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Vilenkin A., Shellard E.P.S. — Cosmic strings and other topological defects |
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Loops, gravitational capture by galaxies 348
Loops, gravitational fields 198—203
Loops, gravitational radiation 203—208 265 348
Loops, gravitational wave background 306—310
Loops, Hubble damping 166 268
Loops, Kibble — Turok solution 161
Loops, kinks See kinks
Loops, matter accretion See structure formation
Loops, network production 265—266
Loops, network reconnection 269
Loops, nucleated loops 456
Loops, plasma dissipation 255 348
Loops, properties 158—159
Loops, radiation back-reaction 215—217
Loops, radiation spectrum and distribution 204—208
Loops, redshift effects 269
Loops, rocket effect 208—209 325 355
Loops, self-intersection 161—163 172—174 265
Loops, small loops See string networks
Loops, small-scale structure 177—178
Loops, string networks 283—285 295—297
Loops, superconducting explosions 355
Loops, superconducting strings 246—251
Loops, velocity average 159
Lorentz gauge 231 241
Lower-dimensional gravity 191
Magnetic fields, cosmic origin 341 343
Magnetic fields, dynamo 352
Magnetic fields, galactic 347
Magnetic fields, galactic dynamos 341
Magnetic fields, Harrison mechanism 341
Magnetic fields, monopoles 398
Magnetic fields, primordial 343 353
Magnetic fields, superconducting strings 345
Magnetic fields, synchrotron radiation 347
Magnetic fields, vorticity generation 341
Magnetic flux-lines 1 62 86
Magnetic monopoles See monopoles
Magnus force 234
Mass matrices 29—30 41
Mass thresholds 12 41
Matrix representations 26
Matter dominated universe 10 270—272 295—297
Matter-radiation transition 12 281
Meissner effect 122
Metastable monopoles 420
Microwave background anisotropies 16 298—302 390 426 438—440
Microwave background anisotropies, COBE DMR experiment 16 20 301
Microwave background anisotropies, cusps 299
Microwave background anisotropies, domain walls 390
Microwave background anisotropies, global monopoles 426
Microwave background anisotropies, global strings 363
Microwave background anisotropies, Kaiser — Stebbins effect 298
Microwave background anisotropies, last-scattering surface perturbations 299
Microwave background anisotropies, non-gaussianity 301—302 439
Microwave background anisotropies, reionization 319
Microwave background anisotropies, string mass-scale constraints 331 342
Microwave background anisotropies, string redshift dependence 299
Microwave background anisotropies, string simulations 300—302
Microwave background anisotropies, string temperature maps 300 302
Microwave background anisotropies, strings 298—302
Microwave background anisotropies, superconducting strings 356—358
Microwave background anisotropies, temperature discontinuities 298—299
Microwave background anisotropies, texture simulations 440
Microwave background anisotropies, textures 438—440
Microwave background radiation 12 15—16.
Microwave background radiation, Compton drag 355 358
Microwave background radiation, decoupling 12
Microwave background radiation, recombination 12
Microwave background radiation, reionization 16
Microwave background radiation, spectral distortion 357—358
Microwave background radiation, superconducting strings 356—358
Microwave background radiation, surface of last scattering 16 319
Millisecond pulsar 311
Moduli spaces 109—113
Monopole cosmology 404—410
Monopole cosmology, annihilation mechanisms 407—410
Monopole cosmology, baryon decay limits 411
Monopole cosmology, correlation length 406
Monopole cosmology, critical density 410
Monopole cosmology, damped evolution 408
Monopole cosmology, diffusive capture 409
Monopole cosmology, electromagnetic attraction 408
Monopole cosmology, evolution 407—409
Monopole cosmology, formation 406—407
Monopole cosmology, freeze-out density 409
Monopole cosmology, global monopoles See global monopoles
Monopole cosmology, inflation 48 412 445
Monopole cosmology, Kibble mechanism 406
Monopole cosmology, Langacker — Pi mechanism 68 412—413 415 418—419
Monopole cosmology, mass-scale constraints 411—412
Monopole cosmology, monopole domination 412
Monopole cosmology, monopole-antimonopole nucleation 457
Monopole cosmology, monopole-to-entropy ratio 407—409
Monopole cosmology, monopoles connected by strings See monopoles connected by strings
Monopole cosmology, observational bounds 410—412
Monopole cosmology, Parker limit 410
Monopole cosmology, thermal velocities 408
Monopole problem 3 22 361 402 406 410 412 445
Monopole problem, solutions 48 68 410 412—413 415 418—419
Monopoles 64—5 397—428
Monopoles connected by strings 67—8 413—421.
Monopoles connected by strings, annihilation 417
Monopoles connected by strings, causality considerations 419—420
Monopoles connected by strings, correlation length 417
Monopoles connected by strings, damped epoch 417
Monopoles connected by strings, distribution 416
Monopoles connected by strings, formation 415—416
Monopoles connected by strings, frictional forces 417
Monopoles connected by strings, global monopoles connected by strings 427—428
Monopoles connected by strings, gravitational radiation 414
Monopoles connected by strings, inflation 418
Monopoles connected by strings, Langacker — Pi mechanism 68 412—413 415 418—419
Monopoles connected by strings, models 413
Monopoles connected by strings, monopole-antimonopole annihilation 290
Monopoles connected by strings, monopole-antimonopole pair creation 414—415
Monopoles connected by strings, numerical simulations 416
Monopoles connected by strings, pair lifetime 416—417
Monopoles connected by strings, physical properties 413—415
Monopoles connected by strings, reconnection 420
Monopoles connected by strings, transient strings 415 418—419
Monopoles connected by strings, tunnelling probability 414—415
Monopoles connected by strings, unconfined magnetic charge 289
Monopoles, 't Hooft — Polyakov monopole 397—402
Monopoles, Alice strings 82—3
Monopoles, baryon decay catalysis 405—406 411
Monopoles, basic properties 59 64—5 397—402
Monopoles, Bogomol'nyi bound 401
Monopoles, Callan — Rubakov effect 405—406 411
Monopoles, charge quantization condition 399
Monopoles, classification 64 80—3 397 421
Monopoles, Compton wavelength 401
Monopoles, cosmology See monopole cosmology
Monopoles, evolution See monopole cosmology
Monopoles, formation See monopole cosmology
Monopoles, frictional force 403—405
Monopoles, global monopoles See global monopoles
Monopoles, grand unification 22 82 402 412
Monopoles, inflation 48 446 450
Monopoles, magnetic fields 398
Monopoles, magnetic flux 64
Monopoles, mass 400
Monopoles, mean free path 406
Monopoles, monopole problem See monopole problem
Monopoles, monopoles connected by strings See monopoles connected by strings string-monopole
Monopoles, particle scattering 403—406
Monopoles, plasma interactions 403—405 407—409
Monopoles, Prasad — Sommerfield limit 401
Monopoles, small-angle scattering 404
Monopoles, SO(3)-symmetry breaking 397
| Monte Carlo methods 259—263
Multi-vortex configurations 103 109—113
N-body simulations 321 326 331 338 441
Nambu action 117—119 154—178 372—373
Neutrinos, free-streaming 18 319 332
Neutrinos, hot dark matter 17 326—328 331 336
Neutrinos, neutrino-dominated universe 318—319
Neutrinos, species 15
Neutrinos, stars 353
Newtonian potential 182 209—212 320 337 378
Nielsen — Olesen vortex-lines 3 61—3 83—93 103—119
Nielsen — Olesen vortex-lines, asymptotic fields 88—9 92
Nielsen — Olesen vortex-lines, basic properties 86—7
Nielsen — Olesen vortex-lines, Bogomol'nyi limit 90—3
Nielsen — Olesen vortex-lines, cylindrically symmetric ansatz 88 91
Nielsen — Olesen vortex-lines, detailed structure 87—93
Nielsen — Olesen vortex-lines, energy per unit length 87 90—1
Nielsen — Olesen vortex-lines, formation 259
Nielsen — Olesen vortex-lines, inter-vortex potential 103—105
Nielsen — Olesen vortex-lines, magnetic flux 62 86
Nielsen — Olesen vortex-lines, Nambu action derivation 117—119
Nielsen — Olesen vortex-lines, reconnection 113—115
Nielsen — Olesen vortex-lines, string gravity 188
Nielsen — Olesen vortex-lines, zero-energy fluctuations 92—3 109—113
Noisy strings See wiggly strings
Non-Abelian gauge theories 26—30
Non-abelian strings 63—4 94—103
Non-abelian strings, Alice strings 99—101
Non-abelian strings, condensates 95—6 137—139
Non-abelian strings, electroweak strings 102—103
Non-abelian strings, magnetic flux 95
Non-abelian strings, phenomenological strings 98—9
Non-abelian strings, semilocal strings 101—102
Non-abelian strings, string generators 84—5 94—6
Non-abelian strings, zero modes 94—6
Non-abelian strings, Zw-strings 96—7
Non-abelian walls 370 388—390
Non-equilibrium states 2 181 258
Non-gaussianity 301—302 342 439—441
Non-minimal coupling 447
Non-topological solitons 69—70
Nonlinear sigma models 66 422 430
Notation 6
Nucleosynthesis 13—15
Nucleosynthesis, baryon density constraints 15 319
Nucleosynthesis, constraints on 15
Nucleosynthesis, gravitational wave background 15 312
Nucleosynthesis, light elements abundances 15
Nucleosynthesis, non-baryonic dark matter 10 15
Numerical simulations, boundary conditions 237
Numerical simulations, domain wall evolution 387—388
Numerical simulations, domain wall formation 384
Numerical simulations, domain walls bounded by strings 393
Numerical simulations, flat space string evolution 180—181
Numerical simulations, global monopole evolution 425
Numerical simulations, global monopole microwave anisotropics 426—427
Numerical simulations, global monopole structure formation 426—427
Numerical simulations, global string interactions 103—109 113—115
Numerical simulations, global string radiation 236—238
Numerical simulations, inflation and domain walls 449—451
Numerical simulations, monopoles connected by strings 416
Numerical simulations, N-body simulations 321 326 331 338 441
Numerical simulations, Nielsen — Olesen vortex-lines 103—109 113—115
Numerical simulations, nonlinear sigma models 425 438
Numerical simulations, string formation 259—263
Numerical simulations, string microwave anisotropies 300—302
Numerical simulations, string networks 267 272 274—285
Numerical simulations, string-monopole networks 291
Numerical simulations, superconducting strings 133—134
Numerical simulations, texture evolution 438
Numerical simulations, texture microwave anisotropies 440
Numerical simulations, texture structure formation 441
Numerical viscosity 276
Old string scenario 320—334
One-scale model 265—274. See also string networks
Ostriker — Thompson — Witten scenario 355—359
Pair production, monopole—antimonopole pairs 414
Pair production, superconducting strings 149—152 249 350 352
Pair production, vortex-antivortex pairs 108
Parker limit 410
Particle production 227—229
Particle scattering, Aharonov — Bohm scattering 222
Particle scattering, baryon-number-violating scattering 223 405
Particle scattering, domain walls 381—384
Particle scattering, monopoles 403—406 411 418
Particle scattering, string cross-section 220—223
Particle scattering, string frictional forces 224—226
Path-integral formalism 274
Path-ordered exponential 95
Peccei — Quinn symmetry breaking 365 367
Peculiar velocities 335 337 356
Peeling strings 115
Percolation theory 384
Periodic boundary conditions 261
Perpendicular defect scattering 108—113
Persistence length 273
Phase transitions 23—53
Phase transitions, correlation length 44 60 257 360 384 406 436 445
Phase transitions, cosmological 39—48
Phase transitions, critical temperature 39 42—3 59 258 445
Phase transitions, defect-forming see defect formation Kibble
Phase transitions, during inflation 445—447
Phase transitions, first-order 45—8 258
Phase transitions, post-inflationary 444—445
Phase transitions, second-order 42—5 258
Planck-scale strings 189 458—459
Plasma interactions, Compton drag 355 358
Plasma interactions, frictional forces 251—256 350—353 403—405
Plasma interactions, interstellar plasma 351
Plasma interactions, Kolmorogov spectrum 351
Plasma interactions, monopoles 403—405 407—409
Plasma interactions, Ostriker — Thompson — Witten scenario 355—359
Plasma interactions, plasma wind 354
Plasma interactions, radiation pressure 354
Plasma interactions, shock-heating 354
Plasma interactions, superconducting strings 251—256 350—353
Plasma interactions, turbulence 350—351
Poisson equation 320
Power spectrum 19
Prasad — Sommerfield limit 401
Pressure fluctuations See isocurvature fluctuations
Proton decay 405 411
Pulsars 311 354
Q-balls 69—70
Quadrupole formula 203 414
Quantum corrections, classical potential 37—9
Quantum corrections, topological defects 70—1
Quantum defect nucleation 452—457
Quantum fluctuations 51 447—451
Quark-hadron transition 13
Quasars 193 302 304 319 333 340 350
Quenching 2 258
Radiation back-reaction, cusps 345 349
Radiation back-reaction, electromagnetic radiation 248—251
Radiation back-reaction, global strings 236—238 363
Radiation back-reaction, Goldstone boson emission 236—238 363
Radiation back-reaction, gravitational waves 215—217 273—274 284
Radiation back-reaction, string-monopole networks 289
Radiation back-reaction, strings 215—217 273—274 284 296 314
Radiation back-reaction, superconducting strings 248—251 345 349
Radiation dominated universe 9 270—272 286 294—296
Random walks 261 266
Recombination 12
Reconnection, domain walls 377 387
Reconnection, domain walls bounded by strings 393—396
Reconnection, monopoles connected by strings 420
Reconnection, string intersection 170—172
Reconnection, string networks 265 275 277 285 339
Reconnection, string peeling 115
Reconnection, string simulations 113—115
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