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Shu-Ang Zhou — Electrodynamics of solids and microwave superconductivity |
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Law(s), Fourier — Ohm's 151
Law(s), Hooke's 182
Law(s), Kirchhoff current 5 108
Law(s), Kirchhoff voltage 107
Law(s), Lenz 25
Law(s), Lorentz force 16
Law(s), Newton's 138
Law(s), Ohm's 36
Law(s), photothermoelastic 175
Law(s), Snell's 120
Limit(s) 441
Limit(s), electron-number fluctuation 443
Limit(s), light speed 450
Limit(s), minimum thermal energy 441
Limit(s), nonlinear 443
Limit(s), photon-number fluctuation 441
Limit(s), physical 441
Limit(s), power dissipation 448
Limit(s), quantum 441
Limit(s), resistance 447
Limit(s), thermal transfer 443
Limit(s), voltage 445
Logic circuit(s) 432—436
Logic circuit(s), single flux quantum 435
Logic circuit(s), voltage-state 434
London equation(s) 236 237
London equation(s), generalized 577
London moment 540
London — Bean model 361
loss 41
Loss, ac 366
Loss, dielectric 41
Loss, Eddy current 93
Loss, hysteresis 92
Loss, ohmic 64
Loss, tangent 42
Lumped circuit elements 101
Magnctothermoelastic effect(s) 579
Magnetic field shielding 260
Magnetic Hysteresis 90
Magnetic hysteresis, loop 91
magnetization 28
Magnetization, macroscopic 36
Magnetization, orbital current 32
Magnetization, orientational 32
Magnetization, remnant 91
Magnetization, saturation 90
Magnetization, spin 32
Magnetocardiogram 430
Magnetothermal instability 370
Mass 126 129
mass density 74 130
Mass density, electromagnetic 74
Mass, center of mass 130
Mass, conservation law of 132
Mass, point mass 130
Mass, relativistic 126
Mass, rest 126
Matching condition 464
Material time derivative 132
Matrix, ABCD 465
Maxwell stress tensor 73
Maxwell's equations 25
Maxwell's equations at electro-quasistatic 88
Maxwell's equations at magneto-quasistatic 86
Maxwell's equations for materials at rest 34
Maxwell's equations for moving media 75
Maxwell's equations in free space 25
Maxwell's equations, covariance of 78
Media 37
Media, bianisotropic 98
Media, chiral 98
Media, continuous 129
Media, gyromagnetic 93
Meissner effect 234
Microstrip line(s) 486
Microstrip line(s), nonlinear superconducting 489
Microstructure(s) 180 185
Minkowski's theory 83
Mixed state 334 565
Mixed state, Abrikosov 335
Model(s) 28 230
Model(s), dipole 28 32
Model(s), free-electron 235
Model(s), macroscopic quantum wave 238 557
Model(s), modified two-fluid 274
Model(s), resistively y shunted junction 433
Model(s), two-fluid 230 242 490
Modulus 158
Modulus, elastic bulk 158
Modulus, elastic shear 158
Modulus, Young's 158
Momentum 72
Momentum of electromagnetic fields 72
Momentum, angular 139
Momentum, conservation of 73
Momentum, density of 74
Momentum, flux-density of 73
Momentum, mechanical 73
Momentum, relaxation time 243
Momentum, time average density of 74
Monopole moment 12
Monopole moment, electric 12
Motion 130
Motion, Eulerian description of 130
Motion, Lagrangian description of 130
Motion, rigid-body 134
Motion, vortex 352
Multipole(s) 11 191 195
Multipole(s), continuum material 191
Multipole(s), elastic 193
Multipole(s), electric 11
Multipole(s), magnetic 20
Multipole(s), statistical continuum 195
Nonlocal relation 287
Nonlocal theory 185
Nuclear gyroscope 431
Optical fiber(s) 219
Optical fiber(s), step-index 224
Order parameter 321
Order parameter, complex 322
packaging 446 448
Parity 35
Penetration depth 237 288 327 570
Penetration depth, complex 570
Penetration depth, Josephson 420
Penetration depth, London 237
Penetration depth, rf 277
Permeability 17 36
Permeability of free space 17
Permeability, complex 67
Permeability, gyromagnetic 94
Permeability, magnetic 36
Permeability, relative 36
Permittivity 6 36
Permittivity of free space 6
Permittivity, complex 42
Permittivity, dielectric 36
Permittivity, relative 36
Phase constant 50
Phase shift 456 576
Phase transition(s) 315 323
Phase transition(s) of the first-order 320
Phase transition(s) of the second-order 320
Photoelastic coefficient 175
Photon(s) 75 127
Photothermal coefficient 176
Photothermoelasticity 170—178
Physical limit(s) 441—451
Piezoelectric coefficients 167
| Poisson's equation 19
Poisson's ratio 158
Polarization 28
Polarization, density 29 31
Polarization, electronic 28
Polarization, interfacial 48
Polarization, ionic 29
Polarization, macroscopic 36
Polarization, orientational 29
Potential(s) 8
Potential(s), electric 8
Potential(s), electromagnetic 38
Potential(s), node 477
Potential(s), scalar 14
Potential(s), vector magnetic 19
Power 64
Power in a circuit 108
Power, active 109
Power, electromagnetic 149 154 164
Power, flux density 64
Power, reactive 109
Power, time-average 67
Power, vector 109
Principal coordinate system 171
Principal refractive indices 176
Principle(s) 8
Principle(s) of equivalence 544
Principle(s) of relativity 76
Principle(s), covariance 82
Principle(s), linear superposition 8
Principle(s), variational 53 57 62 69
Propagation constant 269
Propagation constant, complex 455 503
Proton 1
proximity effect 325
Pyroelectric coefficients 167 175
Quality factor 42 396 528 534
Quantum dot(s) 440 445
Quantum effect device(s) 440
Quantum wire(s) 440 445
Radiation condition 41
Radiation pressure 75 123
Reactance 264 394
Reactance, surface 394
Reactance, surface inductive 264
Reflection 118
Reflection coefficient 267 458
Reflection coefficient, complex 267
Reflection coefficient, current 458
Reflection coefficient, power wave 464
Reflection coefficient, voltage 457
Reflection, laws of 119
Refraction 118
Refractive index 174
Relativistic mass 126
Relativity 75
Relativity, Einstein's special theory of 75
Relativity, galilean 76
Relativity, Generalized Galilean 542
Relativity, Postulate of 76
Relaxation time 246 392
Relaxation time, momentum 243 279
Relaxation time, vortex 379
Resistance, line 455
Resistivity, flow 353
Resistivity, flow, ac flux-flow 380
Resistivity, flow, dc flux-flow 380
Resistivity, flow, effective ac 384
Resistor(s) 49
Resonance frequency 331 397 532
Resonance frequency, cyclotron 331
Resonator(s) 525
Resonator(s), cavity 531
Resonator(s), dielectric 535
Resonator(s), microwave 525
Resonator(s), transmission line 529
Rutgers' formula 320
Scattering matrix 462 512
Scattering matrix, parameters 462
Schroedinger equation 304 330
Selectivity 528
Self-consistent scheme 183
Shapiro step(s) 422
Shifter 134
Skin depth, normal 263 571
Skin effect 185 470
Skin effect, anomalous 185 279 287
Space reflection 35
Speed 19
speed of light 19
strain 133
Strain, infinitesimal 135
Strain, principal 177
Strain-optical coefficients 177
Stress(es) 141
Stress(es), electric 164
Stress(es), electromagnetic 153 253
Stress(es), normal 141
Stress(es), principal 171
Stress(es), shearing 141
Stress(es), thermal 219 226
Stress-optical coefficients 176
Superconductivity 228
Superconductor(s) 229
Superconductor(s), anisotropic 292
Superconductor(s), deformable 542
Superconductor(s), elastic 546
Superconductor(s), hard 353 360
Superconductor(s), moving 540
Superconductor(s), rotating 540
Superconductor(s), soft 361
Supercurrent 235
Supercurrent density 235
Surface charge density 4
Surface free charge density 31
Surface impedance 271 390
Surface resistance 264 278 394 469
Surface wave 216
Surface wave, electromagnetoelastic 554
Surface wave, magnetic 549
Surface wave, Rayleigh 216 549
susceptibility 36
Susceptibility, electric 36
Susceptibility, magnetic 36
Synchronous system 450
Temperature 144
Temperature, absolute 144
Temperature, critical 91 229
Temperature, Curie 91
Temperature, reduced 275
Temperature, Transition 229
Tensor(s) 133
Tensor(s), Cauchy deformation 134
Tensor(s), Cauchy stress 142
Tensor(s), deformation gradient 134
Tensor(s), electromagnetic stress 148
Tensor(s), Euclidean metric 134
Tensor(s), infinitesimal strain 135
Tensor(s), Lagrangian strain 134
Tensor(s), objective 138
Tensor(s), rate of strain 135
Tensor(s), rotation 136
Tensor(s), spin 135
Tensor(s), stress 140
Theorem, Cauchy's 141
Theorem, Earnshaw's 60
Theorem, Gauss' 10 30
Theorem, Poynting's 63 65
Theorem, Thomson's 59
Theorem, uniqueness 70 249
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