Результат поиска |
Поиск книг, содержащих: Gauge, Coulomb
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Donaldson K., Kronheimer P.B. — Geometry of Four-Manifolds | 55, 57, 167 | Gitman D.M., Tyutin I.V. — Quantization of Fields with Constraints | 116, 153 | Peleg Y., Pnini R., Zaarur E. — Schaum's outline of theory and problems of quantum mechanics | 286 | Nayfeh M.H., Brussel M.K. — Electricity and Magnetism | 258, 470 | Martin P.A. — Many-body problems and quantum field theory: an introduction | 22 | Shankar R. — Principles of quantum mechanics | 494 | Adler S.L. — Quantum theory as emergent phenomenon | 94 | Aitchison I.J.R. — An Informal Introduction to Gauge Field Theories | 39, 57 | Barut A.O. — Electrodynamics and Classical Theory of Fields and Particles | 95 | Shu-Ang Zhou — Electrodynamics of solids and microwave superconductivity | 19, 40 | Jackson J.D. — Classical electrodynamics | 241 |