Результат поиска |
Поиск книг, содержащих: Faithful module
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Brown W.C. — Matrices over communicative rings | 234 | Matsumura H. — Commutative algebra | 261 | Artin M. — Algebra | 491 | Ash R.B. — Abstract algebra: the basic graduate year | 7.1, 9.2, 9.4 | Stenstroem B. — Ring of quotients. Introduction to methods of ring theory | 44 | McConnell J.C., Robson J.C. — Noncommutative Noetherian Rings | 0.3.2 | Roggenkamp K.W., Huber-Dyson V. — Lattices Over Orders I | I 39 | James G., Liebeck M.W. — Representations and Characters of Groups | 44, 56, 85 | Petrich M. — Rings and Semigroups | 71 | Yam T.Y. — Lectures on Modules and Rings | 52, 58, 100, 481, 485, 495, 538 | Bourbaki N. — Algebra I: Chapters 1-3 | III, § 1, no. 12 | Beachy J.A. — Abstract Algebra II | 56 | Jensen C.U., Lenzing H. — Model Theoretic Algebra with particular emphasis on Fields, Rings, Modules | 402 | Stenstrom B. — Rings of quotients: an introduction to methods of ring theory | 44 | Hazewinkel M. — Handbook of Algebra (part 2) | 170 | Hungerford T.W. — Algebra | 418 | Ya Helemskii A., West A. — Banach and locally convex algebras | 280 | Van Oystaeyen F.M.J., Verschoren A.H.M.J. — Non-Commutative Algebraic Geometry: An Introduction | 10 | Xue W. — Rings With Morita Duality | 8 | Hazewinkel M. — Handbook of Algebra (часть 1) | 846 | Kaplansky I. — Infinite Abelian Groups | 66 |