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Barut A.O. — Electrodynamics and Classical Theory of Fields and Particles |
Предметный указатель |
Radiation field, plane wave decomposition of 171
Radiation field, pure 172
Radiation field, transverse character 173
Radiation gauge 95 177
Radiation reaction 184
Radiation reaction, equation of motion with 185 195
Radiation, angular distribution of 203
Radiation, energy momentum of 179
Radiation, frequency spectrum of 204
Rayleigh scattering 208 209
Relativistic dynamics 47
Relativistic field theory 85
Relativistic kinetic energy 51
Representations, higher order spinor and tensor 29
Representations, irreducible and reducible 29
Rest energy 51
Rest mass 48
Rest mass zero 51
Retarded Green's functions 153
Retarded time 168
Robertson, H.P. 6
Rohrlich, F. 212
Rosen, N. 84
Rosenfeld, L. 212
Runaway solutions 197
Rzewuski, J. 130
Sakurai, J. 164
Sauter, F. 84 130
Scalar field 36 102 117 121
Scalar field, equation of motion in external 80
Scalar field, particle in a 141
Scattering experiments 162
Scattering from a bound electron 208
Scattering matrix 162
Scattering, electron photon 204
Schild, A. 41 45 212
Schiller, R. 84
Schroedinger equation 211
Schwarz inequality 10
Schwinger, J. 164
Sciama, D.W. 131
Self force 186
Self force, finite part of 187
Shirkov, A. 130
Sokolov, A. 130
Sommerfeld, A. 130 221
Space-like surfaces 40
Space-time reflection 16
Spin, classical 73
Spin, covariant description of 44
Spin, precession in field theory 129
Spinor fields 36 38
Spinor mechanics 81
Spinor space 27
Spinors 26
| Spinors, higher order 29
Stephenson, G. 200
Strange particles 148
Strong interactions 148
Structure constants 34
Synge, J.L. 45
Systems of colliding particles 58
Taylor, J.G. 131
Telegdi, V. 75 84
Tensor fields 36 37
Tensors 26
Terrell, J. 22
Tetrode, H. 214
Thirring, W. 130
Thomas precession 82
Thompson cross section 205
Thorndike, E.M. 6
Time dilatation 21
Time reflection 16
Tischer, M. 131
Titchmarsh, E.J. 221
Total angular momentum 110
Total energy 110
Total energy-momentum tensor 136
Townes, C.H. 4
Transpose of a matrix 12
Transverse character of the electromagnetic field 173
Two-component spinors 26
Unimodular group 23
Unimodular group, infinitesimal generators of 32
Unitary unimodular group 31
van Vleck, J. 127
Variations with a fixed boundary 99
Variations, intrinsic 112
Variations, involving a change of boundary 103
Vector fields 36 144
Vector potential 63 93 96
Velocity four vector 48
von Laue, M. 185
Watson, G.N. 221
Wave equation 93 172
Wave equation, inhomogeneous 149 161
Weaver, W. 130
Weisskopf, V. 22
Werle, J. 80
Weysenhoff condition 79
Wheeler, J.A. 212 214
Wightman, A.S. 34 43 45
Wigner, E.P. 14 41
Winogradzki, J. 131
Winston, R. 84
Wolf, E. 211
World line 47 139 158 166
Yang — Mills fields 146 164
Yang, C.N. 164
Yukawa potential 141 200
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