Авторизация |
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Peleg Y., Pnini R., Zaarur E. — Schaum's outline of theory and problems of quantum mechanics |
Предметный указатель |
Absorption 288
Aharonov — Bohm effect 172
Angular momentum, addition of 236
Angular momentum, algebra of 99
Angular momentum, matrix representation of 101
Approximation long wavelength approximation 294
Associated Legendre functions 304
Barrier potential 201
Basis 12
Basis, continuous 54
Basis, discrete 53
Basis, orthonormal 99
Basis, standard 100
Bessel function 258 306
Bisection method 215 220
Black body radiation 1
Bohr — Sommerfeld quantization rule 201
Bohr, angular frequency 177
Bohr, hydrogen atom 7
Bohr, magneton 254
Bohr, Niels 3
Bohr, radius 142 203
Bolzmann constant 8
Born approximation 257—259
Bosons 229
boundary conditions 31
Bra 50
Clebsch — Gordan coefficients 237 248
Closure relation 53 60
Coefficient, reflection 24
Coefficient, transmission 24
Commutation relations 98
Commutation relations, canonical commutation relations 56
Commutator 52
Commuting operators 52
Complex conjugate 11
Compton effect 1 5 6
Conditions, matching 34
Constants, Bolzmann 8
Constants, fine structure 298
Constants, Rydberg 8
Continuity equation 155
Coulomb force 3
Coulomb potential 257
Cross section, differential 256
Cross section, Rutherford 262
Cross section, total 256
de Broglie 3
De Broglie, relation 3 4
Degeneracy, accidental 143
Degeneracy, essential 143
Dirac -function 15
Dirac notation 50
distribution 15
Duality of light 2
Duality of matter 2
Ehrenfest, equations 77
Ehrenfest, theorem 27 31 33
Eigenspace 51
Eigenstate 33
Eigensubspace 59
Eigenvalue 13
Eigenvector 13
Eigenvector, common 52
Einstein coefficients 288
Einstein, Albert 1
Electric-dipole moment 196
Emission, induced 288
Emission, spontaneous 288
Euler method 216
Exact ground state 196
expectation value 89
Experiments, double-slit 2
Experiments, Franck — Hertz 3
Experiments, Stern — Gerlach 122
Fermi's golden rule 178 287
Fermion 229
Form factor 262
Fourier, coefficients 14
Fourier, inverse Fourier transform 301
Fourier, series 14 20 301
Fourier, transform 14 19 20 301
Franck — Hertz Experiment 3
Gauge 154
Gauge, Coulomb 286
Gauge, Gauge invariance 154
Gauge, Landau 154
Gauge, radiation 286
Gauge, symmetric 154
Gauge, transversal 286
Gyromagnetic relation 155
Hamilton — Jacobi equations 77
Hamiltonian see "Operator"
Hamiltonian, Zeeman Hamiltonian 254
harmonic oscillator 80
Heaviside function 303
Heisenberg 4
Heisenberg picture 58
Heisenberg, uncertainty relation 4
Helium atom 204
Hermite polynomials 80 303
Hertz, Heinrich 1
Hydrogen atom 7
Hydrogen atom, energy levels of 143
Hydrogen atom, subshell 143
Hydrogen-like atoms 144
Identical particles 228
Inner product 13
Ionization energy 142
Ket 50
ket, trial kets 199
Kronecker function 15
Laguerre polynomials 142 305
Landau, gauge 154
Landau, levels 164
Lande factor 254
Legendre functions 100 303
Legendre polynomial 303
Lennard — Jones potential 94
Linear operator 12
Logarithmic derivative 259
Low intensity limit 286
Magnetic flux 170
magnetic moment 155
Maxwell's equations 154 156
Measurement of physical quantities 51
Momentum transfer 257
Muonic atoms 144
Muonium 150
Neumann function 258 306
Neutron 8
Newton — Raphson method 215 220
Newton, Isaac 1
Norm 57
Numerical quadrature 214
Numerical quadrature, Simpson's method 214
Numerical quadrature, trapezoidal method 214
Numerov algorithm 217
Observable 50
Observable, commuting observables 52
Operator, adjoint of 52
Operator, anti-Hermitian 13
Operator, conjugate 13
Operator, evolution 58
Operator, function of 52
Operator, Hamiltonian 23 25
Operator, hermitian 13 18 99
Operator, identity 53
Operator, Laplacian 21
Operator, linear 12
| Operator, lowering 81 99
Operator, lowering spin 123
Operator, matrix elements of 55
Operator, mean value of an 23
Operator, momentum 23
Operator, normal 13 18
Operator, parity 69 151
Operator, raising 81
Operator, raising spin 123
Operator, representations of 54
Operator, root-mean-square deviation of an 23
Operator, rotation 102
Operator, spatial 23
Operator, spin 122
Operator, unitary 13 19
Operator, vector 56
Optical theorem 259
Parseval's theorem 301
Partial wave expansions 258
Particle, free 22
Pauli exclusion principle 231
Pauli matrices 122 124 136
Pauli's exclusion principle 229
Permutation 228
Perturbation of a degenerate state 177
Perturbation theory, time-independent 175
Perturbation, adiabatic 191
Perturbation, sudden 191
Perturbation, time-dependent 177 286
Perturbation, time-independent 175
Phase shift 258
photoelectric effect 1
Photon 1 291
Planck, Max 1
Planck, Planck — Einstein relations 2
Planck, Planck's constant 1 2
Positronium 144
Postulates, of quantum mechanics 51
Potential, attraction 205
Potential, barrier 24 201
Potential, central 140 297
Potential, effective 141
Potential, hard sphere 264
Potential, harmonic oscillator 80
Potential, isotropic harmonic 87
Potential, periodic 43
Potential, potential step 24
Potential, potential well 30
Potential, scalar 154
Potential, scattering 261
Potential, spherical repelling potential 272
Potential, stopping 1
Potential, time-independent 257
Potential, vector 154
Potential, Yukawa 260
Poynting vector 290
Probability current 155
probability density 155
Projector 50
Quantization rules 56
Quantum angular momentum 98
Quantum number, of spin 122
Radial equation 140
Radiation pressure 9
Radiation, black body 297
Radiation, external radiation field 288
Radiation, monochromatic radiation field 290
Radiation, nonresonant radiation field 298
Radiation, semiclassical treatment of 286
Reduced mass 141
Region, classically allowed 200
Representation 53
Representation, 55
Representation, 55
Representation, algebraic 100
Representation, change of 54
Representation, coupled 237
Representation, differential 100
Representation, uncoupled 237
Resonance scattering 267
Ritz theorem 199
Rodrigue's formula 303 305
Root-mean-deviation 52
Rotation in spin space 123
Rotation, generator of 102
Rotator 196
Runge — Kutta method 216
Rutherford formula 260
Rutherford, cross section 262
Scattering matrix 283
Scattering of identical particles 259
Scattering, angle 5
Scattering, Bragg — Von Laue scattering condition 262
Scattering, differential cross section 256
Scattering, elastic 285
Scattering, high-energy 270
Scattering, low-energy 270
Scattering, p-wave resonance scattering 268
Scattering, resonance 38 267
Scattering, scattering amplitude 257
Scattering, scattering matrix 283
Scattering, scattering potential 256
Scattering, scattering process 256
Scattering, stationary scattering states 257
Scattering, total cross section 256
Schroedinger, equation 3 21 80
Schroedinger, picture 58
Schroedinger, stationary Schroedinger equation 22
Screening charge 204
Secant method 215
Selection rule 294
Singlet 242 275
Slater's determinant 229 231
Space, dual 50
Spectrum, continuous 78
Spherical harmonics 100 304
Spherical harmonics, addition theorem 305
Spherical symmetry potential 101
Spin 122
Spin 1/2 122
Spin operator 122
Spin, antisymmetric spin state 275
Spin, commutation relations 122
Spin, eigenfunction 122
Spin, eigenvalues 122
Spin, nuclear spin 275
Spin, polarization 168
Spin, spin space 122
Spin, standard basis 122
Spin, symmetric spin state 275
Spin-orbit coupling 251
Spinless particles 141
Spinor 123
Standard basis 122
Standard basis, of vector space 100
Stark effect 187
State space 50
State space, continuous 53
State space, discrete 53
State, vacuum 82
Stationary 22
Stationary, states 3 57
Step function 303
Stern — Gerlach experiment 122
Stopping potential 1
Symmetric gauge 154
Symmetrization 56
Symmetry, cylindrical 226
Symmetry, radial 226
Tensor product 236
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