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Twyman R.M. — Advanced Molecular Biology: A Concise Reference
Twyman R.M. — Advanced Molecular Biology: A Concise Reference

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Íàçâàíèå: Advanced Molecular Biology: A Concise Reference

Àâòîð: Twyman R.M.


Advanced Molecular Biology - A Concise Reference provides in-depth coverage of 30 essential topics in molecular biology with particular focus on genetic information and its expression. The book emphasizes unifying principles and mechanisms, with comprehensive use of tables and boxes to summarize experimental data, gene and protein functions. Advanced Molecular Biology - A Concise Reference is written for upper level undergraduates, postgraduates and academics with an interest in molecular biology who need a convenient entry into the field.

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Áèîëîãèÿ/

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ed2k: ed2k stats

Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1998

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 499

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 23.03.2007

Îïåðàöèè: Ïîëîæèòü íà ïîëêó | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ññûëêó äëÿ ôîðóìà | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ID
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü
In situ hybridization      152 339 359
In situ PCR      284
In vitro mutagenesis      346—348
In vitro mutagenesis, systematic      347
In vitro packaging      330
In vivo footprinting      250
Incompatibility groups      276 277—278bx
Incompatibility of plasmids      272 275—276
Indel      205
Induced fit      244
Induction in development      69—71f
Induction of gene expression      114 463—464bx
Induction of latent virus      468
Induction, bacteriophage $\lambda$      483
Induction, community effect      70
Induction, homeogenetic      69
Induction, instructive      69
Induction, lateral inhibition      69—70f
Induction, morphogens in      69
Induction, permissive      69
Informational suppression      220—221
Informosome      412-413
Inhibition domains (of transcriptional repressors)      465
Initiation codon      127 130
Initiation factors, protein synthesis      316—317
Initiator tRNA, role in protein synthesis      316—317
Inositol phospholipids      436—438
Inositol-1,4,5-trisphosphate      436—437
Integrase, bacteriophage $\lambda$      385 484
Integrase, retroviral      165
Integrons      179—180
Interaction trap      345
Interference      160—161
Internal ribosome entry site      319
Intrabodies      366
Intrinsic termination of transcription      460
Intron-encoded proteins      417—418
Introns      104 137
Introns, origins and evolution      303
Introns, phase      302—303
Introns, splicing      416—417
Inverse PCR      284
Inverse transposition      174
Inversions      50—51f
ion channels      426
Iron response element      320 423—424
IS elements      176—177
Isoaccepting tRNAs      129 314—315
Isoallele      6 209 211
Isochore model      58 143—144
Isochromosomes      51
Isoelectric focusing      307 ch25
Isotropic bending      230
Isotypes      379
Isotypic exclusion      381
Iterons      276
J-gene segments      387
Jak-STAT pathway      429
Jelly roll motif      292
Jun, c-jun gene      254—258 441
Junk DNA      137
K-homology domain      244
Karyogram      134
Karyotype, abnormal      46t
Karyotype, normal      134
Killer factors      273
Killer plasmids      273 274
Killer system      272
Kinetochore      60—61
Kinetoplast DNA      268
Kissing complex      277
Klenow fragment      394
Klinefelter’s syndrome      48
Knudson, two hit hypothesis      258—259
Kozak consensus      317
Lac operon      463—464bx
Lampbrush chromosomes      60
Lariat intermediate      415
Leading strand — lagging strand model      390
Leaky allele      210
Lesions of DNA      185—186
Lethal allele      8
Leucine zipper      241 246
Licensing factor      29—30
Ligase chain reaction      285
lines      96 142 144
Linkage      9 373
Linkage equilibrium/disequilibrium      374
Linkage mapping      375 147—151
Linkage mapping, limitations to accuracy      159—161bx
Linkers      326
Linking number paradox      37
Lipid second messengers      436
Lipofection      349
Locus control region      41 451 462—463
Lod scores      148
Long range restriction map      338
Loops in polypeptides      290
Loss of function      210
Loss of heterozygosity      259
Lysogeny      468
Lytic infection      468
M phase      23
M phase/maturation—promoting factor      25—26
Macromolecules, determining mass      320bx
Macromolecules, separation      320 355
Macromutation      202
MADS box      73
Maintenance methylase      93
Major groove      228
MAP kinase      432—433t
Mapping function      160
MAT locus      377
Maternal effect      5—6 67f
Maternal genes, Drosophila      82—85bx
Maternal inheritance      263 264f
Mating type switching      377
Matrix-associated region      41
Mediator      453
Megaplasmids      271
Meiosis      373
Meiotic drive      6—8
Meiotic map      146
Mendelian inheritance      1—11
Mendel’s First Law      3
Mendel’s Second Law      8—9
Meristic character      11
Merozygote      117
Meselson — Stahl experiment      389—390
Mesoderm induction, Xenopus laevis      81
Messenger RNA (mRNA)      224 313
Messenger RNA (mRNA), life cycle in bacteria and eukaryotes      313—314
Messenger RNA (mRNA), processing      412—421
Metabolic block      215
Methylation interference assay      250t 251f
Microballistics      349
Microsatellite DNA      143
Minisatellite DNA      142—143
Minor groove      228
Misinstructional lesion      185
Mismatch      194
Mismatch repair, long patch      194—195
Mismatch repair, short patch      196—198
Missense mutation      204
Mitochondrial DNA, mutants      264—265t
Mitochondrial DNA, organization and gene expression      266—267
Mitochondrial DNA, replication      267—268
Mitochondriopathies      264
Mitosis      32
Mitosis, control of      30—32
Mitosis, mitotic recombination      375
Mitosis, mitotic segregation      376
Mixoploidy      54
Mobile generic elements      165—182
Mobilization of plasmids for transfer      118
Model organisms, genomics      133 145—146t
Modules, of proteins      287 300—301
Molecular chaperones      39 294—295
Molecular clock      213
Molecular cloning      323
Molecular cloning, analysis of cloned DNA      336—339
Molecular cloning, general principles      323—331
Molecular cloning, recovery of cloned DNA      331
Molecular cloning, strategies      331—336 332t
Molecular markers      149—501
Monoallelic expression      5 97—100 381
Monocistronc mRNA      104
Monohybrid cross      3—4f
Monoploid number      134
Morbid map      50
Morphogenesis      65 73—75
Mosaic      54
Motif, in DNA or polypeptide sequence      301
Motif, in protein structure      290—211
mRNA guanyltransferase      408 413
Muller classification      209
Multienzyme proteins, evolution by gene fusion      302
Multigene families      136 139 298
Multiple cloning site      327
Multiple crossovers      160
Multiple start sites      448
Multiplex PCR      281
Mutagen      187 188t
Mutagenesis, gene targeting      349—353
Mutagenesis, in vitro      346—348
Mutagenesis, induced      183—188
Mutagenesis, natural mechanisms      183—188 207—208 172—175
Mutant      201
Mutant alleles      209—211
Mutation      183 201
Mutation frequency      212
Mutation hotspots      211
Mutation pressure      212
Mutation rate      183 212
Mutation screening      337t
Mutation, functional consequences      203—207
Mutation, structural categories      201—203t
Mutator/antimutator genes      183 393
Myc, c-myc gene      254—258
MyoD gene family      140
N-formylmethionine      130 305—306
N-glycosidic bond      224
N-region diversity      380
Natural selection      212—213
Neomorph      210
Nested genes      106
Nested PCR      280
Neutral mutation      203
Neutron scattering      308
Niewkoop center      80—82
NOESY      308
Nonallelic interactions      9—11ft
Noncoding region      106
Nonconjunction      49
Nonconservative mutation      204
Nondisjunction      49f
Nonhistone proteins      37 239
Noninstructional lesion      185
Nonreciprocal recombination      376—378
Nonsense codon      127
Nonsense mutation      204
Nonsynonymous mutation      204
Norm of reaction      13
Northern blot/hybridization      338 357—358
Northwestern screen      250 358
Nuclear localization sequences      310
Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy      307—308
Nuclear matrix      38
Nuclear receptor family      241 431
Nuclear scaffold      38
Nucleases in molecular cloning      324t
Nucleases, biological roles      399
Nucleases, nuclease mapping      338—339t 340f
Nucleic acid hybridization      323 356—359bx
Nucleic acid hybridization in solution      357
Nucleic acid hybridization, parameters      356—357
Nucleic acid probes      359—360bx
Nucleic acid probes and nonisotopic labeling      360
Nucleic acid synthesis      407—408bx
Nucleic acid-binding proteins      235—252
Nucleic acid-binding proteins, recognition elements in      235—237
Nucleic acid-protein interaction      (see “Protein-nucleic acid interaction”)
Nucleic acids      223
Nucleic acids, backbone      225
Nucleic acids, conformational polymorphism      223 230
Nucleic acids, helical morphology      228—230 233bx
Nucleic acids, primary structure      223—226 228f
Nucleic acids, secondary structure      226—231
Nucleic acids, tertiary structure      231—232
Nucleoid, structure and organization      42—43
Nucleolar organizer region      58
Nucleosides      224
Nucleosome      35—36f
Nucleosome structure during replication/ transcription      39
Nucleosome, core particle      35
Nucleosome, displacement      39
Nucleosome, phasing      37—339
Nucleotide excision repair      192—194
nucleotides      225 226f 227t
Null allele      210
Ochre codon      127 204
Ochre suppressor      220
Okazaki fragments      391
Oligonucleotide mutagensis      356—357f
Oligonucleotides      225
Oncogene activation mechanisms      255—258tf
Oncogenes      253—258 259 261
One gene one enzyme model      103
Opal codon      127 204
Opal suppressor      220
Open reading frame      106 127 313
Operator      452 463
Operon      107 456
Organelle genetics      263—265
Organelle genomes      263—269
Organelle plasmids      268
Organizer      80—82
Origin of replication      401—404
Orthologous genes      298
Overlapping genes      106
P-DNA      174
P-element      178—179
P-element mutagensis      344
P-site (peptidyl-tRNA site), of ribosome      314
P1 artificial chromosome (PAC)      153 329
p53      33 260 441 456
Packaging ratio      35
Packaging site      122
Padlock probes      360
Pair rule genes      83 84
Paired family      239
Paralogous chromosome segments      300
Paralogous genes      298
Paramutation      7 96
Paranemic joint      231
Parasexual exchange, bacteria      117
Parental imprinting      5 97—100f
Parental imprinting enhancer competition      98
Parental imprinting role in mammalian development      99—100
Partial redundancy      140
1 2 3 4 5
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