Результат поиска |
Поиск книг, содержащих: ion channels
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Wolf E.L. — Nanophysics and nanotechnology. An introduction to modern concepts in nanoscience | | Dietterich T.G., Becker S., Ghahramani Z. — Advances in neural information processing systems 14 (Vol. 1 and vol. 2) | 229 | Twyman R.M. — Advanced Molecular Biology: A Concise Reference | 426 | Hodgson E. — A Textbook of Modern Toxicology | 222 | Branden C., Tooze J. — Introduction to protein structure | 232—234, 251 | Carlson N.R. — Physiology of Behavior | 44, 45f | Churchland P.S., Sejnowski T.J. — The computational brain | 47, 48 | Wolf E.L. — Nanophysics and nanotechnology: an introduction to modern concepts in nanoscience | 2, 36 | Cotterill R.M.J. — Biophysics: An Introduction | 246, 249, 256 | Rice J.A. — Mathematical statistics and data analysis | 50, 166, 243 |