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Vilenkin A., Shellard E.P.S. — Cosmic strings and other topological defects |
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Domain walls, reconnection 377 387
Domain walls, reflection probability 381—383
Domain walls, sine-Gordon solitons 54—55 369 393
Domain walls, strings attached to domain walls See domain walls bounded by strings
Domain walls, structure formation 319 390—391
Domain walls, surface energy density 369
Domain walls, thick domain walls 376
Domain walls, thin-wall approximation 372 376
Double images 193—194 302—306 424—425
Drag forces See frictional forces
Effective potentials 37—46
Effective string energy density 175—177 209 277 282—283 285 295 337 339
Effective string tension 175—177
Einstein's equations 9
Einstein's equations, conical spacetime 182—192
Einstein's equations, domain wall metrics 378—379
Einstein's equations, global monopole metric 423—424
Einstein's equations, global string metric 196—198
Einstein's equations, Green's functions solutions 199—200
Einstein's equations, linearized gravity 183—184 199—200 204 209—211 215—216 423—424 434—436
Einstein's equations, lower-dimensional gravity 191
Einstein's equations, string metrics 183—192 209—210
Electromagnetic radiation See also cosmic rays
Electromagnetic radiation, radiation back-reaction 248—251
Electromagnetic radiation, radiation pressure in plasma 354
Electromagnetic radiation, rocket effect 355
Electromagnetic radiation, string-monopole networks 290
Electromagnetic radiation, strings 246—249
Electromagnetic radiation, superconducting strings 246—251 345
Electroweak symmetry breaking magnetic fields 152—153
Electroweak symmetry breaking standard model 4 13 102 103
Electroweak symmetry breaking strings 98 102—103
Electroweak symmetry breaking superconducting strings 98 350—353 362
Electroweak symmetry breaking textures 443
Electroweak symmetry breaking W-condensates 152—153
Energy-momentum tensor 61
Energy-momentum tensor, domain walls 61 368 373 378
Energy-momentum tensor, global monopoles 422
Energy-momentum tensor, global strings 196
Energy-momentum tensor, strings 63 158 186 204 217—219
Energy-momentum tensor, textures 430
Entropy conservation 11
Entropy density 407—409
Equation of state 9 174—177 209 337
Explosive galaxy formation 17 353—359
False vacuum energy 45 47
Fermionic string superconductivity 139—149
Fermionic string superconductivity, anomaly cancellation 142—143
Fermionic string superconductivity, bosonization 147—149
Fermionic string superconductivity, charge carrier scattering 145—147
Fermionic string superconductivity, critical current 146
Fermionic string superconductivity, effective action 147—148
Fermionic string superconductivity, massive charge carriers 148—149
Fermionic string superconductivity, vortex zero modes 39—41
Ferromagnetic domains 1
Finite-difference algorithms 106 108 275—276
First-order phase transitions See phase transitions
Flatness problem 21 48
Fractal dimension 259 272 281—282
Fragmentation see loops string structure
Free energy 39
Frictional forces, domain walls 383—386
Frictional forces, dynamical friction 325
Frictional forces, in an expanding background 226
Frictional forces, limiting velocity 264 408
Frictional forces, monopoles 403—405 408
Frictional forces, monopoles connected by strings 417
Frictional forces, plasma dissipation 348
Frictional forces, strings 224—226 263 294
Frictional forces, superconducting strings 253 346 350—353 360—361
Friedmann equation 9
Friedmann — Robertson — Walker models 7—11
Fundamental group 61 72
Fundamental theorem 77
Galactic dynamos 341
Galactic magnetic fields 347
Galaxy formation See structure formation density
Galaxy surveys 20
Galaxy surveys, cluster correlations 20 331
Galaxy surveys, galaxy correlations 20 333
Galaxy surveys, Great Attractor 20
Galaxy surveys, voids, filaments and sheets 20 317 319 338 342 427
Gauge boson string superconductivity 137—139
Gauge conditions, conformal gauge 156 240 374
Gauge conditions, Coulomb gauge 127 231
Gauge conditions, domain walls 374
Gauge conditions, Lorentz gauge 231 241
Gauge conditions, Nambu action 154—157 163—165
Gauge conditions, superconducting strings 240—241
Gauge conditions, transverse gauge 157 268 374
Gauge conditions, “light-cone” gauge 156 275
Gauge strings See strings Nielsen non-abelian
Gauge texture 442—443
Gauss — Bonnet theorem 187
General relativity See Einstein's equations
Ginzburg temperature 44—5 60 258
Global monopoles 421—428
Global monopoles, connected by strings 427—428
Global monopoles, deficit solid angle 424
Global monopoles, density fluctuations 426—427
Global monopoles, evolution 425—426
Global monopoles, formation 425
Global monopoles, Goldstone boson radiation 426
Global monopoles, gravitational lensing 424—425
Global monopoles, hedgehog configuration 59
Global monopoles, light deflection 424—425
Global monopoles, metric 423—424
Global monopoles, microwave background anisotropies 426
Global monopoles, models 421
Global monopoles, nonlinear sigma models 422
Global monopoles, numerical simulations 425
Global monopoles, physical properties 421—423
Global monopoles, scaling density 425
Global monopoles, sine-Gordon soliton 422
Global monopoles, SO(3)-models 421
Global monopoles, stability 423
Global monopoles, structure formation 426—427
Global strings 57—8 63 93—94 105—109 113—115 119—121 196—198 229—238 362—372. domain vortices
Global strings, antisymmetric tensors 119—121 230—231 235 364
Global strings, basic properties 57—8 63
Global strings, coherent velocities 364
Global strings, detailed structure 93—4
Global strings, domain walls bounded by strings 369—372 393—394
Global strings, dynamics 229—234
Global strings, effective action 229—230
Global strings, energy-momentum tensor 196
Global strings, equations of motion 231
Global strings, formation 259
Global strings, Goldstone boson radiation 235—238 364
Global strings, gravitational lensing 363
Global strings, inter-vortex potential 105—106
Global strings, Kalb — Ramond action 119—121 229—230
Global strings, linear mass density 63
Global strings, long string energy density 363
Global strings, metric 196—198
Global strings, microwave background anisotropy 363
Global strings, network evolution 362—364
Global strings, phenomenological models 98—9
Global strings, radiation 235—238 364
Global strings, radiation back-reaction 236—238 363
Global strings, reconnection 113—115
Global strings, renormalization 231—232 362
Global strings, scaling regime 363
Global strings, small-scale structure 363
Global strings, structure formation 329
Global strings, superconducting zero modes 139—143
Global strings, superfluid vortex-lines 232—234
Global symmetry breaking 23—4 26—8
Global textures See textures
Global vortices See vortices global
| Goldstone boson background 364—365 426 436—437
Goldstone boson radiation 235—238 364 426 433 436—437
Goldstone bosons 24 28 119—121 429
Goldstone model 23—24 54 57 93—94 105—109 113—115 119—121 230 258
Grand unification 4 35—7
Grand unification, monopole problem 22 82 402 412
Grand unification, String phenomenology 98—99 144—147
Gravitational effects 423—427
Gravitational instability see structure formation
Gravitational lensing, angular separation 303—304
Gravitational lensing, galaxies 302 305
Gravitational lensing, global monopoles 424—425
Gravitational lensing, global strings 363
Gravitational lensing, lensing probability 305
Gravitational lensing, long strings 193—194 210 302—305
Gravitational lensing, quasars 302 304
Gravitational lensing, small loops 305—306
Gravitational lensing, strings 193—194 210 302—306
Gravitational potential 182 209—212 320 337 378
Gravitational radiation 200—209 212—213 215—217 293—294 348
Gravitational radiation, angular distribution 206—208
Gravitational radiation, back-reaction 215—217
Gravitational radiation, cusps 200—202 206—207
Gravitational radiation, kinks 202—203 205 207—208
Gravitational radiation, loops 200—209 265 272 293 296—297 306—310
Gravitational radiation, momentum radiation 208—209
Gravitational radiation, monopoles connected by strings 414
Gravitational radiation, periodic sources 203—204
Gravitational radiation, rocket effect 208—209 325
Gravitational radiation, small-scale structure 212—213
Gravitational radiation, spectrum 204—207 213
Gravitational radiation, superconducting strings 348
Gravitational radiation, wiggly strings 212—213
Gravitational wave background 306—313
Gravitational wave background, logarithmic spectral density 306—307 310—312
Gravitational wave background, long string radiation 311
Gravitational wave background, loop radiation 306—310
Gravitational wave background, loop radiation spectrum 308
Gravitational wave background, matter era contributions 310
Gravitational wave background, millisecond pulsar timings 311—312
Gravitational wave background, nucleosynthesis constraints 15 312
Gravitational wave background, observational bounds 311—313
Gravitational wave background, radiation era contributions 308—309
Gravitational wave background, string mass-scale constraints 312 331
Green's functions 199—200 241
Growing and decaying modes 17 321
GUT-scale strings 63—4 98—9 144—147 292
Hagedorn temperature 180 458
Harrison mechanism 341
Harrison-Zel'dovich power spectrum 19 52. 426 441
Higgs mechanism 25 30
High-resolution numerical techniques 276
History of topological defects 2—3
Homotopy theory 72—84
Homotopy theory, automorphism classes 75 82
Homotopy theory, exact sequences 83—4
Homotopy theory, fundamental group 72—80 257
Homotopy theory, fundamental theorems 77 80 421
Homotopy theory, higher homotopy groups 80—4
Homotopy theory, Lie groups 84
Homotopy theory, zeroth homotopy group 77 257
Horizons, causal 11 43 60 257—258 317
Horizons, event 379
Horizons, horizon problem 21 48
Hot dark matter 17 318—319 326—328 331—333 336.
Hubble's constant 8
Hybrid topological defects 66—8. See also domain walls bounded by strings monopoles string-monopole
Infinite strings See string networks wiggly
Inflation and defects 444—459
Inflation and defects, black hole formation 456—457
Inflation and defects, defects in de Sitter space 451
Inflation and defects, density fluctuations 456
Inflation and defects, density of nucleated defects 456
Inflation and defects, domain wall instantons 452—455
Inflation and defects, domain wall simulations 449
Inflation and defects, formation after inflation 444—445
Inflation and defects, formation during inflation 445—447
Inflation and defects, monopole-antimonopole instantons 457
Inflation and defects, quantum fluctuations 447—451
Inflation and defects, quantum nucleation 452—457
Inflation and defects, string loop instantons 455
Inflation and defects, string-driven inflation 457—459
Inflationary scenarios 48—53
Inflationary scenarios, baryogenesis 49
Inflationary scenarios, Brans — Dicke gravity 53 445
Inflationary scenarios, density fluctuations 49 52 318
Inflationary scenarios, false vacuum domination 47
Inflationary scenarios, fine tuning 49 52
Inflationary scenarios, gravitational waves 52—3
Inflationary scenarios, horizon and flatness problems 21 48
Inflationary scenarios, monopole problem 48 445
Inflationary scenarios, non-minimal coupling 447
Inflationary scenarios, old inflation 48
Inflationary scenarios, quantum fluctuations 51 447—451
Inflationary scenarios, quantum nucleation 46 453—457
Inflationary scenarios, reheat temperature 444—445
Inflationary scenarios, slow-rollover models 50—3 445
Inflationary scenarios, string-driven inflation 457—459
Inflationary scenarios, supersymmetric models 445
Inflationary scenarios, topological defects see inflation and defects
Inflaton field 50 444
instantons 131 377 415 452—457
Intercommuting See reconnection
Isocurvature fluctuations 18 323 440
Israel matching conditions 380
Jeans length and mass 17
Kaiser — Stebbins effect 194
Kalb — Ramond action 119—121 229—230
Kasner singularity 189 198
Kibble mechanism 3 59—60 257—259 384 406—407 445
Kinks 159—160 162 172—174
Kinks, electromagnetic radiation 248
Kinks, Goldstone boson radiation 235—236
Kinks, gravitational fields 202—203
Kinks, gravitational radiation 205 207—208
Kinks, string networks 272 274 283
Kolmogorov spectrum 351
Lagrangian coordinates 320
Langacker-Pi mechanism 68 412—413 415 418—419
Large-scale structure See galaxy surveys structure
Lattice gauge theory methods 108
Left-moving charge carriers 141—147
Lie groups 26—37 76 84
Light deflection see gravitational lensing
Light element abundances see nucleosynthesis
Limiting velocity See frictional forces
Linear perturbation theory 321
Linearized gravity See Einstein's equations
Liouville equation 326 336
Liquid crystals 2 257
liquid helium See superfluid vortices
Little group 27
Local strings See strings Nielsen non-abelian
Local textures 442—443
Long strings See string networks wiggly
Loops 158—159 161—163
Loops, black holes 313—315 456
Loops, Burden solution 162
Loops, correlation function 285
Loops, cusps See cusps
Loops, distributions 271—272 296—297
Loops, dynamical friction 325
Loops, electromagnetic radiation 246—249
Loops, examples 161—163
Loops, expanding universe 166 268
Loops, formation distribution 261
Loops, fragmentation 172—174 178—181 251 265 284 361
Loops, global string distribution 363
Loops, Goldstone boson background 364—365
Loops, Goldstone boson radiation 235—238
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