Результат поиска |
Поиск книг, содержащих: Sedgewick, Robert
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Graham R.L., Knuth D.E., Patashnik O. — Concrete mathematics | 601 | TeX82 program code documentation | 2 | Sipser M. — Introduction to the theory of computation | 418 | Knuth D.E. — The art of computer programming (vol. 2 Seminumerical Algorithms) | 540 | Purdom R.W., Brown C.A. — The analysis of algorithms | 4, 20, 25, 37, 75, 83, 121, 388, 480, 498 | von zur Gathen J., Gerhard J. — Modern computer algebra | 661, 724 | von zur Gathen J., Gerhard J. — Modern computer algebra | 661, 724 | Knuth D.E. — The art of computer programming (Vol. 2. Seminumerical algorithms) | 518 | Lawrence C. Paulson — ML for the working programmer | 105, 108 | Knuth D.E. — The art of computer programming (vol. 3 Sorting and Searching) | 91, 93, 95, 114, 115, 122, 136, 152, 155, 157, 477, 512, 623, 629, 630, 633, 638, 645, 674, 726 | Smyth B. — Computing patterns in strings | 150, 154 | Kernighan B.W., Pike R. — The practice of programming | 59 | Greene D.H., Knuth D.E. — Mathematics for the analysis of algorithms | 84, 85, 86 | Greene D.H., Knuth D.E. — Mathematics for the analysis of algorithms | 80, 81, 82 | Sipser M. — Introduction to the Theory of Computation | 384 |