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Shu-Ang Zhou — Electrodynamics of solids and microwave superconductivity |
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Absolute space 544
Acceleration 85 131 539
Anisotropy, statistical 201
Approximation(s) 85
Approximation(s), electro-quasistatic 88
Approximation(s), Galilean 85
Approximation(s), magneto-quasistatic 86
Approximation(s), quasi-TEM 471
Attenuation coefficient 269
Attenuation distortion 282
Axiom 147
Axiom of admissibility 148
Axiom of determinism 147
Axiom of equipresence 147
Axiom of material invariance 148
Axiom of memory 147
Axiom of neighborhood 147
Axiom of objectivity 147
Balance law 139
Balance law of angular momentum 139
Balance law of linear momentum 139
Birefringence 173
Birefringence, optical 173
Body couple 139
Body couple, electric 164
Body couple, electromagnetic 153
Boundary condition(s) 31 34 161 169
Brewster angle 123
Capacitance 105 110
Capacitance, line 455
Capacitor(s) 49 105 110
Cartesian coordinate system 130
Cauchy stress ellipsoid 172
Charge(s) 1
Charge(s), conservation law of 4
Charge(s), volume density of 2
Clausius — Duhem inequality 144
Coaxial line 256 478
Coaxial line, superconducting 256
Coefficient(s) 57 61
Coefficient(s) of mutual inductance 61
Coefficient(s) of self-inductance 61
Coefficient(s), capacity 57
Coefficient(s), current transmission 458
Coefficient(s), principal dielectric 172
Coefficient(s), voltage transmission 458
Coherence length 244 326
Coherence length, Ginzburg — Landau 327
Coherence length, intrinsic 288 327
Coherence length, phase 440
Coherence length, Pippard 286
Compatibility conditions 136
Composite(s) 181 185 195
Composite(s), dielectric 206
Composite(s), elastic dielectric 209
Composite(s), supcrconductor(s) 372
Composite(s), superconducting stripline(s) 481
Conductance 102
Conductance, boundary 162
Conductance, line 455
Conductivity 37 572
Conductivity, complex 244 482 572
Conductivity, complex flux-flow 387 391
Constitutive equation(s) 36 41 83 163
Constitutive equation(s) for non-magnetizable conductors 149
Constitutive equation(s) for soft-ferromagnetic conductors 152
Constitutive equation(s) for thermoelastic dielectrics 163
Constitutive equation(s) of moving media 83
Continuity 4
Continuity, equation of 4 133
Continuity, vortex 385
Continuum electrodynamics 129
Coulomb blockade 439
Critical current 232 345 427
Critical current, density 232 354 384 415
Critical magnetic field 231 317 343
Critical magnetic field, lower 349
Critical magnetic field, upper 331
Critical state 354
Critical state equation 354
Cryotron 318
Current density 2 8
Current density, conduction 34
Current density, convection 34
Current density, displacement 17
Current density, surface 32
Current-phase relation, Josephson 415
Deformation 133
Deformation, gradient 134
Deformation, rate of 135
Degenerate mode(s) 519
Delay line(s) 273
Demagnetizing factor 316
Depinning frequency 380 391
Diamagnetic moment 32
Diamagnetism 32
Dipole(s) 12
Dipole(s), electric 12 13
Dipole(s), magnetic 22
Directional coupler(s) 508—516
Directivity 512
dispersion 44 282 300
Dispersion in materials 44
Dispersion, anomalous 47
Dispersion, normal 47
Dispersion, space 99
Displacement vector 134
Displacement vector, electric 31
Doppler effect 82
Dynamic mobility 377
Electromagnetic pressure 253
Electromigration 448
Electron(s) 1
Electron(s), Cooper pair of 303
Energy 23
Energy, barrier 356
Energy, electric field 53
Energy, electrostatic 55
Energy, gap 312
Energy, magnetic field 60
Energy, magnetic interaction 23
Energy, potential 15 24
Energy, relativistic 127
Energy, rest 127
Energy, surface 333
Energy, time-average electric 68
Energy, time-average reactive 68
Energy, transmission 520
Ensemble 192
Ensemble, average 194
Ensemble, gibbs 192
entropy 143 319
Entropy, balance equation of 143 152
Entropy, flux 144
Entropy, production of 144
Entropy, specific 144
Faraday rotation 95
Fermi — Dirac distribution 311
Ferromagnet(s) 90
Field(s) 7
Field(s), electric 7
Field(s), electromagnetic 25
Field(s), magnetic 15
Field(s), magnetic intensity 33
Field(s), neuromagnetic 431
Field(s), phasor 40
Field(s), theory 7
Field(s), time-harmonic 40
Field(s), vortex electric 352
Field(s), vortex magnetic 352
| Finite element 475
Finite element, analysis 478
Finite element, method 477
Fluctuation 326 357
Flux 19
Flux, bundle(s) 356
Flux, creep 356 392
Flux, entropy 144
Flux, heat 144
Flux, line(s) 350
Flux, magnetic 19 240
Flux, power 64
Flux, quantum 241
Flux, time-average power 66
Flux-flow 352
Flux-flow, Hall coefficient 407
Flux-flow, Hall effect 402 407
Flux-flow, Nemst coefficient 410
Flux-flow, Nemst effect 409
Flux-flow, resistivity 353 377 384
Flux-flow, Righi — Leduc coefficient 408
Flux-flow, Righi — Leduc effect 408
Flux-flow, Seebeck coefficient 409
Flux-flow, Seebeck effect 409
Flux-flow, viscosity 380 567
Flux-flow, viscosity tensor 400
Fluxoid 242
Fluxon 241
Force(s) 5 6 14
Force(s), coercive 91
Force(s), electric body 163
Force(s), electric dipole 14
Force(s), electromagnetic body 149 153
Force(s), electromotive 24
Force(s), electrostatic 5
Force(s), fictitious 543
Force(s), gravitational 6
Force(s), Lorentz 15
Force(s), magnetic 15 20
Force(s), Magnus 401
Force(s), Minkowski 126
Force(s), pinning 354
Force(s), thermal 400
Frame 83 538
Frame, generalized instantaneous rest 543
Frame, inertial 83 538
Frame, instantaneous rest 85 538
Frame, laboratory 83 538
Frame, pointwise instantaneous rest 543
Frame, rest 83 538
Free energy 322
Free energy, Gibbs 316
Free space 5
Frequency, cutoff 518
Fresnel's equations 122
Fresnell ellipsoid 173
Function(s) 10
Function(s), Bessel 421
Function(s), Dirac delta 10
Function(s), Hankel 348
Function(s), indicative 195
Function(s), thermodynamic 315
Gap frequency 275 281
Gap voltage 416
Gauge 19 557
Gauge, Coulomb 19 40
Gauge, invariance 557
Gauge, Lorentz 39
Gauge, transformation(s) 39 239
Gauss' law for magnetic field 18
Gauss' theorem 10 30
Gauss' theorem for electric field 10
Gauss' theorem in material medium 30
Gaussian pulse(s) 461
Ginzburg — Landau equation 324
Ginzburg — Landau parameter 328
Gravitational constant 6
Green's function 12
Green's function, elastic 186
Green's function, electric 12
Green's function, magnetic 21
Gyromagnetic media 93
gyromagnetic ratio 93
Harmonic generation 493
Heat 144
Heat, conduction 152 403
Heat, flux 144
Heat, latent 319
Heat, specific 320
Homogenization method 184
Impedance 27 455
Impedance, characteristic 456 503
Impedance, complex surface 264
Impedance, input 460
Impedance, intrinsic 27
Impedance, load 457
Impedance, source 457
Impedance, surface 271 390
Index of refraction 46
Inductance 113 258
Inductance, external 258
Inductance, internal 259
Inductance, kinetic 298 478
Inductance, line 258 455
Inductance, partial 114
Inductor(s) 113
Inertia 76
Inertia of flux line 378
Inertia, system of 76
Insertion loss 512
Interaction 7
Interaction, long-range 7
Interaction, short-range 7
Interconnect 446
Interface condition(s) 35 88 89
Interference device(s) 424
Interference device(s), superconducting quantum 424—432
Interferometer 561
Interferometer, rotating superconducting 561
Intermediate state 334
Intermodulation, two-tone 493
Irreversibility line 359
Isolation 512
Isotope effect 303
Josephson effect 413
Josephson effect, AC 420
Josephson effect, DC 416
Josephson frequency 421
Joule heating 149
Junction(s) 414 559
Junction(s), deformable Josephson 559
Junction(s), Josephson 414
kinetic energy 249
Kinetic energy of superelectrons 249
Kinetic energy, density 249
Kinetic energy, time-averaged 252
Kramers — Kronig relations 44
Kronecker delta 134 601
Lame stress ellipsoid 172
Lame's constants 158
Laplace equation 468 473
Law(s) 16
Law(s) of continuum thermodynamics 142
Law(s) of motion 138
Law(s), Ampere circuital 17 31
Law(s), Biot — Savart 19
Law(s), Coulomb's 5
Law(s), energy conservation 143
Law(s), Faraday's 24
Law(s), Fourier 167
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