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Поиск книг, содержащих: One-parameter group
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Nagel R. — One-parameter semigroups of positive operators | 1, 6, 31 | Olver P.J. — Equivalence, Invariants and Symmetry | 36, 42, 55, 107, 117, 429 | Baker A. — Matrix Groups: An Introduction to Lie Group Theory | 57 | Brin M., Stuck G. — Introdution to dynamical system | 107 | Engel K.-J., Nagel R. — One-Parameter Semigroups for Linear Evolution Equations | 9 | Sepanski R.M. — Compact Lie Groups | 90 | Reich S., Shoikhet D. — Nonlinear Semigroups, Fixed Points, and Geometry of Domains in Banach Spaces | 158, 159 | Araki H. — Mathematical Theory of Quantum Fields | 205 | Bratteli O. — Derivations, Dissipations and Group Actions on C-Algebras | 4 | Duistermaat J.J., Kolk J.A.C. — Multidimensional Real Analysis II: Integration | 669 | Engel K.-J., Nagel R. — Short Course on Operator Semigroups | 12 | Bamberg P.G. — A Course in Mathematics for Students of Physics, Vol. 2 | 618 | Engel K.-J., Nagel R. — One-Parameter Semigroups for Linear Evolution Equations (preliminary version of 10 September 1998) | 32 | Bleecker D. — Gauge Theory and Variational Principles | 9 | Tapp K. — Matrix Groups for Undergraduates | 89 | Brocker Th., Dieck T.T. — Representations of Compact Lie Groups | 11 ff, 17 | Olver P.J., Shakiban C. — Applied linear. algebra | 481 | Libermann P., Marle Ch.M. — Symplectic Geometry and Analytical Mechanics | 347 | Berezin F.A., Shubin M.A. — The Schroedinger equation | 414 | Bertlmann R.A. — Anomalies in Quantum Field Theory | 79 | Petersen K.E. — Ergodic theory | 132 (see also Flow) | Alekseevskij D.V., Vinogradov A.M., Lychagin V.V. — Geometry I: Basic Ideas and Concepts of Differential Geometry | 62 | Montgomery D., Zippin L. — Topological transformation groups | 24, 105, 192 | Leuchs G., Beth T. (eds.) — Quantum Information Processing | 5 | Kirillov A.A., Gvishiani A.D., McFaden H.H. — Theorems and Problems in Functional Analysis | 134 | van der Meer J.-C. — The Hamiltonian Hopf Bifurcation | 6, 10 | Zeidler E. — Applied Functional Analysis: Applications to Mathematical Physics | 299 | Streater R.F. — Statistical Dynamics: A Stochastic Approach to Nonequilibrium Thermodynamics | 161 | Bluman G.W. — Similarity Methods for Differential Equations | 15, 23, 31, 77, 147, 149, 156 | Greub W., Halperin S., Vanstone R. — Connections, curvature, and cohomology. Volume 1 | 114, 157, 173 | Zorich V.A., Cooke R. — Mathematical analysis II | 350 | Zorich V. — Mathematical Analysis | 350 | Sagle A. A. — Introduction to Lie groups and Lie algebras | 80 |