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Поиск книг, содержащих: Parity violation
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Hess B.A. — Relativistic Effects in Heavy-Element Chemistry and Physics | 1, 85 | Georgi H. — Lie algebras in particle physics | 161 | Green M.B., Schwarz J.H., Witten E. — Superstring Theory (vol. 2) | 141 | Ioffe B.L., Khoze V.A., Lipatov L.N. — Hard processes (volume 1). Phenomenology Quark-Parton Model | 63, 84—86, 298 | Greiner W., Muller B. — Gauge theory of weak interactions | 25, 44ff, 236ff, 24Iff | Collins P.D., Squires E.J., Martin A.D. — Particle Physics and Cosmology | 7, 81 | Ike E.R., Sabatier P.C. (Ed) — Scattering: Scattering and Inverse Scattering in Pure and Applied Science | 1409-1410 | Collins P.D.B., Martin A.D., Squires E.J. — Particle Physics and Cosmology | 7, 81 | Halzen F., Martin A.D. — Quarks and Leptons: An Introductory Course in Modern Particle Physics | 115, 255 | Basdevant J.-L., Dalibard J. — Quantum Mechanics | 227 | Sternberg S. — Group Theory and Physics | 155 | Lim Y. (ed.) — Problems and solutions on solid state physics, relativity and miscellaneous topics | 3005 | Thomas A.W., Weise W. — The structure of the nucleon | 88 | Mahapatra R.N. — Unification and Supersymmetry | 15, 135 | Aitchison I.J.R. — An Informal Introduction to Gauge Field Theories | 4 | Povh B., Rith K., Scholz C., Zetsche F. — Particles and nuclei. An introduction to the Physical Concepts | 142—145 | Moriyasu K. — An Elementary Primer for Gauge Theory | 73, 104 | Greiner W. — Relativistic quantum mechanics. Wave equations | 333 | Zeidler E. — Oxford User's Guide to Mathematics | 864 | Brown L., Dresden M., Hoddeson L. — Pions to quarks: Particle physics in the 1950s | see "Parity nonconservation" | Krane K.S. — Introductory nuclear physics | 38 | Collins P.D.B., Martin A.D., Squires E.J. — Particle Physics and Cosmology | 7, 81 |