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Friedlander S. (Ed), Serre D. (Ed) — Handbook of Mathematical Fluid Dynamics, Vol. 4 |
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-solution 162 190
ABC fields, Beltrami field 9
Abergel, F. 449 643
Abraham, R. 5—7 10 24 34
Acoustic wave 75
Adams, R.A. 351 402 643
Adiabatic constant 41
ADN-elliptic problems 541
Advection-diffusion equation 676 686 687
Aebischer, B. 12 34
Agarwal, R.K. 52 779
Agmon, S. 541 643
Alazard, T. 153 154 755 327
Ali, G. 151 755
Allaire, G. 657 658 663 684 692 696
Allowable perturbation 395 397—400
Almost periodic 383 401
Amann, H. 354 379 402
Amick, CJ. 448 449 528 643
Amrouche, Ch. 434 442
Analytic semigroup 341 347
Anand, M. 413 442
Andrade, C. 411 442
Aperture domain 447 449
Arnold, L. 337 400 401 402
Arnold, V. 3 5 7—10 16 32 34
Artificial boundary conditions 530
Artola, M. 100 779
Asano, K. 151 755
Asimov, D. 18 34
Aspect ratio 206 395
Asymptotically stable 391
Attractor 391 392
Audin, M. 18 19 34
Avellaneda, M. 687 689 696
Averaging 149
Axisymmetric flows 196
Babin, A.V. 261 262 327 400 402 643
Backward uniqueness 190 194
Bair, S. 412 442
Balance of energy, linear and angular momentum, mass 421
Bams, C. 412 417 442
Banach Contraction Principle 530 546
Bardos, C. 261 327
Bargmann, V. 67 779
Barlow, A.J. 412 442
Barotropic gas 76
Batchelor, G.K. 467 468 643
Battacharya, R. 687 696
Beirao da Veiga, H. 138 755 198 467 643 643
Ben Arous, G. 689 696
Ben-Dor, G. 43 96 779
Bendler, J.T. 412 442
Bennequin, D. 13 34
Bensoussan, A. 652 653 677 678 682 689—691 696
Benzoni-Gavage, S. 41 120
Berger,M. 16 34
Bernoulli invariant 46 92
Bernoulli, pseudo 92
Besicovitch, A.S. 382 402
Besov, O.V. 170 198
Betaplane approximation 280
Betaplane approximation, equatorial 232
Betaplane approximation, mid-latitude 232
Birman, J. 22 34
Blank, A. 99 101 727
Blazy, S. 530 643
Bleakney, W. 67 120
Blow up pressure, velocity 193
Bogovskii, M.E. 434 442 464 643
Bona, J.L. 449 643
Borchers, W. 449 643
Borer, M. 12 34
Botta, N. 154 155 156
Bottom friction 223
Boundary condition, Navier's slip 428
Boundary condition, no slip 428
Boundary condition, spatially periodic 428
Boundary conditions, homogeneous 343
Boundary conditions, inhomogeneous 342
Boundary conditions, physical 354
Boundary force 337 347 401
Boundary layer 417 676
Boundary layer, Ekman 261
Boundary layer, Munk 280
Boundary regularity 161 166
Bourgeat, A. 687 696
Bourgeois, F. 30 34
Boussinesq, J. 414 442
Brady, J.F 688 697
Bresch, D. 155 755 279 280 322 327
Bridgman, P.W. 411 424 442
Brinkman's law 651 663 665 670
Brio, M. 43 51 52 66 726>
Brower, D. 400 402
Browning, G. 136 755
Bubnov — Galerkin approximation 360—365 368 369 375 376 393 396 400
Bubnov — Galerkin equation 361 363 376
Bubnov — Galerkin method 376
Bugrov, Ya.S. 170 198
Bulicek, M. 418 427 434 437 442
Buoyancy force, frequency 217 334
Burger number 206
Burgers equation 52
Busuioc, A.V. 392 402
Caffarelli — Kohn — Nirenberg type theory 162
Caffarelli, L. 161 162 176 178 180 181 198
Cameron, R. 412 442
Canic, S. 43 52 120
Cao,C. 399 402
Casasayas, J. 8 16 34
Cell-problems 679 680 683
Cell-test functions 654 660
Chae, D. 196 198
Chandrasekhar, S. 10 24 25 34
Chang, H. 449 644
Chaos 391
Chaplygin gas 70
Characteristic curve 47
Characteristic foliation 12
Charve, F. 262 327
Chemin, J.-Y. 238 252 261 262 277 327
Chen, G.Q. 42 47 96 100 720
Chen, Z.-M. 168 181 198
Cherkaev, A. 696 696
Chern, S. 15 35
Chicone, C. 15 23 35
Childress, S. 399—401 403
Choe, H.L. 174 181 198
Chorin, A. 4 35 756
Chueshov, I. 336 392 394 402
Ciarlet, RG. 339 402
Cioranescu, D. 663 668 696
Class LH 366 380
Clausius — Duhem inequality 422
Clemence, M. 400 402
Climate 334 395 399
Cockburn, B. 397 398 400 404
Coercive -estimates 163
Colin, V. 35 [21]
Collela, R 62 96 720
Collins, J.R 96 722
Compactness method 141
Compatibility conditions 486 488 496 497 528 531 569 578—580 582 583 585 607 627 631 633 637
Compensated compactness 239 265 315
Conca, C. 666 668 671 696
Constantin, R 194 195 198 341 349 350 354 355 360 365 376 378 393 402
Constitutive theory, explicit, implicit 413 416
Contact discontinuity (CD) 54
Contact form 10
| Contact homology 30
Coriolis force, operator, parameter, term 205 210 237 262 281 334 385 396
Coscia, V. 449 644
Couette — Taylor 396
Courant, R. 61 720
Cutland, N.J. 392 401 402
Cutler, W.G. 412 442
Cylindrical outlets 448 450 452 457 462 528 530 642
Dafermos, C. 42 47 50 101 103 720
Dai, H.-H. 10 23 36
Danchin, R. 125 138 155 756 293 327
Darboux theorem 12
Darcy's law 651 654 658 659 661 663 666
de Rham's theorem 656
Dechun Tan 722 [70]; 722 [71]
Deep ocean 342 389
Dendzik, Z. 412 443
Density, pressure dependent 412
Desjardins, B. 155 755 252 261 262 277 280 322 327
Diffracted shock 95
Diffraction 71
Diffusive limit case 681
Dirichlet integral 448 528 530 579
Dirichlet norm 472
Dombre, T. 9 10 23 35
Doughs, A. 541 643
Dowson,D. 412 442
Drag forces 664
Drazin, R 24 25 35
Duncan, M. 400 404
Dutrifoy, A. 155 756
Dymnikov, V.R 399 403
E, W. 685 686 696
Eagles, RM. 449 644
Ebin, D. 136 151 756
Effective diffusion tensor 679 682 685 689
Ekman layer 227 261
Ekman number 222
Ekman pumping 223 261
Ekman transport 223
El Nino 333 385 396—398
Elastic scattering 221
Elastohydrodynamics 411
Eliashberg, Y. 13 14 19 23 28 30 35
Elliptic orbit 25
Elliptic point 4
Embedding 552
Embedding operator 455
Energy, specific; energy estimate, closed; energy norm 24 41 141 143
Energy-dissipation inequality 423
Enhanced diffusion tensor 679
Enthalpy 45
Entropy, convex, inequality, mathematical, production 41 49 50 56 422
Equation of state, complete, incomplete 41
Equatorial deformation radius 215
Equatorial trapping 216
Ergodic theorem 382 386
Escauriaza, L. 162 180 190—192 194 198
Etnyre, J. 14 15 17 18 21—23 27 28 31 33 34 35
Euler equations 689 695
Euler system, full 41
Euler system, isentropic 44
Evans function 85
Extension operator 668
f-plane approximation 231
Fannjiang, A. 687 696
Feireisl, E. 422 442
Feldman, M. 100 720
Fernandez, FJ. 192 198
Filatov, A.N. 399 403
Filtering operator 254 289
Fink, A.M. 382 403
Flandoli, F. 391 392 401 403
Flow, barotropic 44 76 125
Flow, isentropic 44
Flow, isochoric 415
Flow, isothermal 44
Flow, pseudo-steady 42
Flow, steady 42
Flow, upstream 58
Fluid flows 649 651 652 663 672 689
Fluid, anisotropic 420
Fluid, compressible 125
Fluid, definition 409
Fluid, incompressible 125 415 420 426
Fluid, inhomogeneous 414
Fluid, Navier— Stokes 409
Fluid, Newtonian 409
Fluid, non-Newtonian 410
Fluid, nonisentropic 151—154
Flux, carrier, general, time-dependent 447 451 467—469 475 476 528 529 532 534 546 549 550 554 568 569 582 583 586
Fluxes 531 567 569 572 582 585 613
Foias, C. 24 35 336 340 341 349 350 354 355 360 365 376 378 391—393 402
Fomenko, A. 16 35
Fontanella, J.J. 412 442
Force-free fields 10
Fourier boundary conditions 651 666 670
Fraenkel, L.E. 449 643
Franks, J. 16 35
Franta, M. 417 418 434 442
Freedman, M. 16 35
Frehse, J. 196 198
Frequency vector 382 384 387 396 398 401
Friedlander, S. 10 23 25 35 198
Friedrichs, K.O. 61 720
Frisch, U. 9 10 23 35
Fuglister, F.C. 209 327
Fujita, H. 238 327 379 403
Galdi, G.R 178 198 403 449 451 452 467 520 643 644
Galerkin approximations 500 503 508 628 629 631
Gallagher, I. 137 154 756 242 252 261 262 277 279 293 295 300 303 327
Gamba, I.M. 52 66 727
Gas, Chaplygin, ideal, perfect, van der Waals 41 62 70 72
Gautero, J.-L. 9 10 23 36
Gazzola, F. 417 430 442
GCB (Great Conveyor Belt) 343 400
Gel'fand, I.M. 727 [33]
Geometrical optics 690 694
Geostrophic, approximation, constraint, motion 211 284 285 299
Gerard-Varet, D. 261 279 327
Ghil, M. 335 381 397 399—401 403
Ghrist, R. 15—18 21—23 27 31 33 34 35
Giga, Y. 164 198
Gilbert, A. 10 23 35
Gildor, H. 400 403
Gill, A.E. 204 216 328
Ginzburg, V. 15 36
Girault, V. 434 442
Giroux, E. 14 31 35
Givental, A. 30 35
Glaz, H.M. 96 727
Global attractor 334 336 391 393 395 401
Global energy inequality 177
Global Regularity Problem 379 392
Golse, F. 261 262 327 697
Gonzalo, J. 13 36
Goriely, A. 10 23 36
Goursat, E. 10 36
Gravity force 334 337 354 384 396 397
Gray's Theorem 12
Green — Kubo formula 686
Greene, J. 9 10 23 35
Greenspan, H.R 328 [30]
Greenwood, J.A. 412 442
Grenier, E. 141 155 755 252 261 262 277 279 280 327 697
Griest, EM. 412 442
Grifnes, S.M. 333 399 400 403
Grisvard, R 350 403
Gromov, M. 13 36
Guckenheimer, J. 22 23 36
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