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Поиск книг, содержащих: Helmholtz potential
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Friedlander S. (Ed), Serre D. (Ed) — Handbook of Mathematical Fluid Dynamics, Vol. 4 | 422 | Mihaly L., Martin M.C. — Solid state physics. Problems and solutions | 54 | Stanley H.E. — Introduction to phase transitions, and critical phenomena | 22ff | Balian R. — From Microphysics to Macrophysics: Methods and Applications of Statistical Physics (vol. 1) | see “Free energy” | Riley, Hobson — Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering | 180 | Greiner W., Neise L., Stöcker H. — Thermodynamics and statistical mechanics | 91 | Callen H.B. — Thermodynamics | 98, 106ff | Kruegel E. — The Physics of Interstellar Dust | see "Ree energy" | Greiner W., Neise L., Stocker H. — Thermodynamics and statistical mechanics | 91 | Lemaitre J., Desmorat R. — Engineering Damage Mechanics: Ductile, Creep, Fatigue and Brittle Failures | 8, 70, 339, 340 |