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Vilenkin A., Shellard E.P.S. — Cosmic strings and other topological defects |
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Reconnection, string topology 75—6 115—116 286
Reconnection, superconducting strings 132—134
Reheat temperature see thermalization temperature
Reionization 16 319
Relativistic ideal gas 11
Relativistic jets 350
Renormalizable gauge theories 27
Renormalization, charge coupling 137 241—242
Renormalization, global strings 231—232 362
Renormalization, Goldstone boson self-fields 231—232 362
Renormalization, gravitational self-fields 215—216
Renormalization, superconducting strings 241—242
Renormalization, wiggly strings 174—177
Reynolds number 254
Right-angled defect scattering 108—113
Right-moving charge carriers 141—147
Rindler metric 379
Rocket effect 208—209 325 355
Rotation matrices 31
Scalar condensate models 122—136
Scalar string superconductivity See bosonic string superconductivity
Scale-invariant loop distribution See loops string
Scale-invariant network evolution See string networks
Scale-invariant power spectrum 19 52 318 426 441
Scaling solution See string networks domain global textures
Scattering cross-sections See particle scattering
Second-order phase transitions See phase transitions
Self-intersection See loops
Semilocal strings 101—102
Shock waves 254 337 341 345
Shock-fronting techniques 276
Sine-Gordon soliton 54—5 369 393 422
Skyrmion 2 66
SO(10)-models 35—7 85 98 144—147
SO(3)-models 31
SO(3)-models, -strings 63 79 96—7 262
SO(3)-models, global monopoles 421
SO(3)-models, monopoles 64 82 397
SO(3)-models, relation to SU(2) 31
SO(3)-models, triplet representation 31 397 421
Spherical collapse 323
Spontaneous symmetry breaking 1—4 23—37.
Spontaneous symmetry breaking, abelian-Higgs model 25—6
Spontaneous symmetry breaking, Goldstone model 23—4
Spontaneous symmetry breaking, GUT models 35—7
Spontaneous symmetry breaking, non-abelian gauge theories 26—30
Spontaneous symmetry breaking, SU(2)-models 30—4
springs 359
Standard cosmology 6—22
Standard cosmology, expanding universe 6—11
Standard cosmology, microwave background 15—16
Standard cosmology, nucleosynthesis 13—14
Standard cosmology, shortcomings 21—22
Standard cosmology, structure formation 16—21
Standard cosmology, thermal history 11—13
Standard model see electroweak symmetry breaking
Stars, HR diagram 353
Stars, monopole baryon decay 411
Stars, primordial 340
Stars, red giant emission 367
Stars, string-contaminated stars 352
Stars, Supernova 1987a 367
Statistical mechanics, strings 178—181 258 263 269 314 458
Stochastic formation models 259—263
Stokes' theorem 62 193
Straight string metric See string gravity
String cosmology See string networks structure microwave etc.
String domination 285—289 457—459
String domination, cosmological implications 287—288
String domination, energy density growth rates 286 288
String domination, mass-scale constraints 287—288
String domination, non-commuting strings 288
String domination, non-intercommuting strings 285—287
String domination, persistence length 286
String domination, string-driven inflation 457—459
String domination, tangled networks 288—289
String dynamos 248—249
String electrodynamics See superconducting strings
String formation 257—263 360 455
String formation, -strings 262—263
String formation, coarsening 2
String formation, during inflation 329 342 455
String formation, fractal dimension 259
String formation, long string configuration 261
String formation, loop distribution 261
String formation, U(1)-strings 259—261
String gravity 182—219 292—294
String gravity, black hole formation 313—315. See also black holes
String gravity, black holes with strings 190
String gravity, closed timelike curves 192
String gravity, conical spacetime 182—192 209—210
String gravity, cusps See cusps
String gravity, deficit angle 184 197 210 292 337
String gravity, dimensionless gravity parameter 292
String gravity, distributional sources 217—219
String gravity, Doppler effects 194—195 211
String gravity, full Einstein gravity 185
String gravity, geodesic motion 192—195 210—212
String gravity, global string metric 196—198
String gravity, gravitational lensing 193—194 210 302—306 363.
String gravity, gravitational radiation 200—209 212—213 215 217 293. cusps kinks loops wiggly
String gravity, gravitational wave background 306—313. See also gravitational wave background
String gravity, kinks See kinks
String gravity, light deflection See gravitational lensing
String gravity, linearized gravity 183—184 199—200 204 209—211 215—216
String gravity, loop gravitational fields 198—203
String gravity, loop lifetimes 294
String gravity, mass-scale constraints 292 301 312 330
String gravity, microwave background anisotropies See microwave background anisotropies
String gravity, multi-string metrics 190—191
String gravity, Newtonian potential 182 209—212
String gravity, Nielsen — Olesen vortex-lines 188
String gravity, quantum effects 195—196
String gravity, self-force 195
String gravity, small-scale structure see wiggly strings
String gravity, straight string metric 182—192 293
String gravity, structure formation See structure formation
String gravity, summary 292—294
String gravity, supermassive strings 189
String gravity, travelling waves 213—215
String gravity, wake formation 194—195 211 293 334—341
String gravity, wiggly string gravity See wiggly strings
String gravity, wiggly string metric 209—210
String loops See loops
String networks 256—287
String networks, Brownian random walks 261 266
String networks, coherent velocities 280 282—283 285 295
String networks, correlation length 264 266 270 278 282—283 285 294—295 338
String networks, cosmological implications See structure formation microwave
String networks, damped epoch 263—264 294
String networks, effective energy density 277 282—283 285 295
String networks, equation of motion 268
String networks, formation 259—263. See also string formation
String networks, fractal dimension 259—261 272 281—282
String networks, fragmentation 284 285
String networks, global strings 362—364
String networks, gravitational radiation 265 272
String networks, gravitational radiation, back-reaction 273—274 284
String networks, gravitational wave background 306—313
String networks, Hubble expansion 265—266
String networks, inter-String distance 274 285 338
String networks, kink density 272 283
String networks, long or infinite strings 261
String networks, long string domination 269
String networks, long string energy density 266 277—278 295
String networks, long string evolution equation 270
String networks, long string reconnection 273 278 285
String networks, loop correlations 285
String networks, loop creation size 283—285 295—296
String networks, loop distributions 261 271—272 296—297
| String networks, loop energy evolution equation 271
String networks, loop evolution 268—269
String networks, loop fragmentation 283
String networks, loop kinkiness 273—274
String networks, loop production 265—266 270 272 283—285
String networks, loop reconnection 269
String networks, loops See loops
String networks, matter era 270—272 279—281 283
String networks, matter-radiation transition 281
String networks, monopole-string networks See string-monopole networks
String networks, network parameters 295
String networks, network pictures 279
String networks, non-scaling behaviour 278 281—282 284
String networks, numerical resolution effects 278 280 282 284
String networks, numerical simulations 274—285
String networks, one-scale model 265—274
String networks, persistence length 273
String networks, radiation era 270—272 277—280 283
String networks, reconnection 265 273 276—278 285
String networks, relaxation to scaling 270 277 280
String networks, scaling solution 265—274
String networks, self-intersections 265 283
String networks, small-scale structure 267 272—274 277—278 281—283 295
String networks, string domination See string domination
String networks, string-monopole networks See string-monopole networks
String networks, summary 294—298
String networks, two-scale models 272—274
String networks, Vachaspati — Vilenkin algorithm 276
String networks, velocities 280 282—283 285 295
String networks, wiggly strings See wiggly strings
String thermodynamics 178—181. See also statistical mechanics
String-driven inflation 457—459
String-monopole networks 289—291. See also monopoles connected by strings
String-monopole networks, -rays 291
String-monopole networks, correlation length 289—290
String-monopole networks, cosmological constraints 291
String-monopole networks, electromagnetic radiation 290
String-monopole networks, energy density evolution 289—290
String-monopole networks, loop or net production 289—290
String-monopole networks, magnetic charge 289
String-monopole networks, monopole-antimonopole annihilation 290
String-monopole networks, numerical simulations 291
String-monopole networks, radiation damping 289—290
String-monopole networks, scaling behaviour 289
strings See also global strings GUT-scale Nielsen non-abelian superconducting wiggly
Strings, baryogenesis 315—316
Strings, basic properties 61—4 86—7
Strings, black holes See string gravity black
Strings, classification 61 72—80 84—5
Strings, cosmology See structure formation microwave string
Strings, cusps See cusps
Strings, damped epoch See damped epoch frictional string
Strings, detailed structure 87—94
Strings, domination See string domination
Strings, effective actions 116—121
Strings, energy per unit length 87 90
Strings, energy-momentum tensor 186 204 217—219
Strings, equations of motion 155—157
Strings, evolution See string networks
Strings, expanding universe 165—168 266 268
Strings, formation See string formation
Strings, frictional forces 224—6. See also frictional forces damped
Strings, fundamental group 74—5
Strings, gauge conditions 154—157 163—165
Strings, gravitational effects See string gravity
Strings, in a curved spacetime 163—170
Strings, inflation 446 450
Strings, Kalb — Ramond action 119—121 229—230
Strings, Kibble mechanism 257—259
Strings, kinks see kinks
Strings, loops 158—159 161—163 172—174
Strings, mass-scale constraints 292 301 312 314 330 340 356
Strings, metric See string gravity
Strings, microwave background anistropies See microwave background anisotropics
Strings, monopoles connected by strings See monopoles connected by strings
Strings, Nambu action 117—119 154—178
Strings, near a black hole 169—170
Strings, networks See string networks
Strings, non-abelian strings 87—103
Strings, nucleated loops 456
Strings, particle production 227—229
Strings, particle scattering 220—6. See also particle scattering frictional
Strings, phenomenological strings 98—9 144—147
Strings, radiation See particle production
Strings, reconnection 75 113—115 170—172 265
Strings, small-scale structure See wiggly strings string
Strings, statistical mechanics 178—181
Strings, string-driven inflation 457—459
Strings, structure formation See structure formation
Strings, superconducting See superconducting strings
Strings, symmetry breaking scale 292
Strings, thermodynamics 178—181
Strings, transient strings 68 412—413 415 418—419
Strings, wiggly strings See wiggly strings
Structure formation 16—21 52 317—342 353—359 390—391 425—427 438—442 456
Structure formation, adhesion approximation 322 338
Structure formation, baryonic matter 18 319 328 333 336 340
Structure formation, biasing parameter 20 427 441
Structure formation, bubble space-filling fraction 356
Structure formation, cluster correlations 331
Structure formation, cold dark matter 17 319 320—326 329—331 334—336 338—339
Structure formation, comoving displacement equation 321
Structure formation, correlation functions 20 331 333
Structure formation, cosmic magnetic fields 341 343
Structure formation, density fluctuations See density fluctuations
Structure formation, density parameter 9—10 340
Structure formation, density perturbation equation 321
Structure formation, density profiles 323 327
Structure formation, domain walls 319 390—391
Structure formation, early nonlinearity 319 333 336
Structure formation, explosive amplification 340
Structure formation, explosive galaxy formation 17 353—359
Structure formation, fragmentation 355
Structure formation, galaxies from loops 328—334
Structure formation, galaxy mass distribution 329
Structure formation, galaxy surveys 317 319
Structure formation, global monopole fluctuations 319 426—427
Structure formation, global monopole simulations 426—427
Structure formation, global strings 329
Structure formation, gravitational instability 17 321
Structure formation, hot dark matter 17 319 326—328 331—333 336
Structure formation, inflationary fluctuations 49 52 318
Structure formation, isocurvature fluctuations 323 440
Structure formation, Jeans length and mass 17
Structure formation, large-scale structures 338—339
Structure formation, linear perturbation theory 321
Structure formation, Liouville equation 326 336
Structure formation, loop accretion 320—334
Structure formation, massive rod accretion 337
Structure formation, moving loop accretion 323—326
Structure formation, N-body simulations 321 325 331 441
Structure formation, neutrino free-streaming 18 319 332
Structure formation, neutrino-dominated universe 318—319
Structure formation, Newtonian potential 182 209—212 320 337 378
Structure formation, non-gaussianity 342 440
Structure formation, nonlinear regime 321 323 336
Structure formation, nucleated defects 456
Structure formation, old string scenario 320—334
Structure formation, one-to-one hypothesis 330
Structure formation, Ostriker — Thompson — Witten scenario 355—359
Structure formation, outlook 341—342
Structure formation, peculiar velocities 335 337 356
Structure formation, power spectrum analysis 339
Structure formation, quasars 319 333
Structure formation, radiation pressure 354
Structure formation, reionization 319
Structure formation, scale-invariant spectrum 19 52 318 426 441
Structure formation, shock waves 337 341
Structure formation, spherical collapse 323
Structure formation, static loop accretion 322—323
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