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Vilenkin A., Shellard E.P.S. — Cosmic strings and other topological defects |
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Structure formation, straight string wakes 334—337
Structure formation, string density parameter 330 333—334
Structure formation, string mass-scale constraints 330 340 356
Structure formation, strings 317—342
Structure formation, superconducting strings 353—359
Structure formation, textures 319 438 440—442
Structure formation, topological defects 317—318
Structure formation, velocity perturbations 335 337 339 436
Structure formation, virialization 323
Structure formation, voids, filaments and sheets 317 319 338 342 355 427
Structure formation, vorticity generation 341
Structure formation, wake formation 194—195 211 293 334—341
Structure formation, wake fragmentation 338 341 355
Structure formation, wake surface density 334—339
Structure formation, wake thickness 335—339
Structure formation, wiggly string wakes 211 337—341
Structure formation, Zel'dovich approximation 320—322
Structure formation, “bottom up” clustering 17
Structure formation, “top down” fragmentation 18
SU(2)-models 30—4. See also SO(3)-models
SU(2)-models, fundamental doublet representation 31
SU(2)-models, isospin 30
SU(2)-models, rotation group SO(3) 31
SU(2)-models, tensor representation 33 79 82 99—101
SU(2)-models, triplet representation 31 79 82 397 421
Superconducting strings 64 122—153 237—255 343—362. fermionic
Superconducting strings, -ray bursts 358
Superconducting strings, ac currents 244 345
Superconducting strings, charge carriers 144—147 344
Superconducting strings, charge renormalization 241—242
Superconducting strings, cosmic rays 350 352 358 362
Superconducting strings, cosmology 343—362
Superconducting strings, critical current 129 145 250 344 349
Superconducting strings, current and charge fluctuations 343 359—360
Superconducting strings, current generation 136—137 245 343
Superconducting strings, current quenching 128—132 145—147
Superconducting strings, current screening 346
Superconducting strings, cusps 247 345 349
Superconducting strings, damped evolution 250—255 350—353 360—361
Superconducting strings, dark matter 361—362
Superconducting strings, effective action 134—136 147—148 238
Superconducting strings, electric fields 136—137
Superconducting strings, electrodynamics 238—251 343—346
Superconducting strings, electromagnetic radiation 246—251 345 349
Superconducting strings, electroweak-scale strings 350—353 362
Superconducting strings, equations of motion 239 242 244—245
Superconducting strings, explosive galaxy formation See structure formation
Superconducting strings, external fields 244—245
Superconducting strings, fermionic string superconductivity 139—149
Superconducting strings, free dynamics 242—244
Superconducting strings, frictional forces 345
Superconducting strings, galactic magnetic fields 347
Superconducting strings, galactic strings 347—350
Superconducting strings, gauge boson condensates 137—139
Superconducting strings, gauge conditions 240
Superconducting strings, kinks 248
Superconducting strings, light superconducting strings 350—353 362
Superconducting strings, loop capture by galaxies 348
Superconducting strings, loops 246—249 250—251 345
Superconducting strings, magnetic dynamo 352
Superconducting strings, magnetic fields 252 343 345 347 353—359
Superconducting strings, microwave background anisotropies 356
Superconducting strings, microwave background spectral distortion 357
Superconducting strings, Ostriker — Thompson — Witten scenario 355—359
Superconducting strings, over-damped motion 346 350—353
Superconducting strings, pair production 149—152 249 350
Superconducting strings, persistent currents 126—128
Superconducting strings, phenomenological models 98 144—147
Superconducting strings, plasma dissipation 348
Superconducting strings, plasma interactions 249 251—256 345 347—350
Superconducting strings, primordial magnetic fields 343 353—359
Superconducting strings, quasars 350
Superconducting strings, radiation back-reaction 248—249 250—251
Superconducting strings, radiation in plasma 255—256
Superconducting strings, radiation in vacuum 246—249
Superconducting strings, reconnection 133—134
Superconducting strings, relativistic jets 350
Superconducting strings, renormalization 137
Superconducting strings, scalar condensates 94—6 122—137
Superconducting strings, self-inductance 241—242
Superconducting strings, shocks 345 347
Superconducting strings, springs 359
Superconducting strings, string dynamos 248—249
Superconducting strings, string energy density constraints 356 362
Superconducting strings, structure formation See structure formation
Superconducting strings, summary 343—346
Superconducting strings, synchrotron radiation 347
Superconducting strings, vector condensates 94—6
Superconducting strings, vortons 133 264 359—362
Superconducting strings, W-condensation 152—153
Superconducting strings, worldsheet charge 132—133
Superconductors 1 25 62 86 122 127
Superfluid vortices 1 25 63 93 232—234 257
Supermassive strings 189 458—459
Supersonic plasma flow 254
Superstrings 99 144 365 458—459
Supersymmetric models 91 445
Symmetry breaking See spontaneous symmetry breaking
Symmetry restoration at low temperature 68—69 418—419
Synchrotron radiation 347
Tangential discontinuity 252
Temperature in an expanding universe 12
Temperature-dependent effective potentials 40—46
Texture cosmology 434—439
Texture cosmology, baryogenesis 443
Texture cosmology, correlation length 436
Texture cosmology, density fluctuations 319 438 440—442
Texture cosmology, evolution 436—438
Texture cosmology, field theory simulations 438
Texture cosmology, formation 436
Texture cosmology, Goldstone boson background 436—437
Texture cosmology, Goldstone boson radiation 436—437
Texture cosmology, hot and cold spots 439
Texture cosmology, isocurvature fluctuations 440
Texture cosmology, microwave background anisotropies 438—440
Texture cosmology, non-gaussianity 440
Texture cosmology, scale-invariant spectrum 440
Texture cosmology, scaling density 436—438
| Texture cosmology, structure formation 438 440—442
Texture gravity 432—434
Texture gravity, collapsing spherical texture 434—435
Texture gravity, energy-momentum tensor 434
Texture gravity, geodesic equations 435
Texture gravity, gravitational mass 436
Texture gravity, light deflection 436
Texture gravity, self-similar metric 434—435
Texture gravity, test particle acceleration 436
Texture gravity, velocity perturbation 436
textures 65—6 429—443
Textures, axial current anomaly 443
Textures, baryogenesis 443
Textures, basic properties 65—6
Textures, classification 65 429
Textures, collapse 432—434
Textures, cosmology See texture cosmology
Textures, Derrick's theorem 56 65 432
Textures, effective action 429—431
Textures, evolution See texture cosmology
Textures, field equations 431
Textures, formation See texture cosmology
Textures, gauge texture 442—443
Textures, Goldstone bosons 429 433 436—437
Textures, gravitational fields See texture gravity
Textures, local texture 442—443
Textures, non-spherical collapse 434
Textures, nonlinear sigma models 430
Textures, spherical collapse 432
Textures, spherical configuration 430
Textures, winding number 431 434 437
Thermal history of the universe 11—13
Thermalization temperature 51 444—445
Thermodynamics 178—181. See also statistical mechanics
Thin-wall approximation 372 376
Time machines 192
Time-dependent solitons 69—70
Topological conservation laws 54—6
Topological defect formation See defect formation
Topological defects and inflation See inflation and defects
Topological defects, general introduction 54—71
Transient defects 66—9 412—413 415 418—419
Transverse gauge 157 268 374
Travelling waves 213—215
Turbulence 253 350
Turnaround surface 321
Unbroken subgroup 27
Units, astronomical 6
Units, cgs 6 400
Units, fundamental 5
Units, Gaussian 6
Units, Heaviside 6 399
Vachaspati — Vilenkin initial conditions 259 276
Vacuum expectation value 25
Vacuum manifold 3 28 72
Vacuum polarization 149 152
Vector condensate models 137—139
Virialization 323
Voids, filaments and sheets 317 319 338 342 427
Vortex-rings 232—234
Vortices 103—109
Vortices, annihilation 106—108
Vortices, interaction potentials 103—106
Vortices, pair creation 108
Vortices, perpendicular scattering 108—113
Vorticity generation 341
Vortons 133 359—362
Vortons, classical stability 133 360—361
Vortons, cosmic rays 362
Vortons, current and charge fluctuations 359—360
Vortons, dark matter 362
Vortons, electroweak-scale strings 362
Vortons, formation 264 360—361
Vortons, quantum stability 359
Wake formation 194—195 211 293 334—341
Walls see domain walls
Weak coupling limit 39 71
Wiggly strings 174—8. See also string networks
Wiggly strings, analytic evolution 273
Wiggly strings, coherent velocities 280 282—283 285 295
Wiggly strings, deficit angle 210 337
Wiggly strings, Doppler effects 211
Wiggly strings, dynamics 177—178
Wiggly strings, effective energy density 175—177 209 277 282—283 285 295 337 339
Wiggly strings, effective tension 175—177 209
Wiggly strings, equation of state 174—177 209 273 337
Wiggly strings, fractal dimension 259 272 281—282
Wiggly strings, global string radiation 235—238 363
Wiggly strings, gravitational back-reaction 273 284
Wiggly strings, gravitational lensing 210 302—306
Wiggly strings, gravitational radiation 212—213 311
Wiggly strings, light deflection 210 302—306
Wiggly strings, linear mass density 175—177
Wiggly strings, loop solutions 177—178
Wiggly strings, Newtonian potential 209—212 296
Wiggly strings, persistence length 273
Wiggly strings, radiation spectrum 212—213
Wiggly strings, small-scale structure 277—278 281—283 295
Wiggly strings, travelling waves 213—215
Wiggly strings, wake formation 211 337—341
Wiggly strings, wiggly string metric 209—210
Winding number 57 86 90 97 115 259—263 286 399 431 434 437
Y-parameter 357
Zel'dovich approximation 320—341
Zel'dovich approximation, adhesion approximation 322 338
Zel'dovich approximation, baryonic matter 328 336
Zel'dovich approximation, cold dark matter 320—326 334—336
Zel'dovich approximation, derivation 320—322
Zel'dovich approximation, hot dark matter 326—328 336
Zel'dovich approximation, moving seeds 323—326
Zel'dovich approximation, planar collapse 334—338
Zel'dovich approximation, spherical collapse 322—323
Zel'dovich approximation, turnaround surface 321
zero modes 94—6 139—41
“freeze-out” particle species 11
“freeze-out” topological defects 60 258 409
“light-cone” gauge 156 275
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