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Поиск книг, содержащих: Flatness problem
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Palen S. — Schaum's Outline of Astronomy | 209 | Vilenkin A., Shellard E.P.S. — Cosmic strings and other topological defects | 21, 48 | Liddle A. — An Introduction to Modern Cosmology | 99, 104 | Liddle A., Lyth D.H. — Cosmological Inflation and Large-Scale Structure | 36, 39 | Ryden B. — Introduction to Cosmology | 191—193 | Lerner K.L., Lerner B.W. — The gale encyclopedia of science (Vol. 6) | 2:1079 | Hughes I.S. — Elementary Particles | 346, 349 | Raine D.J., Thomas E.G. — An Introduction to the Science of Cosmology | 121, 165 | Yulsman T. — Origins. The quest for our cosmic roots | 104—106 | Lang K.R. — Astrophysical Formulae: Space, Time, Matter and Cosmology, Vol. 2 | 235, 236 | Barrow J.D., Tipler F.J. — Anthropic Cosmological Principle | 410—421, 432, 501 | Perkins D.H. — Particle Astrophysics | 123 | Carrol B.W., Ostlie D.A. — An introduction to modern astrophysics | 1238, 1244 | Kolb E.W., Turner M.S. — The Early Universe | 265—267, 273, 281—283 | D'Inverno R. — Introducing Einstein's Relatvity | 355 | Appenzeller I. (ed.), Habing H.J. (ed.), Léna P. (ed.) — Evolution of Galaxies Astronomical Observations | 19 | Boehm F., Vogel P. — Physics of massive neutrinos | 219 | Hawking S.W., Israel W. — Three hundred years of gravitation | 532—534 | Davies P. — The New Physics | 37—38, 44, 48, 59 | D.H. Perkins — Introduction to high energy physics | 326 |