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Поиск книг, содержащих: Standard solar model
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Hughes I.S. — Elementary Particles | 362—365 | Greiner W., Muller B. — Gauge theory of weak interactions | 279ff | Collins P.D., Squires E.J., Martin A.D. — Particle Physics and Cosmology | 443 | Collins P.D.B., Martin A.D., Squires E.J. — Particle Physics and Cosmology | 443 | Boehm F., Vogel P. — Physics of massive neutrinos | 135 | Mohapatra R.N. — Massive Neutrinos in Physics and Astrophysics | 49, 109, 110, 115—117, 157 | Collins P.D.B., Martin A.D., Squires E.J. — Particle Physics and Cosmology | 443 | D.H. Perkins — Introduction to high energy physics | 294 |