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Twyman R.M. — Advanced Molecular Biology: A Concise Reference
Twyman R.M. — Advanced Molecular Biology: A Concise Reference

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Íàçâàíèå: Advanced Molecular Biology: A Concise Reference

Àâòîð: Twyman R.M.


Advanced Molecular Biology - A Concise Reference provides in-depth coverage of 30 essential topics in molecular biology with particular focus on genetic information and its expression. The book emphasizes unifying principles and mechanisms, with comprehensive use of tables and boxes to summarize experimental data, gene and protein functions. Advanced Molecular Biology - A Concise Reference is written for upper level undergraduates, postgraduates and academics with an interest in molecular biology who need a convenient entry into the field.

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Áèîëîãèÿ/

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Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1998

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 499

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 23.03.2007

Îïåðàöèè: Ïîëîæèòü íà ïîëêó | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ññûëêó äëÿ ôîðóìà | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ID
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü
$5'\rightarrow3'$      225
$\alpha$-complementation      109—110bx 330
$\alpha$-helices      289-290f
$\beta$-sheets      289—290f
$\beta$-strands      289—290
$\beta$-turn      289—290
$\sigma$-factor      445
12—23 rule      380
2-D electrophoresis      307 356
30 nm fiber      38
3T3 cell assay      255
5-methylcytosine      94 211
A-DNA      229 230f
A-rule      185
A-site (amino acyl-tRNA site) of ribosome      314
ABL/BCR gene fusion      255—256 257—258
Abzymes      345
Ac-Ds elements      176 178 344
Acute transforming retroviruses      254 256
Adaptive response      190
Adaptors      326
Additive effects      10t
AIDS      485
Alkaline phosphatase      324 326
Allele frequency      212
Allele replacement      352
Allele-specific hybridization      358
Allele-specific PCR      280
Alleles      2 107 201
Allelic complementation      109—110bx
Allelic exclusion      5 381
Allopolyploidy      47
Allostery      295
Allostery in transcriptional control      455—457f
Allotype      379
Alternative splicing      418—420
Alternative splicing in Drosophila sex determination      420f
Alu element      96 142 144
Amber codon      127 204
Amber suppressor      220
Ambisense genome      470
Amino acid sequence      287—289
Amino acids      305—306bx
Aminoacyl-tRNA      128
Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase      129
Amphioxus      300
Amplicon      219 342
Anaphase lag      49
Anaphase-promoting complex      32
Aneuploidy      47—49
Anisotropic bending      230
Antibodies      345 379 386—387
Antibodies for protein analysis      307 345
Anticipation      16bx 218
Anticodon      128
Anticodon loop      321
Antigen switching, trypanosomes      378
Antiparallel strands      225
Antipodal effects      42
Antisense RNA      224
Antisense RNA in control of gene expression      320 365
Antisense RNA in gene therapy      365
Antisense RNA in plasmid replication      276—277
Antisense RNA in protein synthesis      320
Antisense strand      444
Antitermination      460—461 481—482
AP endonuclease      192
AP-site      185
Apoptosis      33—34
Aptamers      366
Artificial chromosome vectors      154t 329
Asymmetric PCR      284
Attached chromosome      52
Attenuation, attenuator control      461
Autopolyploidy      47
Autosomal inheritance      15bx
Autosomes      57
Autozygosity      149
Auxotroph      215
B-chromosomes      58
B-DNA      229 230f
Backcross      3f
Bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC)      153 329
Bacteriophage      467
Bacteriophage $\lambda$      481—484bx
Bacteriophage $\lambda$, cloning vectors      327—329
Bacteriophage $\lambda$, gene regulation      475—476 481—484bx
Bacteriophage $\lambda$, integration and excision      385 484
Bacteriophage M13      473—474 237—239
Bacteriophage Mu      468
Bacteriophage Mu, host range variation      385—386
Bacteriophage Mu, replication      473
Baculovirus expression system      342
Balance mechanism      76
Balancer chromosome      51
Balbiani rings      59
Baltimore classification      470
Bands and interbands      59
Barr body      100
Barrel motifs in proteins      291—292
Base analog      185
Base composition      134—135
Base excision repair      191—192
Base loss      185
Base pairs, alternative      227
Base pairs, Hoogsteen      227
Base pairs, Watson-Crick      226—227 228f
Base ratio      134
Base stacking      226
Bases, in nucleic acids      223 225f
Basic DNA-binding domain      241
Beckwith — Wiedemann syndrome      98—99
Biotin-streptavidin system      360
Biphasic genome organization      58 143
Blue-white selection      330
Bone morphogenetic proteins      430—431
Boundary element      41
Box (DNA or protein sequence motif)      301
BRCA1, BRCA2      152 260
Breakage-fusion-bridge cycle      174
Burkitt's lymphoma      258
C-gene segment      387
C-value      134
C-value paradox      135—136
CAK      28
Calcium signaling      438—439
Calmodulin (CaM)      438—439
Cancer      253
Cancer, familial      258—259
Cancer, multiple hit hypothesis      253 258
Cancer, tumor progression      253
Candidate genes      335—336
CAP      413
Cap-binding protein      316—317
Capping      413
Capsnatching      421 474—475
Cassette      165—166 377
Cassette mutagenesis      346—347f
Catabolite repression      464
Cdc mutants      26
Cdc2/CDC28 genes      26—28
CDK-activating kinase      28
CDK-cyclin inhibitors      28 33 260
cDNA      333
cDNA capture/cDNA selection      155
cDNA libraries      333—334
cDNA synthesis      333
Cell cycle bacterial      21—23
Cell cycle eukaryotes      23—34
Cell division, bacteria      22—23
Central dogma      111t
Centromere      60—61
CEPH families      150
CHARACTER      1 2
Checkpoints (of cell cycle)      24
Chemical cleavage of mismatch      337
Chi      372
Chiasmata      374
Chimera      54 364
Chloroplast DNA, properties of      266
Chromatid      57
Chromatin      35—42
Chromatin remodeling      33 40
Chromatin, diminution      77
Chromatin, domains      40—42
Chromatin, open and repressed      40
Chromatin, role in gene regulation      39—42
Chromatin, structure      35—39
Chromomeres      59 60
Chromosome banding      57—59t
Chromosome breakpoints      49
Chromosome deletions      50
Chromosome derivatives      49—50
Chromosome duplications      50
Chromosome imbalance (aneuploidy)      45 47—49 202
Chromosome jumping      335
Chromosome landing      336
Chromosome mutation      45—55 201
Chromosome mutation, balanced      45 51—52
Chromosome mutation, constitutional      45—54
Chromosome mutation, numerical      45—49 201—203
Chromosome mutation, somatic      45 54—55 253—258
Chromosome mutation, structural      49—55 201—203
Chromosome mutation, unbalanced      45—51
Chromosome number      134
Chromosome painting      156
Chromosome puffs      59
Chromosome theory of inheritance      57
Chromosome walk      153 335
Chromosomes      57—64
Chromosomes, classification/nomenclature      62—64bx
Chromosomes, metaphase      39
Chromosomes, molecular structure      60—64
Chromosomes, morphology      57—60
Circular dichroism      307
Circular permutation      472
cis-acting elements      113 452
cis-dominance      110 113
cis-trans test      104 109—110bx
Cistron      104—106
Class switching      381—382
Classical genetic analysis      213—215
Clastogen      53
Clone contig map      152—153
Cloning vectors      323 327—329t
Coding region      107
Codominance      7
Codon      127
Codon assignment      130
Codon family      129
Codon usage/choice/bias/preference      130
Cofactor      292
Coiled coil      291
Coiling in snails      67f
Cointegrate      172
ColE1 replicon      276—277
Colony blot      358—359
Comparative genomics      156
Competence for natural transformation      120
Competence, artificially induced      330
Complementary base pairs      226
Complementation analysis      104 109—110bx
Complementation group      110
Complementation map      110
Complex mutation      202
Complexity, genomes      135
Compound chromosome      52
Concatemer      472
Concerted evolution      300
Conditional mutants      210 214
Conduction (cis-mobilization) of DNA      119
Conjugation      117—119
Conservative mutation      204
Constitutive mutation      210
Context-dependent regulation      456
Contiguous gene syndromes      50
Continuous character      11
Controlling elements      178
Cooperative binding      295
Cooperative transposition      174
cop mutant      272 274—275
Cosmid      327—329
Cosuppression      114
Cot analysis      157—159bx
Cotransational frameshifting (recoding)      319
Cotranscriptional regulation      456 458
Counterselection      214 330—331 351—352
CpG islands      95 155
Cre-loxP system      353 386
CREB      441
Creutzfeldt — Jakob disease      480—481
cRNA {complementary RNA)      359
Cross-feeding      110
Cross-talk      439
Cryptic plasmids      271 272
Cryptic satellite DNA      142
Cryptic splice site      416 420
Curing      272
Cyclic nucleotides as second messengers      434—436
Cyclic nucleotides, structure      225 226f
Cyclin-dependent kinases      26—28
Cyclins      26—27
Cytogenetic maps      146
Cytokine receptors      428—429
Cytokines      425—426
Cytoplasmic determinants      67
Cytoplasmic inheritance      263 268—269
Cytotype      175 265
D-gene segments      387
D-loop (displacement loop)      232
D-loop (part of transfer RNA)      321
Dam methylation      94
Dcm methylation      94
Deamination      185—186t
Deamination of 5-methylcytosine      94 185 211
Death domain      33—34 431
Degeneracy, genetic code      129
Deletion loop      50
Densely methylated island      404
Determination      71
Development      65—92
Development, cell-cell interactions in      68
Development, early Xenopus laevis      80—82bx
Development, gene regulation in      65—66
Development, genomic equivalence in      65—66
Development, genomic nonequivalence      77bx 219
Development, mosaic      68—69
Development, regulative      68—69
Development, role of environment      75
Developmental noise      17—18bx
Diacylglycerol      436
Dictyostelium discoideum, life cycle      79—80bx
Difference cloning      336
Differential display      283
Differentiation      65
Differentiation, maintenance      71—72
Differentiation, simple models      66—67 78—80bx
Digoxigenin system      360
Dihybrid cross      8—9f
Direct reversal repair      187—190
1 2 3 4 5
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