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Поиск книг, содержащих: Bhabha scattering
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Greiner W., Muller B. — Gauge theory of weak interactions | 188 | Atkinson D., Johnson P.W. — Exercises in Quantum Field Theory: A Self-Contained Book of Questions and Answers | 161 | Mandl F., Shaw G. — Quantum field theory | 116, 150 | Griffits D. — Introduction to elementary particles | 57—5, 78, 232, 234 | Ike E.R., Sabatier P.C. (Ed) — Scattering: Scattering and Inverse Scattering in Pure and Applied Science | 1465-1466, 1474-1475 | Greiner W., Reinhardt J. — Quantum electrodynamics | 149ff., 154 | Halzen F., Martin A.D. — Quarks and Leptons: An Introductory Course in Modern Particle Physics | 129 | Siegel W. — Fields | VIC4 | Fernow R.C. — Introduction to experimental particle physics | 46, 65—6, 115, 299 | Povh B., Rith K., Scholz C., Zetsche F. — Particles and nuclei. An introduction to the Physical Concepts | 116 | Siegel W. — Fields | VIC4 | Leader E., Predazzi E. — An introduction to gauge theories and modern particle physics | 1.126 |