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Kirillov A.A., Gvishiani A.D., McFaden H.H. — Theorems and Problems in Functional Analysis |
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-algebra 12
-ring 12
-algebra 12
-ring 12
-net 54
-perpendicular 177
Absolute continuity 33
Absolute continuity of a signed measure 36
Alexandrov line 142
Algebra of sets 12
Algebra, irreducible 220
angle 86
Anti-linearity 90
Approximation dimension 55
Axiom of choice (Zermelo’s axiom) 5
Ball, unit 38
Base of neighborhoods of zero 50
Basis, Hamel 274
Canonical imbedding of objects in a category into a sum 146
Canonical projection of a product of elements in a category onto a factor 147
Cantor set 180
Cantor staircase 165
Category 8
Centered system of sets 180
Ces ro means 316
Character on a group 104
Closure of an operator 125
Codimension 45
Cokernel 60
Commutative diagram 9
Commuting operators 127
Compact set 54
Complemented subspace 177
Completeness of a metric space 6
Completeness of an orthonormal system of vectors 88
Completion 6
Congruent pairs of subspaces 201
Conjugacy class of elements 204
Conjugate numbers 47
Continuous basis (coherent or overfilled system) 203
Convergence, almost everywhere 23
Convergence, in measure 23
Convergence, uniform 23
Convex body 173
Convex hull 171
Convolution of functions 96 100
Convolution of functions on the line 168
Countable monotonicity of a measure 14
Countable monotonicity of an outer measure 15
Countable topological basis 189
Cross-norms 49
Cross-norms, uniform 49
Cube, -dimensional 175
Cyclic vector 128
Diameter of a partition 28
Direct product of generalized functions 83
Direct sum of algebras 220
Disjoint union 12
Distribution, tempered 78
Doubly stochastic matrix 181
Dual category 10
Dual group 104
Enveloping algebra (associative hull) 146
Equation, heat conduction 217
Equation, integral, of the second kind with degenerate kernel 184
Equation, Volterra 184
Equicontinuous family of operators 51
Equimeasurable functions 157
Equivalence class 4
Equivalence of collections of seminorms 41
Equivalence of signed measures 36
Equivalence of well-ordered countable sets 141
Equivalent categories 11
Essential spectrum of an operator 229
Essential supremum 26
Extension of an operator 125
Extreme point 56
Extreme subset 180
Field of -adic numbers 144
Formula, Plancherel 112
Formula, Poisson 115
Formula, Stone’s 229
Fourier coefficients 107
Fourier transforms 107
Fourier transforms in the space 114
Fourier transforms of generalized functions 109
Fredholm alternative 66
Fredholm operator criterion 63
Free Abelian group 145
Free group 145
Free Lie algebra 146
Function, (complex, vector-valued), -measurable 22
Function, absolutely continuous 168
Function, almost periodic 198
Function, Bessel 208 324
Function, Borel 157
Function, characteristic 13
Function, continuous in the mean 186
Function, Dirac ( -function) 78 79
Function, Dirichlet 159
Function, essentially bounded 26
Function, Euler 141
Function, generalized, homogeneous, with degree of homogeneity ( , ) 195
Function, generalized, positive-definite 213
Function, generalized, regular 78
Function, generalized, with compact support 78
Function, generating 107
Function, Haar 199
Function, Heaviside 163
Function, integrable 26
Function, jump 163
Function, M bius 140
Function, M bius, classical 234
Function, measurable ( -measurable) 22 158
Function, positive-definite 210
Function, quasi-periodic 216
Function, Rademacher 199
Function, simple 24
Function, Steklov 212
Function, test 78
Function, Walsh 199
Function, weakly measurable 176
Functional operator calculus 116
Functor, covariant (contravariant) 10
Generalized (nonunitary) character 209
Gibbs phenomenon 317
Graph of an operator 124
Group algebra 96
Half-ring 12
Hausdorff criterion 54
Heine — Borel property 71
Hermitian conjugate matrix 91
Hermitian dual space 90
Hermitian form 92
Hermitian symmetry 85
Hilbert basis 89
Hilbert dimension 89
Homotopically equivalent sets 279
Hyperplane 45
Idempotent 220
Identity, Cayley’s 325
Identity, Euler 182
Identity, Hilbert 333
Identity, Sokhotskii 193
Index of an operator 60
Indicatrix, Banach 165
Inductive limit 148
Inequality, Bessel’s 88
Inequality, Cauchy — Bunyakovskii 85
| Inequality, H lder’s 47
Inequality, Minkowski integral 185
Integer lattice 96
Integer, -adic 144
Integral sum, Lebesgue 132
Integral sum, Riemann 227
Integral sum, Riemann — Stieltjes 28
Integral, Fourier 107 110
Integral, Lebesgue 27
Integral, Lebesgue, of a simple function 25
Integral, Riemann — Stieltjes 29
Integral, Riemann, with respect to a projection-valued measure 227
Integral, weak 176
Integral, with respect to a projection-valued measure 132
Interlacing principle 202
Inverse Fourier transformation 109
Isomorphic objects of a category 8
Jordan block 220
Kernel 59
Largest (smallest) element 4
Lemma, Fatou’s 32
Lemma, Zorn’s 5
Length of a word 241
Lexicographical order 141
Limit, of a sequence of sets 151
Limit, supremum (infimum) of a sequence of sets 151
Linear manifold 45
Luzin -property 157
Majorant (minorant) 4
Mapping, bounded 189
Mapping, sequentially continuous 189
Mapping, sequentially continuous, in the variables jointly 190
Maximal (minimal) element 4
Measure 13
Measure, -finite 17
Measure, countably additive ( -additive) 13
Measure, inner 152
Measure, Lebesgue 18
Measure, outer 14
Measure, projection-valued 131
Measure, quasi-invariant, with respect to translations 167
Measure, Wiener 22
Measure, with a countable base 185
Measures, disjoint 17
Minkowski functional 39
Mixed area of a pair of sets 273
Mixed volume of a pair of sets 273
Morphism, functorial (natural transformation of functors) 10
Morphism, identity 8
Morphism, of a category 8
Natural domain 126
Net (direction) 4
Newton’s Formulas 326
Norm 38
Norm of an operator 43
Norm, -adic 143
Object of a category 8
One-parameter group 134
Opening between subspaces 201
Operator, adjoint 43
Operator, almost invertible 62
Operator, closed 125
Operator, compact (completely continuous) 57
Operator, continuous linear 50
Operator, creation (annihilation) 183 213
Operator, essentially selfadjoint 125
Operator, Fredholm 60
Operator, Hermitian adjoint 91
Operator, Hilbert — Schmidt 184 202
Operator, Laplace 217
Operator, normal 91
Operator, nuclear 203
Operator, occupation number 213
Operator, of finite rank 57
Operator, of fractional integration (fractional differentiation) 208
Operator, particle number 213
Operator, positive 91
Operator, regular 219
Operator, selfadjoint (Hermitian) 91 125
Operator, unbounded 124
Operator, unitary 91
Operator, Volterra 222
Operator, with simple spectrum 128
Order of a generalized function 80 81
Orthogonal complement 86
Orthogonal projection 91
Orthogonal reflection 200
Orthogonality 86
Orthogonalization process 89
Orthonormal system of vectors 88
Parallelogram law 87 199
Parseval’s equality 88
Partial isometry 202
Partition of unity 190
Point, Lebesgue 157
Point, of density of a set 154
Polar decomposition of an operator 202
Polynomials, Bernoulli 198
Polynomials, Legendre, Tchebycneff, Laguerre, Hermite 303
Pontryagin duality principle 105
Positive linear functional 187
Positive semidefiniteness 85
Principal value of an integral in the Cauchy sense 192
Product of objects in a category 147
Product of partially ordered sets 140
Product, torsion (of groups) 147
Projective limit 148
Quadratic form 92
Quaternions 84
Quotient set 4
Range of an operator 59
Reflexivity 3
Region 69
Relation 3
Relation, equivalence 3
Relation, partial-order 4
Relation, total order 4
Relation, transposed 3
Relations, composition of 3
Representation of the algebra 228
Resolvent of an operator 117
Resolvent set 119
Reversing arrows 11
Ring of subsets 12
Ring, generated by a collection 13
Scalar product 84
Segment (interval) 38
Semicontinuity of a measure 152
Seminorm 38
Sequence, -shaped 205
Sequence, convex 200
Sequence, exact 60
Sequence, exact, at a term 60
Sequence, positive-definite 212
Sequence, rapidly converging 27
Sequence, semi-exact 60
Set 5
Set, -measurable 15
Set, absorbing 38
Set, balanced 38
Set, bounded above (below) 4
Set, bounded above (below), in a polynormed space 71
Set, bounded above (below), in an LTS 171
Set, convex 38
Set, directed 4
Set, Egorov 158
Set, Lebesgue (of a function) 22
Set, Lebesgue measurable 15
Set, Lebesgue measurable, with respect to a -finite measure 17
Set, level 159
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