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Twyman R.M. — Advanced Molecular Biology: A Concise Reference
Twyman R.M. — Advanced Molecular Biology: A Concise Reference

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Íàçâàíèå: Advanced Molecular Biology: A Concise Reference

Àâòîð: Twyman R.M.


Advanced Molecular Biology - A Concise Reference provides in-depth coverage of 30 essential topics in molecular biology with particular focus on genetic information and its expression. The book emphasizes unifying principles and mechanisms, with comprehensive use of tables and boxes to summarize experimental data, gene and protein functions. Advanced Molecular Biology - A Concise Reference is written for upper level undergraduates, postgraduates and academics with an interest in molecular biology who need a convenient entry into the field.

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Áèîëîãèÿ/

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Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1998

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 499

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 23.03.2007

Îïåðàöèè: Ïîëîæèòü íà ïîëêó | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ññûëêó äëÿ ôîðóìà | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ID
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü
Parvovirus      474
Passive transposition      169 170f
Pattern formation      65 72—75
PCR      279—285
PCR mutagenesis      282
PCR products, cloning      283
Pedigree analysis      15—16bx
Penetrance      8
Peptide nucleic acid (PNA)      366
Peptidyl-tRNA      318
PEST domain      310
Phage display      305 346
Phagemids      327—329
Phasmids      327
Phenocopy      17
Phenotype      2
Phenotypic variance      17—18bx
Philadelphia chromosome      258
Phosphodiester bond      225
Phosphoinositide 3-kinase      347f
Photoreactivation      190
Physical mapping, low resolution      151—152t
Physical maps      146
Pilus      118
Plaque lift      358-359
Plasmid cloning vectors      327—329
Plasmid maintenance      272 275—276t
Plasmid partition      22 272
Plasmid phenotypes      273
Plasmid replication      276—277
Plasmid rescue      176 344
Plasmids      271—278
Plasmids, classification      271—273
Plasmids, conjugarive and nonconjugative      272 273 277—278bx
Plasmids, copy number      273—275
Plectonemic joint      232
Pleiotropy      2 103
Ploidy      45 133—134
Point mutation      202
Polar mutation      110 319
Poly(A) tail      413
Polyadenylate polymerase      408 413
Polyadenylation      413
Polycistronic mRNA      104 266—268
Polygenic theory      12
Polymerase chain reaction      (see “PCR”)
Polymorphism      201 212
Polypeptides      287—289
Polypeptides, $N\rightarrowC$ polarity      287—289
Polypeptides, chemical bonds in      287—289f
Polyploidy      46—47
Polyproteins      105
Polyteny, polytene chromosomes      47 58—59
Poly{A)+ RNA      334 414
Position effect variegation      42
Position effects      45 207
Positional cloning      335—336
Positional information      65 72
Positive-negative dual selection      351—352f
Post-replicative mismatch repair      94 194—195
Potency      72
POU domain      238—239 246
Precise excision, of transposons      172
Preformation      65
Prime plasmid      272
Primer extension      38—39t 340f
Primers for PCR      279
Primers, arbitrary      281
Priming strategies      405t
Primosome      397
Prion hypothesis      479—481
Programmed misreading      319
Programmed mutation      212 218—220bx
Promiscuous DNA      268
Promoter      443
Promoter clearance      443
Promoter trap      345
Promoter, structure of bacterial      446f
Promoter, structure of eukaryote      448—449 446f
Proofreading in replication      183—185
Proofreading in translation      129
Prophage      468
Prosthetic group      292
Protein degradation      310
Protein families      297—304
Protein families, chimeric      287 300—303
Protein families, conventional      297—300
Protein families, selective expansion      303—304
Protein folding      293-294
Protein modification      295—297t
Protein polymorphisms      150 211
Protein secretion      309
Protein sequencing      307
Protein synthesis      313—322
Protein synthesis, elongation cycle      317—318
Protein synthesis, initiation      130 316—317f
Protein synthesis, overview of mechanism      315—316
Protein synthesis, regulation      318—320
Protein synthesis, termination      318f
Protein targeting      309—310bx
Protein targeting to membranes      310
Protein targeting to organelles      310
Protein targeting, signal sequences      308—309
Protein truncation test      337
Protein-nucleic acid interaction      232 235—252 343
Protein-nucleic acid interaction, characterization of      249—252
Protein-nucleic acid interaction, direct binding      244
Protein-nucleic acid interaction, modulation of tertiary structure      245
Protein-nucleic acid interaction, ordered water molecules      245
Protein-nucleic acid interaction, protein dimerization      244
Protein-nucleic acid interaction, sequence specificity      246—249
Proteins      287—310
Proteins, primary structure      287—289
Proteins, quaternary structure      292
Proteins, secondary structure      289—290
Proteins, structural determination      307—308bx
Proteins, tertiary structure      290—295
Proteome      288 304
Proto-oncogenes      254—255
Prototroph      215
Provirus      468
Pseudoautosomal inheritance      4 15—16
Pseudoautosomal region      4 57
Pseudogene      107 139
Pseudogene, nonprocessed      140
Pseudogene, processed      140 166 182
Pseudoknot      232
Puffer fish, use in genome analysis      155
Pulsed field gel electrophoresis      355—356
Quantitative inheritance      11—15
Quantitative PCR      284
Quantitative trait loci      150—151
Quenching      455
R-banding      59
Race      284
Radiation hybrid mapping      146—147f
Raf, raf gene      254—258 432
RAG proteins      381
Ramachandran plot      288—289f
Random genetic drift      212—213
Random mutagenesis      348
RAPD markers      150 281
Ras, ras gene      254—258 432
RB1 gene      29 33 258—260
Reading frame      127—128f
Readout of DNA sequences by proteins      246—249
Readthrough (protein synthesis)      319
Readthrough mutation      204
Reassociation kinetics      135 157—159bx
RecA in recombination      384bx
RecA in SOS mutagenesis      197—198
RecBCD nuclease      372
RecBCD pathway      372
Receptor serine/threonine kinases      430—411
Receptor tyrosine kinases      427—428f
Recessive      1—2 209
Reciprocal cross      4
Recombinant DNA      323 370
Recombinant selection      330—331
Recombination as a repair mechanism      197 371
Recombination fraction      148
Recombination frequency      147
Recombination signal sequence      380
Recombination, different classes      369—387 370t
Recombination, hotspots and coldspots      161
Recombination, molecular basis      384
Redundancy, structural and functional      140
Refolding model of prion replica Hon      480f
Regional specification      65
Rel family      242—243 256
Relaxed control, relaxed plasmid      272 277
Release factor      318
Reovirus      475
Rep protein bacterial helicase      398
Rep protein in plasmid replication      276—267
Repair deficiency syndromes      189t
Repairosome      193
Repetitive DNA      133 136 137 141f
Repetitive DNA mutations involving      207-8
Repetitive DNA, transposable elements as      141—142
Replication      389—409
Replication banding      59
Replication fidelity of      183—185
Replication fork      390
Replication initiation      400—404
Replication intermediates      409
Replication linear genomes      405—406t
Replication modes of      401t
Replication regulation      29—30 406—407
Replication slipping      184 208f
Replication termination      404—406
Replication time zone      406—407
Replication-deficient mutants      392—393t
Replicative form      392 473
Replicative intermediates      392
Repliconation      118—119f
Replisome      392—400
Replisome prokaryote and eukaryote compared      401t
Reporter genes      342—343t
Reporter vectors      343
Representational difference analysis      283
Resolution, of cointegrate      169 386
Response elements      458
Restriction enzymes/endonucleases      93 323—326 353—355bx
Restriction fragment length polymorphism      150 211
Restriction map      153—154 336—338f
Restriction point      25
Retinoblastoma      258—259
Retinoblastoma protein      29 33 258—260
Retroelements      180—182
Retrons      182
Retroposition      169—170 171f
Retroposons      182
Retroregulation      423 484
Retrotransposition      169—170 171f
Retrotransposons      180—181
Retroviruses generation of transgenic animals      364
Retroviruses life cycle      169—170 171f 468 475 476f
Retroviruses mechanism of integration      169—170 171f
Rev protein      421 485
Reverse genetics      213
Reverse hybridization      358
Reverse transcriptase      407 169—170 283—284 333 475—476
Reverse transcriptase PCR      283—284 339
reversion      209
Reversion $\rho$-dependent termination      460
Ribbon-helix-helix motif      242
Ribosomal proteins      314
Ribosomal RNA (rRNA)      224 314
Ribosomal RNA (rRNA) genes      58 136 139 300
Ribosomal RNA (rRNA) processing      412
Ribosome binding site      313
Ribosomes      314
Ribozymes      224 232
Ring chromosome      51
RNA      223—224
RNA editing      266—268 421 422t
RNA export      421
RNA polymerase II, C-terminal domain      449
RNA polymerases      407 443
RNA polymerases eukaryotic      447t
RNA processing      411—424 411t
RNA splicing      414-421
RNA splicing nuclear introns      414—416
RNA stability, regulation of      422—424
RNA structure      228f 230—231
RNA structure recognition by proteins      236—237
RNA targeting      421
RNA tumor viruses      254 256 258
RNA viruses      470 474—475
RNA viruses protein synthesis in eukaryotes      477t
RNA-binding motifs in proteins      237t 243—244
RNP domain      243
Robertsonian/whole arm      52—53
Rot analysis      157—159bx
RT-PCR      283—284 339
Runaway replication      274—275
S phase      23
SAP kinase      433—434
Satellite association      58
Satellite DNA      137 142
Satellite nucleic acids      479
Satellite region      58
Satellite viruses      479
Scanning hypothesis      317 319
Scanning mutagenesis      347
SCID      381
Second messengers      434—440
Second site mutations      220—22lbx
Segment polarity genes      73 83
Segregation, equal      3
Selection in genetic screens      214
Selection in molecular cloning      330—331
Selection natural and artificial      17—18bx 212—213
Selection pressure      213
Selenocysteine      130
Selenocysteine insertion sequence      130
Selenoproteins      130
Self-splicing introns      266—268 416—418
Selfish DNA      137
Sense codon      127
Sense strand      444
Sequence homogenization      287 299 300
Sequence tagged sites      153
Serial analysis of gene expression (SAGE)      304
Sex determination      75—76t
Sex-chromosomes      57
Sex-linkage, sex-linked inheritance      4—5f 15—16bx
Sexduction      119 125bx
SH2 domain      432 435 441
Shapiro intermediate      168f
Shine — Dalgamo sequence      316
Short tandem repeat polymorphism      150
Shotgun sequencing      163
Shuttle vector      327 341—342 360—361
Sib pair analysis      149
Sickle cell anemia/trait      212—213 216—217bx
Signal joint      380
Signal transduction      425—442
Signal transduction immune system      429—430
1 2 3 4 5
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