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Barut A.O. — Electrodynamics and Classical Theory of Fields and Particles |
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Aberration 20
Absorber theory 214
Acceleration four vector 48
Action at-a-distance electrodynamics 213
Action principle for a particle 60
Action principle for fields 99
Action principle for fields and particles 14
Action principle of Fokker — Schwarzschild — Tetrode 213
Action principle with self-energy 215
Addition (relativistic) of velocities 18
Advanced Green's functions 155
Aharoni, J. 45
Ampere's law 89
Analysis 38
Angular distribution of radiation 203
Angular momentum, total 110
Appearance of moving objects 41
Bade, W.J. 45
Baker, B.B. 221
Bargmann V. 75
Barut, A.O. 122
Basis 11
Basis, orthogonal 11 83
Bateman, H. 129 159
Becker, R. 130
Belinfante, F. 114
Bergmann, P.G. 45
Bland, G.F. 4
Blass, G.A. 41
Bogoliubov, N.N. 130
Bopp, F. 131
Born, M. 211
Bremsstrahlung 205
Canonical equations for a particle 68
Canonical equations for fields 119
Canonical equations, first order 179
Canonical transformations 72
Cartan, E. 26
Cauchy problem 160
Causality requirement 8
Cederholm, J.P. 4
Center of mass frame 59 80
Cerenkov radiation 208
Chang, T.S. 131
Charge 88 112 202
Charge density 89
Churchill, R.V. 221
Classical radius of the electron 199 205
Clock "paradox" 41
Coish, H.R. 164
Complex conjugate of a matrix 12
Complex orthogonal group 43
Compton effect 205
Conformal invariance 129
Conservation laws 105 163
Conservation laws for colliding particles 59
Conservation laws in differential form 112
Conservation laws in integral form 105
Conserved quantities, explicit form of 116 117
Constants of motion 64 105
Contours of integration 152
Coordinate transformations 108
Copson, E.T. 221
Corson, E.M. 45
Coulomb field 167 168
Coulomb gauge 95
Courant, R. 87 221
Covariance 35
Covariant description of spin 44
Covering group 43
Cunningham, E. 129
Curl 38
Current 89 90 91 92
Current density four vector 94 139
Currents, external 135
D'Alembert's equation 95 149 161
Damped harmonic oscillator 209
de Broglie, L. 53
Delta function 139 154 156
dielectric constant 91
Dirac, P.A.M. 187 212
Doppler effect 20
Durbin, R.P. 22
Dynamics (relativistic) 47
Einstein, A. 52
electric field 88
Electric moments 73
Electrodynamics of Lorentz 92
Electromagnetic fields 54 88 118 177
Electromagnetic fields, constant 80 127
Electromagnetic fields, transverse and longitudinal components of 177
Electromagnetic mass 199
Electron-Photon scattering 204
Eliezer, C.J. 212
Energy balance 184
Energy density 118
Energy momentum tensor 107 109 111 128 163 201
Energy momentum tensor, canonical unsymmetric 113
Energy momentum tensor, symmetric 111
Equation of continuity 89 92 136
Equation of motion for a particle 68
Equation of motion for spin 75
Equation of motion with radiation reaction 185 195
Equation of motion, integro-differential 198
Erber, T. 212
Euler — Lagrange equations for a particle 62
Euler — Lagrange equations for fields 87 100
Exponential matrix 32
Faraday's law 89 127
Fermi coordinates 83
Feshbach, H. 221
Feynman, R. 212 214
Field equations 100
Field equations, canonical form of 119
Field tensor 168
Fields, Dirac 102
Fields, electromagnetic 54 88 102
Fields, scalar 102
Fitzgerald Contraction 21
Fock, V. 41 45
Foldy, L.I. 45
Force density 137
Four vector 6 7
Four vector, contravariant 7
Four vector, covariant 7
Four vector, time-like, light-like, space-like 8
Fourier decomposition 174 210
Frenkel, J. 83 214
Friedman, B. 221
Fronsdal, C. 131
Fulton, t. 212
Galilean transformations 4
Gauge Fields 146 163
Gauge transformations 94
Gauge transformations of the first kind 142
Gauge transformations of the second kind 143
Gauge, Coulomb 95
Gauge, Lorentz 95
Gauge, radiation 95 177
Gauss' theorem 39 40 90
Generalized momenta 63
Generators of invariant transformations 64
Generators of variations 106
Goldstein, H. 24 107
Graeub, W. 10
Gravitational fields 55
Green's functions 148
Green's functions for Dirac field 164
Green's functions for scalar field 158
Green's functions, advanced 155
| Green's functions, other invariant 157
Green's functions, retarded 153
Haag, R. 212
Hadamard, J. 211
Halbwachs, F. 83
Hamilton — Jacobi theory 73 82
Hamilton's equation for spin 76
Hamilton's equation, covariant form 120
Hamilton's principle (covariant) 60
Hamiltonian 65 122
Hamiltonian density 120
Havas, P. 104 214
Havens, L. 4
Havens, W.W. 22
Heitler, W. 212
Hermitian conjugate 12
Hess, S. 131
Hilbert, D. 87 221
Hypercharge 148
Inertial frame of reference 3
Infeld, L. 66
Integro-Differential equation of motion 198
Interacting fields and particles 186
Interactions between fields 142
Interactions of fields with a particle 138
Interactions of fields with external currents 135
Internal space 147
Invariance 35
Invariants of the electromagnetic field 95 171
Isotopic spin space 147
Ives, H.E. 6
Jackson, J.D. 130
Jehle, H. 45
Jost, R. 34 45
Kahana, S. 164
Kallman, G. 83
Kennedy — Thorndike experiment 6
Kennedy, R.J. 6
Kepler problem 80
Klein — Gordon equation 101 211
Klein — Nishina formula 205
Kronecker product 28
Lagrange multipliers 65
Lagrangian form of equations of motion for a field 99
Lagrangian form of equations of motion for a particle 60
Lagrangian, containing a subsidiary condition 122
Lagrangian, density 87
Lagrangian, involving higher order derivatives 122
Lagrangian, not invariant under translations 115
Landau, L. 80 130
Lewis, G.W. 214
Lichnerowitz, A. 45
Lienard — Wiechert potential 127 165 167 203
Lifshitz, E. 80 130
Light cone 8
Lighthill, H.J. 221
Linear chain 86 121
Little group 44
Loar, H.H. 22
Lorentz electron 193
Lorentz force 54 55 62 63 88
Lorentz group 23
Lorentz group, complex 34
Lorentz group, full homogeneous 22
Lorentz group, gauge dependent representations of 179
Lorentz group, infinitesimal generators of 32
Lorentz group, inhomogeneous 22
Lorentz group, orthochronous 23
Lorentz group, representations of 22
Lorentz group, restricted 23
Lorentz space 6 8
Lorentz space, complex 11
Lorentz transformations 3
Lorentz transformations into a moving frame 17
Lorentz transformations, antichronous 13
Lorentz transformations, decomposition of 14 18
Lorentz transformations, Eigenvalues of 14 41
Lorentz transformations, homogeneous and inhomogeneous 6 13
Lorentz transformations, infinitesimal 17
Lorentz transformations, linearity of 5
Lorentz transformations, orthochronous 13
Lorentz transformations, proper and improper 12
Lorentz transformations, the physical basis of 3
Lorentz, H.A. 193 221
Low, F.E. 212
Macfarlane, a.j. 45
Magnetic field 88
magnetic moment 73
Magnetic permeability 91
Magnus, W. 221
Mason, M. 130
Mass renormalization 190 219
Matter wave 53
Maxwell field 102 103
Maxwell — Lorentz equations 93
Maxwell's equations 90 94 136
Maxwell's equations in material media 96 127
Maxwell's equations in spinor form 97
Mazur, P. 127
Michel, L. 15 75
Michelson — Morley experiment 4
Micro causality 198
Microscopic equations of electrodynamics 92
Mills, R.L. 164
Minkowski equation 50 54 62
Minkowski force 54
Moller, C. 45
Momentum density 118
Momentum four vector 48
Morse, P.M. 221
Moses, M.E. 131
Mullen, G. 122
Multipole radiation 207
Neutrino 53 80
Nijboer, B.R.A. 127
Noether, E. 130
Nucleon number 148
null fields 170 172
Oberhettinger, F. 221
Ohm's law 92
Orthogonal group 4 24 43
Panofsky, W.K.H. 130
Papapetrou, A. 45
Parity 16 23
Particles with zero rest mass 51
Pauli matrices 24 25 43
Pauli, W. 3 45 130
Penrose, R. 22
Peres, A. 84
Phillips, H. 130
Photon 51
Plane reflection or symmetry 14
Plass, G.H. 199 210 212
Poisson bracket 72
Polar decomposition 44
Polarization of photons 173
Polarization P. 90
Polarization, covariant description of 44
Poynting vector 118 170
Principle of relativity 35
Proca, A. 81 84
Proper time formalism 47 48
Quam, P.M. 83
Quantum electrodynamics 191
Quantum theory 53 210
Radiation 165
Radiation field 169 170
Radiation field, canonical formalism 177
Radiation field, energy momentum of the 175
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