplitude factor 132—133
Windows and domes, window strength, fracture mechanics properties of glasses 132
Windows and domes, window strength, Gaussian probability distribution 129
Windows and domes, window strength, Gaussian strength properties of glasses 130
Windows and domes, window strength, probability of failure 129
Windows and domes, window strength, service lifetime, sinusoidal loading 132
Windows and domes, window strength, service lifetime, static loading 131—132
Windows and domes, window strength, static fatigue 131—132
Windows and domes, window strength, stress-failure relations 129—130
Windows and domes, window strength, surface fracture 129
Windows and domes, window strength, time to failure after proof testing 131
Windows and domes, window strength, Weibull probability distribution 129
Windows and domes, window strength, Weibull strength properties of glasses 130
Windows and domes, window stress due to pressure differentials 125—126
Windows and domes, window stress due to pressure differentials, aspect ratio 125
Windows, Hanning (raised cosine) 230
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