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Vilenkin A., Shellard E.P.S. — Cosmic strings and other topological defects |
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-strings 63 79 96—7.
-strings, formation 262
-strings, magnetic fields 97
-strings, physical properties 97
-strings, SO(10)-strings 98
-symmetry breaking See discrete symmetry breaking
-walls 50 60 369.
-walls, evolution 385—388
-walls, formation 384
-strings 64 96—7
-strings, non-commuting strings 288
-strings, string-monopole networks 289—291
-walls 370 388—390
-ray bursts 358
-rays See cosmic rays
spin degrees of freedom 11 364
-kink 54—6 60—1 369.
't Hooft — Polyakov monopole 3 64 397—402
Abelian-Higgs model 25 61 86—93 103—119 123
Abelian-Higgs model, field equations 87 91.
Abelian-Higgs model, Nambu action derivation 117—119
Abelian-Higgs model, string gravity 188
Abrikosov ansatz 103
Absorbing boundary conditions 237
Ac currents 244 345
Adhesion approximation 322 338
Adjoint representation 26
Age of the universe 10
Aharonov — Bohm effect 193 222—223
Alice strings 79 99—101
Alice strings and monopoles 82—83
Annihilation, domain walls 377 387 395
Annihilation, monopoles 407—410 417
Annihilation, vortices 106—108
anomalies 142—144 443
Antisymmetric tensors 119—121 230—231 235 364
Artificial compression methods 276
Artificial viscosity 275
asymptotic freedom 13
Axion models 98—99 365—367
Axion models, astrophysical constraints 367
Axion models, axion mass 365
Axion models, cold dark matter 17 367
Axion models, cosmological axion background 366—367
Axion models, cosmological constraints 367
Axion models, Peccei — Quinn symmetry breaking 365 367
Axion strings 98—99 365—367. domain Goldstone
Axion strings, axion emission 365—367
Axion strings, domain wall formation 366
Axion strings, energy density constraints 367
Back-reaction see radiation back-reaction
Baryogenesis 22
Baryogenesis and inflation 49
Baryogenesis, baryonic matter 319 328 333 336
Baryogenesis, domain walls 395
Baryogenesis, monopoles 418
Baryogenesis, prerequisites 315
Baryogenesis, strings 223 264 315—316
Baryogenesis, textures 443
Baryon-number-violating scattering 223 315 405—406 411 418
Biased galaxy formation 20
Biasing factor 20 427 441
Black holes and string motion 169—170
Black holes, domain wall collapse 380 392
Black holes, loop collapse 313—315
Black holes, loop radiation back-reaction 314
Black holes, nucleated loops 456—457
Black holes, observational constraints 313
Black holes, primordial power spectrum 20
Black holes, with strings 190
Blast waves 355
Bogomol'nyi limit 90—93 401
Bogomol'nyi limit, 't Hooft — Polyakov monopole 401
Bogomol'nyi limit, Einstein gravity 188—189
Bogomol'nyi limit, Nielsen — Olesen vortex 90—93
Bogomol'nyi limit, two-vortex moduli space 109—113
Bosonic string superconductivity 122—139
Bosonic string superconductivity, ansatz 126
Bosonic string superconductivity, current quenching 128—132
Bosonic string superconductivity, effective action 134—136
Bosonic string superconductivity, pararneter values 122—125
Bosonic string superconductivity, persistent currents 126—128
Bosonic string superconductivity, reconnection 133—134
Bosonic string superconductivity, worldsheet charge 132—133
Bosonization 147—149
Brans — Dicke gravity 53 445
Brownian random walks 261 266 416
Bubble nucleation 2 46—47 452
Callan — Rubakov effect 405—406 411
Causal horizon See horizons
Causality and defect annihilation 419—420
centralizer 95
Charge conjugation 34 37 100
Charge quantization condition 399
Cheshire charge 100
Classification of defects 71—85
Classification of defects, domain walls 60 368
Classification of defects, energetic considerations 84—85
Classification of defects, monopoles 64 80—83 397 421
Classification of defects, non-abelian generators 84—85
Classification of defects, strings 61 72—80 84—85 94 102
Classification of defects, summary 71—72
Classification of defects, textures 65 429
Closed timelike curves 192
Coarsening network evolution 2 265—274
Cold dark matter 17 319 320—326 329—331 334—336 338—339 362 367
Coleman — Weinberg potentials 37—38 45
Comoving displacement 320—321
Compensated perturbations See isocurvature fluctuations
Compton drag 355 358
Compton wavelength 71 87 401
Condensates 69 94—96 122—125 137—139
Condensed matter analogues 1 25 257—258
Condensed matter analogues, fermionic zero modes 139
Condensed matter analogues, ferromagnetic domains 1
Condensed matter analogues, global strings 232—234
Condensed matter analogues, liquid crystals 2 257
Condensed matter analogues, magnetic flux-lines 1 25 62 86 122
Condensed matter analogues, superconductors 1 25 62 86 122 127
Condensed matter analogues, superfluid vortices 1 63 93 232—234
Conformal gauge 156 240 374
Conformal time 7 165 268 375
Conical spacetime See string gravity
Correlation functions 285 331 333
Correlation length, domain wall evolution 386
Correlation length, domain wall formation 384
Correlation length, during inflation 446
Correlation length, during phase transition 44 60
Correlation length, monopole formation 406
Correlation length, monopoles connected by strings 417
Correlation length, string formation 257—258
Correlation length, string networks 264 266 273 278 338
Correlation length, string-monopole networks 290
Correlation length, textures 436
Cosmic background radiation See microwave background radiation
Cosmic rays, string cusps 229
Cosmic rays, string-monopole networks 291
Cosmic rays, superconducting strings 350 352 358 362
Cosmic strings see strings
Cosmic time 12
Coulomb gauge 127 231
Critical coupling 90—93 109—113 188—189 401
Critical current 129 145 250 344 349
Critical temperature 39 42 43 59 258 445
Currents see superconducting strings
Cusps 159—160
Cusps, baryogenesis 316
Cusps, electromagnetic radiation 247 345 349
Cusps, Goldstone boson radiation 235—236
Cusps, gravitational fields 200—202
| Cusps, gravitational radiation 206—207
Cusps, microwave background anisotropies 299
Cusps, particle production 228—229
Cusps, Taylor expansion 160
Damped epoch, domain walls 385—386
Damped epoch, monopoles 408
Damped epoch, monopoles connected by strings 417
Damped epoch, strings 224—226 263—264 294
Damped epoch, superconducting strings 350—353 360—361
Damped epoch, vorton formation 360—361
Damping forces See frictional forces radiative
Dark matter See hot dark matter cold neutrinos axion monopoles vortons
De Sitter space 47 379 446 451
Debye screening length 254
Decay probability 377 415
Decoupling from thermal equilibrium 11—12
Defect formation See also Kibble mechanism phase
Defect formation, after inflation 444—445
Defect formation, domain walls 59 384—385 449 452
Defect formation, domain walls bounded by strings 393
Defect formation, during inflation 445—447
Defect formation, monopoles 406—407
Defect formation, monopoles connected by strings 415—417
Defect formation, quantum fluctuations 447—451
Defect formation, strings 257—263 360 455
Defect formation, textures 436
Defects and inflation see inflation and defects
Deficit angle 210 218 292 337
Deficit solid angle 424
Density fluctuations 16—21 52 317—342 353—359 390—391 426—427 438—442 456.
Density fluctuations, domain walls 319 390—391
Density fluctuations, explosive galaxy formation 17 353—359
Density fluctuations, global monopoles 319 426—427
Density fluctuations, inflationary fluctuations 49 52 318
Density fluctuations, isocurvature fluctuations 18 323 440
Density fluctuations, old string scenario 320—334
Density fluctuations, origin 317
Density fluctuations, phase transitions 317
Density fluctuations, power spectrum 19
Density fluctuations, scale-invariant power spectrum 19 52 318 426 441
Density fluctuations, string loops 320—334
Density fluctuations, string wakes 334—342
Density fluctuations, strings 3 318—342
Density fluctuations, textures 319 438 440—442
Density fluctuations, topological defects 317—318
Density parameter 9—10
Density parameter , definition 9
Density parameter , estimates 10 340
Density parameter , monopole problem 287
Density parameter , string-dominated universe 287
Derrick's theorem 56 65 432
Dirac equation 139 147 195 406
Discrete symmetry breaking 54 60 368 391
Distributional defect sources 217—219
Domain wall evolution 383—391
Domain wall evolution, -walls 384—388
Domain wall evolution, -walls 388—390
Domain wall evolution, annihilation 377 387
Domain wall evolution, avoiding wall domination 391—392
Domain wall evolution, biased vacuum states 392
Domain wall evolution, correlation length 384 386
Domain wall evolution, damped epoch 385—386
Domain wall evolution, domain walls bounded by strings See domain walls bounded by strings
Domain wall evolution, domain-wall-dominated universe 380—381 390
Domain wall evolution, energy density 387
Domain wall evolution, equilibrium structures 390
Domain wall evolution, false vacuum domination 392
Domain wall evolution, formation 59 257 384—385
Domain wall evolution, Kibble mechanism 384
Domain wall evolution, Monte Carlo simulation 384
Domain wall evolution, network topology 385
Domain wall evolution, non-abelian walls 388—390
Domain wall evolution, numerical simulations 384
Domain wall evolution, percolation theory 384
Domain wall evolution, scale-invariant evolution 385—392
Domain wall evolution, size distribution 385
Domain wall evolution, velocities 386
Domain wall gravity 378—384
Domain wall gravity, black holes 380 392 457
Domain wall gravity, de Sitter space 379
Domain wall gravity, equation of state 381
Domain wall gravity, inflationary universe creation 392
Domain wall gravity, Israel matching conditions 380
Domain wall gravity, microwave background anisotropies 390
Domain wall gravity, Newtonian potential 378
Domain wall gravity, observational bounds 390—391
Domain wall gravity, planar wall metric 378
Domain wall gravity, repulsive gravitational effects 379
Domain wall gravity, Rindler metric 379
Domain wall gravity, scale-factor 381
Domain wall gravity, Schwarzschild exterior 380
Domain wall gravity, spherical domain wall 379
Domain wall gravity, structure formation 319 390—391
Domain wall gravity, wall-dominated universe 3 380—381 390—391
Domain wall problem 3 380 390—391
domain walls 3 54—56 60—61 368—396
Domain walls bounded by strings 67 369—372 394—396
Domain walls bounded by strings, annihilation 395
Domain walls bounded by strings, axion models 365—366 369
Domain walls bounded by strings, baryon-number-violating decay 395
Domain walls bounded by strings, cosmological evolution 394—396
Domain walls bounded by strings, domain wall friction 395
Domain walls bounded by strings, formation 392—393
Domain walls bounded by strings, global strings and domain walls 369 372 393
Domain walls bounded by strings, inflation 396
Domain walls bounded by strings, loop nucleation 371 377
Domain walls bounded by strings, metastability 377
Domain walls bounded by strings, models 369—372
Domain walls bounded by strings, Monte Carlo methods 393
Domain walls bounded by strings, numerical simulations 393
Domain walls bounded by strings, quantum nucleation 396
Domain walls bounded by strings, radiative decay 395
Domain walls bounded by strings, reconnection 393—394
Domain walls bounded by strings, strings attached to N walls 370
Domain walls, -walls 369 384—388
Domain walls, -kink 369
Domain walls, action 372—373
Domain walls, annihilation 377 387
Domain walls, basic properties 60—61 368—370
Domain walls, black holes 380 392 457
Domain walls, bounded by strings See domain walls bounded by strings
Domain walls, classification 60 72 368
Domain walls, conformal gauge 374
Domain walls, cosmological evolution See domain wall evolution
Domain walls, decay probability 377
Domain walls, density fluctuations 390—391
Domain walls, discrete symmetry breaking 54 65 368 391
Domain walls, domain-wall-dominated universe 380—381 390
Domain walls, dynamics 372—378
Domain walls, energy-momentum tensor 61 368 373 378
Domain walls, equations of motion 373—374
Domain walls, evolution See domain wall evolution
Domain walls, expanding universe 375—376
Domain walls, formation 59 257 384—385.
Domain walls, frictional forces 383—386
Domain walls, gauge conditions 374
Domain walls, gravitational effects See domain wall gravity
Domain walls, inflation 392 446 449—451
Domain walls, junctions 370
Domain walls, knots 370
Domain walls, linearized perturbations 374
Domain walls, mass-scale constraints 390—391
Domain walls, microwave background anisotropics 390
Domain walls, models 368—372
Domain walls, Nambu action 372—373
Domain walls, non-abelian domain walls 370
Domain walls, observational bounds 390—391
Domain walls, particle scattering 381—384
Domain walls, phenomenology 371—372
Domain walls, quantum nucleation 377 449—451
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