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Поиск книг, содержащих: Monochromatic radiation
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Getzlaff M. — Fundamentals of Magnetism | 226 | Konopinski E.J. — Electromagnetic fields and relativistic particles | see Radiation | Young M. — Optics and Lasers: Including Fibers and Optical Waveguides | 4.2.3 | Planck M. — Theory of heat: Being volume V of "Introduction to theoretical physics" | 178 | Herbert C.G., Johnstone R.A.W. — Mass Spectrometry Basics | 122 | Mclachlan D. — X-ray crystal structure | 2, 84, 87, 103, 107, 331, 393 | Guinier A., Mauguin C., Kathleen F.R. — X-Ray Crystallographic Technology | 7, 72, 160—174, 209 | Matt Young — Optics and Lasers: Including Fibers and Optical Waveguides | 4.2.3 | Buerger M.J. — X-Ray Crystallography | 46, 55 |